As the old saying goes, he has no money. Xie Qian owns Chunfeng tavern, Jinsha brothel and Jianshang bank. This powerful asset almost controls the whole world of Weicheng. He has the same scenery for a while, but it also attracts some people's attention.

"Come on, seal this place for me!"

Several officials rushed to the door of the builder's Bank, and then a large group of people rushed over, while a man in white horse and official uniform walked in.

"What are you doing?"

Jianshang bank is the top priority in Xie Qian's plan, so there is a famous guard guarding here. Zhang Fei is also here at the moment. In front of these people, he won't let them in.

"Well! You are all guilty. Come on, arrest me. "

The man in the official uniform said with a sneer.

Xie Qian happened to be in the bank at this time. He asked Zhang Fei to get out of the way and came to the man in official uniform.

"I'm the boss here. What can I do for you?"

Xie Qian said.

"Who asked you to open a bank here? Did you ask me? You can't start a bank without my permission! "

"Who are you?"

Xie Qian looked at the man with some funny eyes.

Ding. Xie Qian system started

[Name: Li Xuan]

[gender: male]

[strength: 10]

[physical strength: 10]

[defense: 10]

[speed: 10]

[Intelligence: - 10]

[Charm: 0]

"This man is Li Xuan, the leader of Weicheng..."

A lot of stories about Li Xuan have been dug out by Xiaobai. When he was a few years old, he began to wet his bed and weaned clearly. Then Xie Qian frowned. Li Xuan is not a good man. Because he is the leader of Weicheng, he does everything wrong.

The reason why the four families of Weicheng can be arrogant and domineering in Weicheng is that Li Xuan, the leader of Weicheng, acts as a protective shield.

"I'm Li Xuan, the Lord of Weicheng. I'm announcing the closure of your place."

Li Xuan said with a sneer that Jianshang bank has been very popular recently, and he heard that the wealth is the best in the world, and the amount of silver borrowed is not a small amount.

Li Xuan is greedy, so he will not let go of this fat meat.

"Oh? What's your reason for closing down here? "

Xie Qian said coldly.

"Hum, you're searching for people's fat and cream. Shouldn't you seal it up?"

Li Xuan said casually.

"Yes? I don't know what people's fat and cream I've plundered. Instead, it's you who've done all the bad things over the years. Have you forgotten that you were jealous of manager Liu's property last year, killed him alive, dumped him in the wilderness, occupied other people's wives and daughters, and robbed them of 150000 taels of silver? "

"Also, the year before last, you let your soldiers kill boss Zhang's son, and slandered others for starting first, asking for 80000 taels of silver."


Things are listed by Xie Qian. Li Xuan's face changes greatly. At this moment, he looks at Xie Qian with fear.

How did Xie Qian know these things? He's very secretive, but he never let it out.

"So this is Li Xuan?"

"Ha ha, he is not a good man himself. Last year, I was killed by him too..."

"Hum, I said how shopkeeper Liu disappeared overnight."

The people watching the play outside the bank were filled with indignation. These things were covered up by Li Xuan very well and never exposed. It shows that when we met Xie Qian today, then all the truth came out.

"You're bullshit

Li Xuan angrily pointed his finger at Xie Qian and yelled to the soldiers to catch him. But Zhang Fei gave a cold smile and immediately took out a spear.

This spear is different from others. It weighs 80 Jin. Its head looks like a silver snake. It is very sharp.

This is Zhang Ba snake spear specially made by Xie Qian for Zhang Fei!

"I see who will catch up!"

Zhang Fei said with a big drink.

"You are rebellious!"

Li Xuan said angrily, but Xie Qian shook his head and went to the Lord.


A slap fell on the Lord's face, and the people outside the bank applauded.

"Good fight!"

"Beat him, beat the son of a bitch."

"Well, such people deserve to be killed!"

Hearing the people outside shouting, Li Xuan turned pale in anger and looked at Xie Qian in pain.

"I'm sorry, all the evil things you do have been written into a book and sent to your boss quickly. In a few days, you will be the leader of the city!"

Xie Qian said coldly, with a wave of his big hand, the man who chased Mingwei caught the soldier, and Li Xuan was also caught by Zhang Fei.

"If I don't go to see you, you'll send it to me. I'll save you a trip."

Xie Qian said coldly that, of course, he was just talking nonsense. This is the first time he met Li Xuan, and also the first time he knew that Li Xuan was guilty of many evils, and he didn't let people tell others about his crime.

But Li Xuan seems to have a deep faith in it.

"Master, how do you know this guy is a villain? Will the county send someone to replace him

Zhang Fei asked curiously.

"I don't know. Just say it."

Xie Qian said with a smile. Then he waved and walked towards the inside of the bank. Li Xuan's IQ was a negative number. He threatened him casually, but he didn't expect to succeed.

It's good to save him trouble.

After entering the bank, Li Shishi of Jinsha brothel also came here. The famous prostitute stood in front of Xie Qian. She also saw the scene just now. Now she is very curious why Xie Qian is so bold and dare to fight the Lord of Weicheng.

"What's the matter? Can I help you? "

Xie Qian asked curiously.

"My Lord, we found something about the Zhao family in Jinsha brothel, so I came here to report it to you."

Li Shishi said to Xie Qian, "the Zhao family has been digging a vein outside Weicheng recently. It seems that they have found something, and the money they borrowed from the bank is not used in the industry, but all invested in it."

Xie Qian frowned, the vein? What is the Zhao family doing?

"It is speculated that the vein may be a precious ore, producing precious stones."

Li Shishi looks at Xie Qian. Xie Qian is not bad looking. She is the kind that girls like when they see him.

"So it is."

Xie Qian said with a smile, at the same time Xiaobai issued a task.

"The main task is to become the richest man in Weicheng, to control all the money of the four families, to obtain the ownership of baokuang, and to develop the county city business road."

This task is to let Xie Qian no way to refuse, since it is the main task, then must go to complete.

"Xiaobai, do you know what gems are produced in baokuang?"

"In this world, precious minerals are extremely rare. Every precious stone is worth thousands of gold, which is even rarer than gold. Generally, mastering a precious mineral is equivalent to having countless wealth."

Xiaobai explained to Xie Qian.

"So it is. No wonder the Zhao family has the courage to borrow money from me. If they really get the gems, they will have more money than me? Pooh? It's all mine. It's my money! "

Xie Qian laughs. As long as he controls baokuang, isn't he the richest man in Weicheng?

"It seems that I need a good plan."

Xie Qian's mouth outlines another point of attention.

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