Then, Jiang Wanyi's heart gushed a strong anger, he did not say anything, directly pointed to Xie Qian's angry voice and cried: "give me up, smash this hotel, beat that boy to death, who can beat him down and bring him to me, I let him be the chief captain, and get 50000 yuan a month!"

Hearing Jiang million's words, the workers in the rear immediately got excited.

Although the workers were not loyal to Chiang Kai Shek, there must be brave men under the heavy reward. When they heard that they could be promoted to the commander in chief, and their monthly salary increased to 50000, they were immediately excited.

In an instant, thousands of people immediately rushed to Xie Qian with a roar, as if to rob money.

Jiang million is with Jiang Tianfeng and Jiang Fugui a few people back to the car, opened the door to sit in.

After all, the scene outside is too chaotic, and they are easily injured outside.

Looking at the thousands of workers rushing over, Xie Qian kept his smile on his face and whispered to Hans beside him, "Hans, you'll protect Wang Meng and Li Xiao later and break out from the right side."

"What about you, boss?"

Hearing Xie Qian's words, Hans immediately asked nervously.

After all, their duty is to protect Xie Qian. If something happens to Xie Qian, they will also bear serious consequences.

What's more, in the past few days, they also respect Xie Qian, a forthright and generous boss. They don't want him to be hurt.

"Me? Ha ha, I don't need you to worry. I call one, two, three, and you rush out to the right. We'll fight in my villa of Jinhua real estate in the evening! "

After hearing Xie Qian's words, Hans nodded and didn't say much. Although he was worried about Xie Qian's safety, in order not to disturb Xie Qian's plan, they decided to obey Xie Qian's order.

Seeing that Hans agreed, Xie Qian took out a small ball from his arms, looked at Hans and said with a smile, "are you ready? 1、 Two, three

As soon as the voice fell, Xie Qian raised his hand directly and smashed the ball heavily towards the ground in front of him.

At the same time, Hans let out a roar like a brown bear and dashed out to the right.

As soon as the small ball touched the ground, it burst, but what burst out was not some fire shrapnel, but a thick fog like a white curtain!

"They want to run!"

Jiang million opened the window and roared at his own people: "stop them, don't let them escape!"

Thousands of workers roared and rushed to Hans, but these workers had never received any formal training. When they ran, they bumped and tripped with each other from time to time. Before they rushed to Hans, they were in chaos.

Then, the thick fog in the small ball that Xie Qian smashed erupted more violently. After a while, the open space in front of the hotel was completely shrouded in white fog.

Everyone can only see the situation about one meter in front of him. The thick fog shrouded about ten meters upward and diffused into several streets around him.

This is one of the items that Xie Qian exchanged from the points store. The white fog ball can create a dense fog with extremely low visibility in a certain area. It lasts for 30 minutes and is worth 100 points.

In the thick fog, because there was no one to see, Chiang's advantage in the number of one million workers disappeared immediately, and they were just like a lost ant scurrying in the thick fog.

After two laps, the workers became confused about their position.

"Damn it

Jiang million angrily scolded, pushed open the car door and went down, shouting: "don't shout, don't shout, you idiots, listen to the voice, they have been fighting over there, listen to the voice to find it!"

After Jiang Baiwan gave the order, the noisy workers gradually became quiet, and other voices gradually became clear.

Hans, the sound of their fighting with the workers came out.

Although Hans and his family had fled ahead of time, there were so many workers that they had to hand over to a group of workers.

In the thick fog, they only face a small number of people, but more people are following the sound to find the past.

In Jiang Baiwan's mind and the workers' mind, Xie Qian will certainly run away with Hans and others. After all, without Hans and others' protection, Xie Qian, who looks very thin, even if he meets one or two workers, may be knocked down and beaten violently.

What they didn't expect was that Xie Qian's goal was not to escape at all, and he was not as weak as he seemed.

At this moment, Xie Qian is standing in the same place, holding a lady's hairpin.

Card No.10: an attached item. After use, you can get No.10 attached by the assassin of Yinsha gate. It lasts for three minutes and is worth 200 points.

This is something that Xie Qian finally found after turning over dozens of pages of the items in the points mall.

What is the hidden killing gate? Xie Qian has never heard of it. He doesn't know who number 10 is.

The reason why we choose this thing is that it meets several conditions.

Attached items belonging to Assassin category have the highest value, need 200 points to exchange, and have the shortest duration.

Combined with these conditions, we can come to a conclusion that this is absolutely a top-level attached card. According to the rules of the system, it can bring Xie Qian's ability, which must be worth the money.

The only drawback may be that the displayed item is a female hairpin, but at this critical moment, it seems that women's clothing is not a big deal.

Xie Qian stood in the same place, looking at the position of Jiang million, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"In 30 minutes, I'll kill you."

Then he put the hairpin on his head.

Just then, a worker was holding a shovel and rushed to Xie Qian where he was, and saw Xie Qian.

"There are people here!"

The worker immediately let out his voice and cried out.

As a result, in his eyes, Xie Qian's figure flashed twice and disappeared from the original place.


The worker gaped at the front, reached out and rubbed his eyes, thinking that he had just hallucinated.

Several workers nearby heard the sound and rushed over. Seeing the empty ground, they immediately slapped the worker and scolded angrily: "Han skull, where is anyone!"

The worker looked around in a daze. Finally, he gave a smile and said, "well, maybe I'm wrong. I'm wrong."

When other workers heard this, they left and looked in other directions.

That worker looked carefully again, the body involuntarily hit a cold war, in the heart suffused with a trace of chill.

"Damn, what's the matter? Dayi has seen a ghost."

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