After the ambulance pulled the three men to the hospital, it was only a symbolic process, and the hospital directly announced the death of them.

Cause of death: heart attack.

It seems so strange. In fact, even the doctors who do the tests can't believe it.

But science doesn't lie. They've gone through a series of tests. No matter from which point of view, Jiang's three people are all in line with the characteristics of death from heart attack.

Therefore, in the end, Zhao Zhicheng and his colleagues can only accept the result, even if they don't believe it.

In the morgue of the hospital, Zhao Zhicheng looked at the bodies of the three people alone, and his mouth slowly showed a smile.

He realized that the opportunity he had been waiting for had finally come.

The three members of the Jiang family died suddenly. They and their sons are the only ones in power in the company.

Maybe it's because there are too many evils. Neither Jiang Baiwan nor Jiang Fugui has offspring, and Jiang Baiwan's wife died early.

In other words, Zhao Zhicheng is the only successor of million construction company.

"Ha ha ha, my good day for Zhao Zhicheng is finally coming!"

Zhao Zhicheng said with a sneer.

At this time, Xie Qian had already taken a taxi by the side of the road and was on his way to his villa in Jinhua real estate.

On the way, he also called Li Li to show her the situation outside the hotel.

Knowing that millions of people from the company outside the hotel had left, Xie Qian asked Li Li to take leave for other employees, and then took Lin's sisters to his villa.

After getting the reply, Xie Qian hung up. Just at this time, a huge sign of million companies flashed through the window.

"Ah, master, stop."

Xie Qian stopped the taxi, then pointed to the sign of the million company next to him and said, "master, can you send me to this company to have a look?"

"All right."

The taxi driver promised, turned the front of the car and walked in the direction indicated by the sign. Before long, he came to the front of a huge courtyard.

Million companies do not seem to exclude visitors, taxis directly along the gate of the courtyard opened into.

Seeing the situation in the courtyard of million companies, even Xie Qian was surprised.

Even he had to admit that Chiang Kai Shek was bad, but he still had some skills.

It's a company, but it looks like a super large school.

The yard covers an area of nearly hundreds of thousands of square meters. There are canteens, dormitories, stadiums and a super large parking lot with large buses.

All the workers under Chiang's command usually live in this yard. Once there is work to do, they will take all the workers with them by bus.

It seems that their company never solicits outside projects. Almost all the workers are local people in Quyang County. On weekdays, these workers live in dormitories, and they can only go home for two days on holiday.

If you know, Jiang million started a construction company. If you don't know, you may think that he is trying to build a team and do something important.

After killing Jiang Baiwan, Xie Qian had the idea of building Quyang County in his heart. To build Quyang County, no one in his hands can obviously do it.

When he saw the situation in this million company, Xie Qian suddenly felt that it would be a pity if the workers who had gathered together were scattered like that.

It seems a better choice to gather them and use their strength to build Quyang County.

After all, it was Chiang Kai Shek who did evil, and the workers were not wrong.

"OK, master, take me to Jinhua real estate."

After a brief look at the situation in the million company, Xie Qian did not continue to look at it. Anyway, Jiang million has died, and the million company may not last long.

When the taxi takes Xie Qian to Jinhua real estate, Hans and Li Li have already arrived and are waiting at the intersection.

"Ha ha, here we are. I'm sorry for the delay on the way."

Xie Qian stepped down from the taxi, waved and said with a smile.

"Damn, you bastard, we thought you were trapped in the hands of Jiang million. If Li Li hadn't come to persuade us, we would have gone back to you!"

Wang Meng came over to hammer Xie Qian and said.

Although his words were a little rough, Xie Qian could also feel his worry, and his heart was also moved.

"I'm ok, ha ha, don't worry about me, just how those guys can be my opponents."

Xie Qian said with a smile.

Li Xiao also came forward, looked at Xie Qian and asked: "I said QIANZI, what did you just do? Why didn't you go with us?"

"It's nothing. I just went to do some small things on the way to escape."

Later, Xie Qian whispered to Li Xiao and Wang Meng in a low voice: "don't worry, I have a secret weapon."

"What secret weapon?"

The curiosity of Li Xiao and Wang Meng has been aroused.

"Silly you."

Xie Qian said with a smile: "it's all said that it's a secret weapon. Can it be called a secret if you say it?"

When they heard Xie Qian's words, Li Xiao and Wang Meng had no choice but to smile, so they didn't ask any more questions.

Anyway, it's good to get out of danger in the end. As for the process, it doesn't matter to them.

After that, Xie Qian went to the side and looked at Hans and them. These strong men broke out from the dangerous environment just now, but they only suffered some minor injuries. Everyone was in high spirits and could not see that they had just experienced a big war.

Xie Qian patted Hans on the arm and said with a smile, "it's hard. I'll draw a million dollars from Secretary Li. It's a reward for you."

"No, boss."

Hans said with a smile, "this is what we should do. The company has already paid us."

"Ha ha, here I am, reward for meritorious deeds and punish for wrongs. You are welcome."

Xie Qian encouraged Hans and them, and then led them into the villa.

Xie Qian's villa area is very large, the upper and lower floors add up to more than 20 rooms, the villa is surrounded by a very broad manor.

Wang Meng and Li Xiao had never been to such a luxury villa. As soon as she came in, she looked around. She was so excited that she completely forgot the adventure just now.

Lin Dandan and Lin Huihui's performance is very calm, there is no too surprised reaction.

Xie Qian noticed this, and his face showed a thoughtful expression. It is reasonable to say that with the current living conditions of Lin Dandan and Lin Huihui, it is impossible to be indifferent to such a villa.

If it's Lin Dandan, it can be explained by her strong self-esteem, but even Lin Huihui, a simple girl, is very calm, which is a bit abnormal.

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