"How could you..."

"Xie Qian, how can you be so powerful."

Bai bin and Xuanyuan wild dragon are shocked to say that at this moment they released their own strength, but they dare not move, because Xie qian can kill them at any time.

"Ha ha, you don't care why I'm so powerful."

Xie Qian said with a sneer, and then raised his eyes to see the crowd.

"I'm not going to move you Xuanyuan family and Bai family, but I want you to go back now. After I deal with Yuwen family, your God beads will be sent to your family. From then on, your two families can no longer be born, and they can no longer manage everything you do in the secular world."

Xie Qian's words, let Xuanyuan crazy dragon and Bai bin Leng Leng Leng, and their men are very unconvinced.


"That's right. Why should we give up our industry?"

"Ha ha, you are not afraid."

These clowns sneer and say, Xie Qian eyebrows a pick, then looked at these people who speak, he just put his body Saint breath revealed a little, immediately oppressed these people dare not speak.

"I'm afraid of you?"

Xie Qian smiles a little. If he is afraid, why do he come here? Or, what are you putting them back for?

"No, we have been in business for 100 years. How can you say that if we give up, we will give up."

Xuanyuan Dragon said coldly.

"Yes, these industries are the painstaking efforts of our family. If you give up, you give up? What do our family eat and drink? "

Bai bin, the owner of the Bai family, also said coldly that he and Xuanyuan wild dragon looked at each other. This is the first time they have reached a consensus.

"I don't care what you eat and drink, or how important these industries are to you. I'm not here to negotiate with you this time, but to inform you that if I know that you still retain your influence on the world, then I will come to your door in person, destroy you, and then another family will continue to guard the Pearl."

Xie Qian said faintly that he just didn't want to change people, otherwise he didn't destroy the Xuanyuan family and the Bai family directly. It's not impossible for him to support a family. In fact, the Fang family is very good.

However, in Xie Qian's plan, the families guarding the two beads must be antagonistic to each other and have the same strength, and constantly stimulate contradictions and hatred. The purpose of doing so is to prevent the possibility of reunion of the two beads.

Now the ready-made Xuanyuan family and Bai family are in front of him. Xie Qian doesn't want to have more trouble.

"You are too overbearing."

Xuanyuan family's owner Xuanyuan fury said.

"Overbearing? If you think more about your attitude towards me, maybe you won't say I'm overbearing. "

Xie Qian said with a smile that he had planned the final pattern of Shashi, so he would not change his mind.

"Xie Qian, is it true that what you said just now will give God beads to us?"

Xuanyuan wild dragon frowned and said.

"Of course."

"But the beads are now in the hands of the Yuwen family. Do you think you can get the two beads so easily? And now the Yuwen family seems to have a very powerful mysterious strongman. Every time our two families attack the Dingtian group, they will be beaten back by this man, and this man seems to be dormant and waiting for something. "

Bai Bin said lightly.

"According to our investigation, this mysterious person seems to be Yuwen Yiyi, but it's different from Yuwen Yiyi before. She seems to have become very powerful. In recent days, there are some signs of Yuwen Yiyi."

Xuanyuan wild dragon also said so.

"You don't have to worry about these things. I'll give you one day to evacuate all your forces from Shashi, or I'll exterminate you all, and let you disappear together with Yuwen family. I don't mind looking for two more family guardians."

Xie Qian stood up. This time, he just informed the two families, not came to negotiate.

He had nothing else to say about it.

When Xie Qian left here, Xuanyuan wild dragon and Bai Bin's face appeared a lot of dignified color.

"What do you think?"

Bai bin asked.

"I don't know what happened to Xie Qian. He has become so powerful. I'm afraid we are not his opponents. If we really want to fight with him, I'm afraid..."

Xuanyuan dragon some embarrassed said, eyes full of fear of color.

"I think so, too. It's just that when we leave Shashi now, all our previous achievements are wasted."

Bai bin some helpless said.

"I don't doubt Xie Qian's ability to destroy us, but I doubt whether Xie qian can destroy the Yuwen family. If he can, then we have nothing to say. Let's just leave."

Xuanyuan wild dragon sighed, this moment they Xuanyuan family and white family, feel some small.

Because their strength is not worth mentioning in front of Xie Qian.

"Evacuate Shashi first. Once Xie Qian destroys the Yuwen family, we will leave immediately."

Xuanyuan family leader Xuanyuan crazy dragon to the people around him, and Bai bin is also so, this kind of white people ordered to go on.

Xie Qian faced the public with a very tough attitude, they could do nothing.

In front of these saints and saints, they are as vulnerable as a mole ant. It's too easy for Xie Qian to crush them.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that Xie Qian would grow up to this point one day. We underestimated Xie Qian..."

Xuanyuan family owner Xuanyuan Dragon said with a sneer.

"At the beginning, we should have directly produced Xie Qian. Now it's our fault to let him grow up to this point."

Bai bin also said helplessly.

At this moment, the owners of these two powerful hermit families on the blue planet deeply felt helpless, because in front of Xie Qian, they were nothing.

At the same time, they are also wondering if Xie qian can return the two beads to them. After all, they have guarded the beads for hundreds of years.

But Xie Qian didn't have so much trouble. He didn't rush to the Yuwen family. Instead, he walked on the street like a passer-by.

He finally returned to the blue planet, and at the same time, he knew his final task.

"Xiaobai, do you think I can finish this task?"

Xie Qian asked with a smile, but I don't know why now Xiaobai doesn't seem to pay any attention to Xie Qian. Even for Xie Qian culture, Xiaobai didn't answer.

"Forget it. It's no use asking."

Xie Qian gave a bitter smile and shook his head. There was a countdown on his retina, which was the completion time of the final task.

He has to finish this task when the countdown is cleared. However, Xie Qian is very scrupulous about this task.

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