Led by Huang Qishui, Xie Qian, Huang Shao, Li Shao, and Zhang Shao come to the mahjong table. Li Shao takes the lead in the East. Xie Qian sits in the west, while Huang Shao and Zhang Shao sit in the north and south respectively.

Wang Meng, Li Xiao, Zhang Huihui and others also sat down in the observation area and watched the situation at the mahjong table.

When they heard that they were going to bet a hundred million yuan, they were all secretly worried about Xie Qian, for fear that he would lose.

Other VIP guests who wanted to watch also went to the viewing area and sat down. Although they also wanted Xie Qian to win, they were not very optimistic about Xie Qian. After all, they were one-on-three and had a big disadvantage.

After Xie Qian and his family settled down, several casino attendants came in with huge boxes in their hands.

They put the box on the floor next to them and then opened it directly.

Inside the box was a hundred yuan bill full of money. It looked very red and attractive.

Four hundred million in cash, full of 16 big boxes.

This is the cash that a few people have just cashed out of the casino as a bet.

Seeing the cash, all the guests around could not help holding their breath.

Although they are rich in wealth, they can't afford not to pay attention to 400 million yuan in cash.

On the contrary, Wang Meng and Li Xiao, as well as Lin Dandan and Lin Huihui are relatively calm, perhaps because they are used to Xie Qian's extravagance recently.

After all, you can spend more than 20 million on clothes you buy, and it doesn't seem like a big deal to spend 100 million on playing mahjong.

Liu Feifei and Xu Yan, who were brought by Wang Meng and Li Xiao, were in a daze. They had only seen such a big scene in movies before, but now they are surprised to see it in reality.

Seeing the cash, Xie Qian nodded and said with a smile, "well, let's go."


Li Shao agreed, and directly pressed the dice button in the middle of the automatic mahjong table.

Hua La Hua, the dice in the middle glass jar turned a few times and stopped at seven o'clock.

Li Shao looks at Xie Qian and waits for him to roll the dice.

Huang Shao and Zhang Shao also looked at Xie Qian.

Xie Qian was so confused that he didn't do anything.

The scene fell into a strange silence.

At this time, Li Xiao suddenly thought of something, secretly pulled Wang Meng's arm and whispered, "Wang Meng, have you ever seen QIANZI play mahjong before?"


Wang Meng had some doubts. He also asked, "have you seen it?"

"Neither do I."

Li Xiao is in a daze. He looks at Xie Qian and comes to a conclusion that he can't believe: "Qian Zi, can't he play mahjong at all?"


Wang Meng was also surprised.

"I can't. If he can't, how dare he gamble a hundred million?"

Both of them looked at Xie Qian nervously, expecting that Xie Qian would suddenly show his divine power, but in fact, Xie Qian just sat there, motionless.

In fact, they really guessed right. Xie qian can't play mahjong at all. He doesn't even understand the basic rules.

"What are you doing?"

Li shaodeng was impatient. He glanced at Xie Qian and said angrily, "roll dice, what are you dawdling about?"

Huang Shao next to him also said sarcastically: "you don't know how to use automatic mahjong table? Or can't play mahjong at all? "

Xie Qian looked at Li Shao and Huang Shao, and sighed helplessly.

Before he started gambling, he only thought that he had skills, but he completely ignored that he could not play mahjong at all.

And a round of mahjong, even if it is a ratio of one to one million, how to say it will take more than 40 minutes.

That is to say, if he uses skills now, he will face the embarrassing situation of no skill assistance in the last ten minutes after 30 minutes.

Xie Qian originally planned to hold on for more than ten minutes, and then start his skills to kill, but now he can't do without skills.

After all, he knows nothing about mahjong.

In desperation, Xie qian can only open the object panel in his consciousness, find Chen Daozi's lucky badge, and then choose to use skills.

In an instant, his whole state was just like two people before, and the familiar feeling of God of gambler's possession appeared again.

The original master level gambling skill is exactly the same as when he used the spirit of God of gambling before.

Xie Qian didn't know mahjong, but at this moment, a very strong feeling naturally flowed through his heart. He directly pressed the button on the table and rolled the dice.

After that, playing cards and playing cards are flowing, as if they were born.

"I don't know."

Li Shao muttered, and then began to grasp the cards. He just grabbed the position in the East, which gave him the chance to be a manager. Although it was not an advantage, psychologically, he felt that he had beaten Xie Qian.

Xie Qian is totally indifferent, or in his opinion, nothing matters.

In fact, now he feels like a puppet being manipulated. He doesn't even know how to call the cards he holds, such as pancake, tiaozi and Wanzi.

However, this does not prevent him from playing cards. Whenever it is his turn to play, there is a strong intuition that tells him which card to play.

When he touched the card, he put it aside. He didn't know whether it was useful or not. Everything depended on his feeling.

Because I don't know what those mahjong cards are called, so he won't speak when he plays.

Because Li Shao didn't hear Xie Qian's report, he missed two chances to touch the cards in a row, and his heart became agitated.

"Hey, can you tell me what card you're playing? Who knows what card you're playing?"

"I can't see it myself!"

Xie Qian rebutted it impolitely.


Li Shao stares at Xie Qian fiercely. He is so angry that he has nothing to do with Xie Qian.

"Nine cakes."

At this time or next to Huang Shao see Li Shao want to touch the card, then take the initiative to play down a card Li Shao may want to feed him.


Li Shao saw that piece of nine cakes and immediately exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm crazy."

Xie Qian said preemptively that Huang Shao's nine cakes actually gave Xie Qian a shot.


Huang Shaoqi scolded directly.

Li Shaoze is directly silly, his eyes fixed on Xie Qian, said: "you just hit down nine cakes, how can Hu nine cakes."

"You mind me, I'd love to."

Xie Qian said with indifference, and then directly pushed down his own card.

Li Shao, Huang Shao and Zhang Shao were happy when they saw Xie Qian's card.

"Deceiving Hu, ha ha ha, you are deceiving Hu. You see what you put in a mess. It's deceiving Hu."

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