Xie Qian is not used to them, not to mention that he has never heard of the name of Bingzhou four heroes. Even if he knows, he will not hesitate when he should make a move.

All the guests saw that Xie Qian had kicked Zhao Hu, and they were in an uproar.

This scene even shocked them more than Xie Qian's winning 150 million yuan.

After all, there are two big winners who win a lot of cash in Shengyun casinos every year, but none of them dare to compete with the four best players in Bingzhou.

Even many of the old people who were far higher than the four heroes in Bingzhou would not openly fight against these four guys.

You know, behind the four heroes in Bingzhou, they are almost the four strongest economic forces in Bingzhou.

Zhang Shao is a member of Zhang's group.

Huang Shao represents a mysterious force that has been transferred from the capital to Bingzhou city. This Shengyun casino is their industry.

Li Shao is the famous young master of million group, and million jinqiong is their family.

This million group is not comparable to Jiang million and their million construction company. Million group is a super huge business group rising in Bingzhou city. Its influence in Bingzhou city is bigger than the other two.

As for Zhao Hu, his background is not complicated, but belongs to the kind that can not be said.

In fact, being able to commit multiple wounding crimes and still be at large is enough to show his unusual identity.

Few people in Bingzhou dare to challenge such a huge force.

And the four of them work together. Although they are all jerks, others will also consider whether there is any other deep meaning behind this.

For example, whether there is some tacit understanding among the forces behind the four, relying on the four to maintain a certain balance in mutual constraints.

After all, it's hard to accommodate two tigers in one mountain, and there are four tigers in Bingzhou city. The four tigers can live together in peace for so many years. If there is no communication in private, it's obviously impossible.

Therefore, for the surrounding guests, Xie Qian's kick is not only Zhao Hu, but also the face of the four forces.

That's the real reason why others are shocked.

"Good boy, I'm afraid you don't know how to write dead words!"

While supporting Zhao Hu, Li Shao said to Huang Shao: "Huang Shao, isn't this your uncle's territory? Why don't you ask your uncle to arrest the boy

Just at this time, Huang Qishui, the manager of the casino, led three men, two women and five people to come from the side.

"What's the matter?"

Huang Qishui asked from a distance. He usually couldn't see anything with a smile. Now he suddenly became serious, which was quite frightening.

Seeing Huang Qishui, Huang Shao immediately pointed to Xie Qian and yelled, "uncle, this guy is making trouble. He's cheating in our gambling house. Please find someone to deal with him!"

When Xie Qian saw Huang Qishui and the people behind him, he said with a smile, "manager Huang, how did you find them?"

Huang Qishui is not led by others. It's really Wang Meng, Li Xiao and Tang Jun. in addition, there are two strange girls like Wang Meng and Li Xiao.

Huang Qishui first said to Xie Qian with a smile, "Oh, well, Mr. Xie, these friends of yours were just stopped at the door because they didn't have an invitation. When I got the news, I rushed to ask them to come in."

After responding to Xie Qian, Huang Qishui looked at Huang Shao and said angrily, "nonsense, you don't want to see what the occasion is."

"But Uncle..."

What else does Huang Shao want to say.

"Shut up, son of a bitch. I'll deal with you later. Now get out of here!"

Hearing Huang Qishui's words, Huang Shao hung his head and didn't dare to refute any more. He just whispered to Li Shao beside him: "here, you can see that my uncle has this temper. I can't help him."

Li Shao pursed his mouth, looked at Xie Qian coldly, and said, "it's OK. We have plenty of ways to deal with him now."

Xie Qian looked at Wang Meng and Li Xiao and said with a smile, "I said why you didn't come. It turned out that you were stopped."

Wang Meng and Li Xiao are also very helpless. Originally, Tang Jun led the way, but Bentley was the driver. The guard would not stop them.

But the problem lies in the two girls they brought. Wang Meng and Li Xiao are the girls who went to Bingzhou university to make an appointment.

They didn't notice when they pulled into the car. As a result, when they got to the gate of the casino, the guard found that the two girls seemed too young, so they took a look at their ID cards.

Good guy, both of them have just been admitted to the University and are in their freshman year. Only one of them is an adult, and the other is two months away from the age of 18.

Shengyun casino explicitly stipulates that minors are not allowed to enter.

Wang Meng and Li Xiao didn't think of it either. They wanted to go in or not. When they came back, the cauliflower was cold and froze at the door.

Fortunately, the doorman spoke with Huang Qishui on his walkie talkie. Huang Qishui went out and led the man in.

The two girls were also brought in. Wang Meng and Li Xiao were also very embarrassed to bring a minor girl to the casino. They had no face to tell.

The two girls had a big heart. When they came in, they looked around. They looked fresh and cheerful. They didn't have any timidity at all.

When Lin Dandan heard that the two girls were not yet 18 years old, and they were his own schoolgirls, he immediately glared at Xie Qian and swore in a low voice: "scum."

Then he went to the two girls, took their hands, and said with a smile, "Hello, I'm also a junior in Literature Department of Bingzhou University."

"Good sister."

Two girls said cleverly.

"Well, Hello, what's your name?"

"My name is Liu Feifei, broadcasting department."

"My name is Xu Yan, dance department."

After hearing the two girls' self introductions, Xie Qian also nodded his head secretly, saying that Wang Meng and Li Xiao are good at choosing between the two. One is from the broadcasting department, and the other is from the dance department.

Xu Yan, who is still two months short of graduating from the dance department, is very tall. She is estimated to be more than 1.7 meters tall. She is almost as tall in flat shoes as Lin Dandan in high heels.

This height, no wonder Wang Meng and Li Xiao did not see that they are minors.

In contrast, Liu Feifei belongs to the kind of cute type. She can't be said to be particularly good-looking, but her facial features are very harmonious, which gives people a very comfortable feeling.

Coupled with the gentle and pleasant voice, it's easy for people to have a strong desire for protection, and they want to hold her in their hands.

As he said, Tang Jun didn't have a female companion. He had a strong sense of family.

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