Xie Qian just talked to the prince for the purpose of delaying time.

He talks with Xiaobai in his heart. Xiaobai analyzes the composition of the cage in the shortest time, and finds a way to solve it.

"This prison is made up of the unique suction stone of the fantasy world, which can absorb the power of all practitioners and strengthen the strength of this prison."

"The way to break this cage is very simple. As long as you don't get any accomplishments, you can break this cage."

Xiaobai said faintly in Xie Qian's mind that this cage is actually quite magical. It was built to deal with powerful people like Xie Qian.

Even if they are trapped by these suction stones, I'm afraid they can't escape.

Therefore, the prince is so rampant, because no one can escape from this cage.

But Xie Qian knew the way to solve it. He let Xiaobai directly suppress his own strength and hide his whole strength. Therefore, Xie Qian is no different from an ordinary person now.

No, there are some differences.

Today's Xie Qian is just back to the blue planet. His attribute value is bursting, but he has no previous strength.

"Do you really think this prison can bind me?"

Xie Qian said again, he looked at the prince very jokingly.

"Hum, if you have the ability, come out and show me. If you can come out, my head will be yours."

The big prince said indifferently that he obviously didn't know that Xie Qian had found a way to crack it.

In fact, this solution is well known in the fantasy world. Everyone knows that these suction stones are unlikely to pose a threat to ordinary people. Therefore, the cages made of these suction stones usually trap practitioners.

It is an irreversible process that practitioners can not turn themselves into ordinary people.

Even if you directly abandon all your accomplishments by cruel means, how can you face those practitioners when you get out of this prison?

If you go out, you will be dead. If you don't go out, you will be trapped. This is a dilemma.

Since ancient times, in the fantasy world, no one has ever been able to really escape the prison made of this suction stone.


At this moment, Xie Qian stretched out his hand and pressed it on the railing of the prison, and then he made a sudden effort.

"Impossible, how can it be, your power? Do you think you are self-cultivation? "

The prince was surprised to say that the creepy voice came from the balustrade made of suction stone. Xie Qian broke the balustrade directly.

And he himself, even uninjured, did not feel weak at all.

Now, there is no other reason except Xie Qian's explanation of breaking his own cultivation. But if Xie Qian breaks his own cultivation, how can he face the prince when he comes out? You know, the prince is a very powerful monk!

"You said, if I go out, you'll give me your head."

Xie Qian drew a ferocious smile from the corner of his mouth. He looked at the prince and his eyes were full of banter.

"Ha ha, even if you really come out, so what? You have broken your cultivation, you are no longer semi saint. Do you think you can rely on Chen Ya and fat man to defeat me? Don't dream. If you break your self cultivation, you will be even worse! I will not let you go, I will torture you severely, and then give you to the people of Yitian sect! "

The big prince says wildly, how can Xie Qian escape? Without cultivation, he is a waste!

However, when the prince was thinking about this, Xie Qian directly broke the cage, walked slowly to the prince, and suddenly raised a strong white light on Xie Qian.

"This... This is the white step flying sword! How can it be? Don't you have no accomplishments? How can there be such a power! "

The eldest prince was shocked. He didn't know why Xie Qian could still have this kind of power. Xie Qian was still semi saint, and he had no sign of weakness at all. However, in that case, how did Xie Qian escape?

This Xie Qian, what happened to him!

No matter the prince, even Chen Ya and Wang Yangfa were surprised. They couldn't understand why Xie Qian was able to break his accomplishments and then find them back. Is it a very easy thing?

They don't know, Xie Qian with the help of Xiaobai, as long as deducting points, basically nothing is impossible.

But on this point, Xie Qian's strength is beyond Lao ER and Zhuang Zhou.

"Hey, hey, didn't you say your head belongs to me? Now, how about I borrow your brain? "

Xie Qian coldly said, and then looked at the big prince.

"You... How could you... It's impossible."

The eldest prince is crazy. He can't think that Xie qian can achieve this level. With a flash of white light, Xie Qian directly kills the eldest prince without any reason.

Xie Qian just wants to finish the work here quickly, and then go back to the blue planet. He has a better life waiting for him.

This time, it was intended to intimidate the prince, find out where he hid the gems, and then ask him to announce the dissolution of the so-called Da Zhou Dynasty. But now it seems that the prince could not do such a thing, so Xie Qian did not hesitate to kill him directly.

Perhaps, the deterrent effect of hanging the prince's head on the wall is more powerful.

Chen Ya's heart trembles when she looks at the decisive Xie Qian. This Xie Qian is so terrible that even the suction stone is useless to him. In this way, are not even Lao ER and Zhuang Zhou the opponents of Xie Qian?

I haven't seen him in the past three years. I didn't expect that Xie Qian had grown up to this point.

But for Chen ya, it's three years. For Xie Qian, it's just two months.

Seeing that the great prince was dead, Wang Yangfa was relieved. The biggest trouble of the Great Qing Empire was finally dead. Once he died, the great Zhou Dynasty could be dissolved.

"Master, what shall we do now?"

Wang Yang asked in a hurry.

"Gather the famous guards. I want them to occupy the Imperial Palace in the shortest time. Then, hang this head on the wall for me. Next, I'm afraid we'll have to wait for the coming of the heaven reliant sect."

Xie Qian thought about it and said.

Now that the great prince is dead, the puppet emperor who relies on Tianjiao is gone. Naturally, they need to support a new emperor to rule the great Zhou Dynasty. This person is probably Fang Hou.

No matter what, Fang Hou is good at what he does. Xie Qian should first expand his advantage to the maximum. Before Yitian sect and Fang hou can react, he should first collapse the Zhou Dynasty.

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