[Name: Wang Liang]

[identity: security team leader of Dingtian group]

[strength: 9]

[physical strength: 1]

[defense: 8]

[speed: 6]

[Intelligence: 15]

[Charm: 1]

Looking at this ordinary person's property panel, Xie Qian almost laughed. This guy named Wang Liang is really weak.

Maybe Xie Qian is used to the powerful attributes of the original fantasy world, and after he comes back here, he is faced with some strong members of the three families, so he has a cognitive restriction on attributes.

He forgot that the people here were so weak.

In fact, it's not that Wang Liang is weak, but that Xie Qian is too strong. Every attribute of him exceeds 300, which is a terrible indicator.

"My wife's salary in qingfan textile company is 5000 yuan per month. Plus other miscellaneous income, she can earn 50000 or 60000 yuan a month. Now that my wife has lost her job and our family has lost so much income, what should we do?"

Wang Liang said with a cold smile, playing with the butterfly knife in his hand.

"What do you want to do?"

Xie Qian looks at Wang Liang jokingly and says.

"As for me, I don't want much. Well, I hear you have a lot of money? Take out five million yuan and let it go. Otherwise, you may not be able to leave today. "

Wang Liang laughs and looks at Xie Qian. Now Xie Qian looks soft and weak. He doesn't look like a powerful man at all. In addition, Wang Liang has a few younger brothers with him, which is the expression that he is determined to eat Xie Qian.

"Five million? You really dare to speak

Xie Qian said with a laugh. He heard from Chen Zhiming that Li Guifang worked as a business manager in his qingfan textile company. He often made kickbacks and exploited a lot of money from the company.

For so many years, I haven't fed this white eyed wolf?

Now Li Guifang doesn't dare to find Chen Zhiming's trouble, instead, she focuses on Xie Qian.

Li Guifang only dares to do so because Xie Qian doesn't have a bodyguard. Otherwise, she and Wang Liang will not dare to provoke a person who is even afraid of Chen Zhiming.

"Xie Qian, if you know something, you'll pay to leave, or I won't let you go!"

Li Guifang said with a sneer.

At this time, Xie Qian rolled his eyes. Does this guy really think he can deal with him?

"Money, I have. This card is not only 5 million, but also more than 50 million. I just don't know if you have the ability to take this card from me."

Xie Qian said with a smile, his eyes full of banter.

At this moment, Wang Liang's eyes flooded with scarlet light, 50 million! More than 50 million!

This Xie Qian is really a big wrongdoer, so much money was taken out casually.

"Hey, hey, come on, grab the card from this boy!"

As soon as Wang Liang patted one of his younger brothers, he came to Xie Qian with a ferocious face.


Without hesitation, Xie Qian slapped the little brother's face and hit him with a few teeth. Then he made a spin in the same place.

"That's it?"

Xie Qian looks at Wang Liang with a puzzled face. They just want to steal the bank card from him?

"Son of a bitch, give it to me, all of you, kill the little boy."

Wang Liang said angrily that Xie Qian had no idea of cooperation at all.

"Kill him. This son of a bitch has made me lose my job. I'm going to deduct some money from qingfan textile after it gets the loan. This guy has ruined our good deeds."

Li Guifang was also angry.

Xie Qian watched the boys rush up without any intention of retaining their hands. He slapped them one by one. His strength had already exceeded 300. In front of him, these guys were vulnerable.

Although Xie Qian had no martial arts when he came back from the fantasy world, he could not use the white footed flying sword as he did in the fantasy world, but his own strength and speed were enough to deal with many people.

"Pa pa pa..."

After several slaps, Wang Liang's younger brother complained and was completely beaten by Xie Qian.


Wang Liang looked at this scene and was very surprised. He didn't expect that Xie Qian was so powerful.

No wonder Xie Qian walks outside without bodyguards, because he has enough ability to protect himself.

"To die!"

Wang Liang looked at the bank card in Xie Qian's hand, and his heart was full of excitement. He didn't want to miss the chance to get rich!

"Whew --"

The butterfly blade in Wang Liang's hand is exposed, and he quickly wipes it to Xie Qian's neck.

This guy is going to kill Xie Qian.

For those who want to kill themselves, Xie Qian has no pity. Since you are going to kill me, don't blame me for being rude!

Just as Xie Qian was ready to make a move, a dull voice rang, and a flying knife penetrated Wang Liang's body directly.

Not only that, Wang Liang's Throwing Knife still did not stop, with blood crazy to Xie Qian.


Xie Qian's heart moves. This time, Wang Liang is not only looking for trouble here, but also others are planning to assassinate him!

"Who is it?"

As soon as Xie Qian's face changed, he suddenly dodged the Throwing Knife, and Wang Liang's body slowly fell to the ground, no longer breathing.

"Ah! Kill

Li Guifang exclaimed in surprise, but this is a small alley, usually no one came.


Another Throwing Knife came and thrust it directly into Li Guifang's stove. Now, the noisy woman is dead.

"Xie Qian, it's really bad luck for you to be watched by such rubbish on the road."

At this time, a cold voice came out, and a charming face slowly appeared on the roadside.

"Yuwen Yiyi!"

Xie Qian frowned and said in surprise. He didn't expect that this Yuwen Yiyi was the first one to assassinate him.

"Ha ha, we meet again. How about that? I saved your life just now. Are you very grateful to me?"

Yuwen Yiyi twists his waist and looks like a snake.

"Thank you? Ha ha, I think you want to get rid of these people who are in your eyes

Xie Qian said indifferently that Wang Liang and Li Guifang were obviously out of luck. They wanted to find Xie Qian's trouble, but they didn't expect that another group of ruthless people had already targeted him.

"Yes, these rubbish are really a hindrance to my appointment with you."

Yuwen Yiyi said with a smile, she has a variety of manners, face is also very outstanding, but this moment suddenly showed a ferocious expression.

"You should never, ever, destroy the forest organization of our Yuwen family!"

Xie Qian looked at Yuwen Yiyi's action, and he couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, this Yuwen Yiyi came to avenge the forest organization, and Xie Qian was the one who destroyed the forest organization.

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