In the northwest corner of the hall on the third floor of the casino, there are four young people sitting next to a small round table.

The celebrities and dignitaries who came and went around, when they saw the four people sitting here, they intentionally or unintentionally avoided this side, so that a large space appeared near the four people.

Many of the older guests will show some disgust when they see these four young people. At the same time, they seem to be secretly glad that they are not their own sons.

These four young people, they give themselves the title of the four heroes of Bingzhou, but among the rumors in the upper class of Bingzhou, they all say that they are the four evils of Bingzhou.

Bingzhou four heroes are basically the young masters of a relatively large business group or family in Bingzhou city. Because they don't do business all day long, they have to eat, drink and play, and then they get together.

In two or three days, they have to do something in Bingzhou city.

But because of the face of the forces behind them, other people, even if they suffer from their losses, can only swallow it in silence. Therefore, they can say that they are walking horizontally in Bingzhou city and have never been wronged.

"I didn't expect these guys to be here too. Well, I don't know what they are going to do tonight."

Next to him, a middle-aged uncle in a famous suit turned his back and whispered, staring at his beer belly.

Next to him, another middle-aged, thin and tall man also sighed and said, "yes, it's not good to have these guys here. If I didn't want to see the ace who won 150 million from the casino, I wouldn't come here."


Hearing tall and thin, the fat middle-aged uncle also replied, "how much did you lose here last time?"

"More than 50 million."

The tall and thin man rubbed his hands and said excitedly, "I lost miserably last time. This time, I'll see if I can touch that guy's light and win him back all at once."

"Well, play is OK." Chubby middle-aged uncle said, glancing at Bingzhou four heroes, whispered: "but don't play with them, or even if you win, you won't get the money."

Thin and tall nodded: "of course, and I think those guys are not in a good mood today. I'm sure I'll avoid them. Then I can get together and find myself unhappy."

While talking, the two middle-aged uncles walked towards the interior of the banquet hall. In order not to contact the four young people, they directly hid far away.

The four young people didn't know much about their situation, or they didn't care.

If Xie Qian is here, he will be surprised to find that there are two people he knows.

One of the young men with glasses patted the man beside him on the shoulder and said, "Hey, Zhang Shao, what's the matter with you today? Aren't we here to have fun? Why do you always feel depressed? "

"Hey, don't mention Li Shao. I'm a little fucked today. In the afternoon, I was wronged by 40 million people, and I'm still upset."

Zhang Shao waved his hand and said irritably: "Lu Qing and I were wronged for money together. He didn't have enough money. I helped him out with those 20 million. Now he's also banned by his father."

"I said," why didn't your little fellow Lu Qing come with you? "

The young man with glasses, known as Li Shao, turned to the other side and said, "what about you? Huang Shao, why are you pulling a face? It's also been wronged for 40 million? "

"Me? Almost. I've been cheated. Damn it, a boy made me spend 40 million to buy a 20 million villa. Later, I called Lu Qing's father over. As a result, even Lu Qing's father was beaten. "

Huang Shao began to talk about it. The more he said it, the more angry he became. Later, he could not help slapping it on the table, and the yellow hair on his head exploded.

Li Shao, who was wearing glasses, echoed

"What's the matter? In Bingzhou, only my brother has ever bullied others. Why are you both bullied today?"

Finally, he turned to the other side and looked at the last one of Bingzhou's four outstanding men who had never spoken. He asked, "brother Huzi, how do you say that? The brothers are all angry. It's very calm."

"Deal with him!"

The man called brother Huzi said simply.

Among these four people, the other three are usually called Li Shao and Zhang Shao directly. Only brother Huzi is called brother by them.

It's not because brother Huzi has a background. In terms of background and identity, several people are quite different.

The reason for this is that brother Huzi is famous for his bravery and stupidity, commonly known as Kan huo'er!

Belongs to the kind of person who dares to touch his head even on the train if he is offended.

In these years, the four heroes of Bingzhou have done many things, such as bullying men and women, blackmailing people. However, the other three are generally more tactful. Only this tiger brother, as long as he does it, someone will be hurt.

Once, he even broke his limbs, and finally he lost millions of money, which was the end of the matter.

Just because this guy is so reckless, the other three people call him brother Huzi with three points of respect, three points of ridicule, and maybe even three points of fear.

Brother Huzi is very satisfied with this title, because his name is Zhao Hu. There is a word "tiger" in his name, so people around him should call him brother Huzi.

At the moment, brother Huzi directly expressed his attitude.


Li Shao, a man with glasses, exclaimed. He patted Huang Shao and Zhang Shao on the shoulder and said with a smile, "you see, even brother Huzi has spoken. Let's go out with the four heroes of Bingzhou to find the two guys and clean them up."

After that, Li Shao added: "by the way, what are the names of the two people you are talking about?"

Zhang Shao shook his head and said, "I don't know. I haven't had time to inquire about the boy's name."

Huang Shao frowned and said, "I don't hear much about it. It seems that it's Xie's surname. I don't know exactly what his name is."

"No way."

Li Shao felt helpless: "you don't even know your name."

Just at this time, next to the big screen in the VIP Hall on the third floor, manager Huang of the casino came out and said in a loud voice: "congratulations to Mr. Xie Qian for winning 150 million yuan in this casino." now let's welcome Mr. Xie Qian to the stage.

Around the guests, the whole city of Bingzhou, most of the dignitaries are focused on the past.

Li Shao also looked up and half jokingly said, "the surname Xie is not Xie Qian. Ha ha, if it is true, it's a coincidence."

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