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The Parthian Empire, also known as the Asassis Dynasty or Resting Empire, was a slave empire during the classical period in the Iranian region of western Asia.

In 55 AD, the year after Nero’s accession to the throne, Vardanes II of the Parthian Empire rebelled against his father Vologis I, which led to the withdrawal of Vologis I from Armenia, followed by the Sabbath War of 58-63 AD.

In the era in which Genyanagiin was located, the slight difference in the butterfly effect led Valdanes II to rebel a year earlier, shortly after Nero came to the throne, and the same thing happened in the Second Persian Empire.

However, unlike Nero, Valdanes II obviously did not have a good teacher and a mother like Agrippina, so his rebellion was a bit of a streak.

Of course, no matter what Valdanes II does, it will not affect Rome, because there is such a saying, it is called…

The king wants the subject to die, and the minister has to die!

“Vardanes II of the Parthian Empire rebelled against his father Vologis I, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and who, all of you, wants to go on a campaign for Yu and lay down the land that has plagued us for so long?”

Looking at the princes and ministers below with a smile, Nero’s petite body was full of oppressive force, which only made everyone feel that this new emperor seemed to be more difficult than the original Claudius.




No matter what the era, these two words represent violence and blood.

Even for self-defense or expansion, war can make a huge difference in a country.

The battlefield, the era of dreams of countless young people, is also the road to the prosperity of countless civilians.

As long as you establish enough merit, you can leap into a dragon and successfully enter the imperial court.

Who can refuse this temptation? Who doesn’t have a dream?

The plebeians, the knights, especially the small nobles, who had been oppressed by the great nobles and the Senate for too long, wanted to rebel too much.

Therefore, even if there are nine deaths ahead, even if they know that there are moths fighting fire ahead, they are still willing to leap hard.

The so-called is to fight a glorious ancestor, fight a straight waist, and a “no” word to those who have been bullying their heads!



All out!

Perhaps because of his eagerness to build, Nero actually sent all the guards directly under the emperor to the battlefield, as well as the elites selected by the major families.

For a time, the entire Roman imperial city was empty, at least the royal family’s troops.

“Teacher, let’s do it.”

In the study, the slender fingers on the chess pieces on the table, Nero became more and more mature.

Here, it does not refer to the physical development of the girl, but to the personality.

Originally, although seventeen-year-old Nero was confident, proud, outgoing, and full of self-expression, after all, she was just a seventeen-year-old girl, and no one in this world was born king, and Nero was no exception.

From the beginning, who did not understand state affairs, she quickly absorbed the teachings of Motoyanagi-in, and then began to learn to become a qualified emperor.

All the guards directly subordinate to the emperor were sent to the battlefield, and a large number of new nobles, and at this time, the Roman imperial city, only those old half-foot in the senate and some old nobles.

Originally, the balance between the emerging nobles and the old nobles was instantly broken, and for a while the entire imperial city seemed to be directly inclined to the Senate.

“Teacher, do you say they will really do it?”

The idea of the Senate was a little unclear, and Nero felt that even if she was the only one in the Roman Imperial City now, those people would not do anything against it.

“Will it? No? It doesn’t matter.

The important thing is not that we don’t care, it’s that other people don’t care. ”

Smiled, Yuanliuyuan originally did not have expectations for those old guys who were about to enter the soil, after all, they are all guys who are about to enter the coffin, do you expect them to still have the heart to go against the emperor?

No kidding, they’re not stupid, there’s no need.

“Anyone else?”

Stunned, Nero didn’t understand what Genyanagi meant.

“Yes, others.”

Pointing his finger at the chessboard, Motoyanagiin’s eyes looked through the chess pieces, as if he saw the human heart.

“Nero, you see, these chess pieces are new nobles, they went to the battlefield in order to make meritorious achievements, so they are no longer on the chessboard.”

Directly sweeping away a part of the sunspots on the chessboard, Motoyanagiin continued; “The remaining black chess is which old nobles of the Senate, they are proud, they are unwilling, they do not want to indulge in the status quo, but they do not have the courage, they can only guard the corner.

Finally . . .”

Picking up the white chess pieces on the table, Motoyanagiin smiled.

It’s so happy to laugh.

“Nero, what do you mean by these whites?”

“Hmm……. Shiroko”

In the Senate, the emerging nobles and the royal family were connected into three lines, and Nero’s willow eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, thinking about who this white son was.

“Could it be………

The fleeting memory made the girl stunned, as if thinking of something, and Nero stood up.

“Teacher, are you talking about…”

“Yes, Nero.

This white son is the so-called divinely ordained religion of kings.

You say, if you add a fire at this time, what will they do? ”

Religion, the Senate, the emerging aristocracy, the three originally checked and balanced each other with the royal family, becoming a unique balance beam, no one dares to move.

But now, Nero directly sent all the Janissaries out, and in an instant the balance beam lost its balance.

Putting away all the pieces on the table, looking at the girl, Motoyanagiin said a word, a word of the open era.

“The game … Here we go. ”

The flame that rises in vain rises like the desire of the heart, and the candlelight comparable to the daylight is the program of staying awake all night.

The whole Roman Empire has changed the sky…………_

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