On the first floor of the headquarters building of a million construction companies, Xie Qian and the workers had a stalemate for more than ten minutes. Finally, several young and strong workers could not help it.

"What the hell are you doing here? Those of you who have no eggs dare not go up, so I'll go first! "

A young man with a national face and a big height stood up and walked towards Xie Qian step by step.

As soon as he stood up, several young people responded and walked to Xie Qian.

Others were also led to lean towards Xie Qian.

"That is, there are so many of us. What are we afraid of?"

A group of people clamor, Xie Qian's silence finally can't stop them.


Xie Qian sighed, then looked up at the workers with pity in his eyes and said, "I was ready to help you, but now it seems that you don't appreciate me very much! Are you sure you've figured out the consequences? "

Hearing Xie Qian's words, the young people just hesitated for a moment, then waved their hands and yelled: "hum! Don't put on airs any more. No matter what you do today, you'll have to pay us out, but for the sake of safety, we'd better control you first! "

With that, the guy stretched out his palm and grabbed Xie Qian a little bit.

Just at this time, there was a sudden rumble of cars outside the building, as if the flood was passing through. The huge sound rang through the first floor of the whole office building.

Buzz, buzz!

It was the roar of the accelerator, accompanied by the screeching sound of the brakes.

All the workers looked surprised and looked up.

Between the glass door on the open space raised a large amount of smoke and dust, like a sandstorm.

In the smoke, dozens of big men in black and sunglasses came out slowly as if they were magic soldiers.

"Don't let them in!"

Seeing these big black men, Lao Wang immediately thought of the two strong black men in yesterday's war. For these ordinary workers, those strong black men were just like tanks. One person could hit a group of them.

They shovel around the other party with their spades, but they were utterly routed by the other party. The workers' team was also beaten by their other students.

Hearing Lao Wang's words, some smart employees near the door pressed the button and locked the glass door.

However, the big men came to the glass door, put on a collision posture, pointed their shoulders at the glass door, and then slammed toward the glass door.


A burst of broken glass sound sounded, the big man rushed to the room, the glass door has become a piece of ground.

Then, the big man continued to walk inside in silence.

The workers of a million construction companies are also in good health, but compared with these men with an average height of two meters and an average weight of 130 kg, they are no different from children.

Hans directly opened his hands, moved back and forth a few times, separated the dense crowd, and then strode inside.

"Stop them!"

Lao Wang screamed, but no one listened to him.

Compared with the pressure brought by these big men, it is too strong. The uniform brand-name suit, the uniform sunglasses, and the uniform stone like muscles make it look like making a movie.

In the face of these people, even some bloodthirsty bandits may not be able to resist, let alone these ordinary workers.

In this way, more than 20 big men stepped on the broken glass on the ground and came to Xie Qian in silence and full of pressure. Then they lowered their heads and said to Xie Qian, "sorry boss, we're late."

Seeing this scene, the workers around grew up in surprise.

What is the identity of people who can have so many powerful and terrible bodyguards? At this moment, in the eyes of ordinary workers, Xie Qian has become like a mountain hidden in the clouds, huge and mysterious.

Xie Qian just nodded in silence and walked towards the interior of the office building.

This time, the workers in front of him immediately gave way automatically, and no one dared to stop him.

Just now, the young workers wanted to say something, but Hans just looked at them, and they swallowed all the words.

I'm kidding. Your head is bigger than the muscle on other people's arms. No matter how tough you are, you don't dare to look for trouble in this situation.

Through a group of workers, Xie Qian finally walked into the elevator, and then took Hans, Wang Meng and Li Li to the top floor of the office building.

The rest of the bodyguards stood downstairs, staring at the workers who wanted to make trouble.

Just now, the workers, who are still clamoring furiously and madly, are just like good babies, and they dare not let out the atmosphere.

Lao Wang looked at those muscular men and felt powerless. Now he can only pray that Xie Qian has a large number of people and won't care about him.

In the general manager's office on the top floor of the office building, Zhao Feng picked up his mobile phone and dialed a bank number.

This is the seventh bank call he has made. Every time he gets through, what he says is almost the same, that is, he wants to apply to the bank for a large loan.

After hearing his request, the attitude of those banks was excellent at the beginning, but as soon as they heard that he was a member of a million construction companies, the attitude of bank customer service immediately changed 180 degrees.

Many banks directly said that they could not provide loans to millions of construction companies, and a few companies even directly asked him to repay the money.

At this time, Zhao Feng realized that Chiang had already taken all the money that the bank could borrow in the name of the company.

Most of these debts were in default before Jiang million, which led to the extremely poor reputation of Jiang million and million construction companies. Most banks have put them on the blacklist.

However, even in this case, Zhao Feng still full of hope, and dial a bank phone number, hoping to get a different reply.

"Sorry, your company does not meet the loan qualification of our bank. Thank you for your inquiry. Goodbye."

Heard the bank customer service polite response, Zhao Feng's tears slowly flow down.

"What to do? Is it really the only way to apply for bankruptcy?"

Just when Zhao Feng was considering applying for bankruptcy, the door of the chairman's office was suddenly pushed open, and a familiar figure appeared at the door.

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