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Time went on again, all kinds of memories were overflowing in her mind like a horse lantern, and when she opened her turquoise eyes, Artoria buried what Motoyanagiin and herself said a few days ago in her heart.

“The King of Lonely High? Indeed, I am.

But so what? All I can do is…”

The shadow of the flower under the wall, the clouds on the firmament, it was Camelot that belonged to her Artoria, it was the city that belonged to King Arthur.

Regardless of the wonderful gaze that Merlin looked at herself behind her, Artoria began to seriously think for the first time since she inherited the throne, what is the way of kings that belongs to her?



“No, no, no, I can’t get down.”

The silver-haired magician was rolling around his own scoundrels, and after trying to steal chess pieces, exchange chess pieces, and even eat chess pieces, he helplessly found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not win Yuan Yanagiin.

God knows, he has already lost a lot of gold coins in the small treasury he came from Artoria, can’t this Roman envoy killed by heaven let him?

Please, he is also the national teacher of Great Britain, and his Camelot sage also wants face!

“Don’t go down, I don’t understand why you have to be so persistent.”

Shrugging his shoulders, the world point in his mind has come to 60, and after Skaha and Nero, Camelot is the third stop on Motoyanagiin’s tour of Celtic mythology.

Having made up his mind to stay here for a while, he was holding the clearance paperwork given to him by Nero, and after the battle with Artoria and Gawanna, he was put here by the Knight King in Merlin.

After all, although the magician of flowers usually hangs his children, he is still very reliable at critical times, plus Merlin can be said to be Artoria’s swordsmanship teacher, etc., the knight king has many doubts about Yuanliuin in his heart, so he let Merlin take care of Yuanliuin.

“No, no, I can only see a little bit of your inner thoughts through your chess path. I want a lot of things before I’m sure you’re going to do harm to Britain. ”

The words did not shy away from the jealousy of Yuanliuyuan, and Mei’s eyes were particularly serious when she said this.

The purple eyes threw away the usual non-close, and the wand in his hand also shone slightly.

“What can you do in this house? It’s not about staying up late every day to steal snacks, doing something boring when it’s okay to make the knights of the Round Table helpless, and then like to steal and mess with those goblins……..”

I don’t know what Merlin’s living habits are in this world, but since he is a flower magician in a different parallel world, Motoyanagiin tells according to the habits of Meili in his memory.

As Merlin’s secrets were easily told by the man one after another, in the end, when Yuanliuin wanted to say where Merlin’s small vault was hidden and the magic key to open the door, the squatting magician at home finally panicked.

“My mother, you’re the devil, aren’t you?

No, no, how could you possibly know these things? I didn’t tell anyone! ”

Quickly covered Yuanliuyuan’s mouth, and then looked around, and after confirming that there were no goblins or something eavesdropping, the great sage fell!

“Well, you told me yourself, another you.”

The hearty smile showed a mouth of big white teeth, and for Motoyanagiin, teasing Merlin was one of the things he liked very much.

Looking at the stunned Merlin with a smile, he explained.

“Another me? Do you say that you are another world…….

So that’s the case, no wonder, I said how my clairvoyance can’t see any trace of you in this world, and it feels as if you appeared out of thin air.

Okay, since I can tell you these things in other worlds, it means that you are an absolutely trustworthy guy. ”

With a clear look, Merlin, who had figured out something, finally returned to the relaxed look he had just now.

“By the way, am I and you very good friends in other worlds? Why did you even tell you the password for the safe? ”

Stunned, Merlin once again asked a question, in the memory of the nightmare, his small vault is the most important thing, and there is absolutely no room for the slightest mistake.

Even if you believe in friends, it seems impossible to tell each other the password.

It’s not that it can’t be said, but it’s not necessary.

It’s like you’re going to tell your good buddy, what color panties you’re wearing today? This is no longer a question of whether the relationship is good or not.

“Oh, this, your name in that world is Meili, yes B, you understand.”

It was still that hearty smile, but this time Yuanliuin’s smile had a hint of playfulness, a hint of mischief and a hint of schadenfreude.

It seemed that he had long wanted to see Merlin’s surprised expression, and sure enough, he saw the squat at home……. The appearance of three views destroyed.

—————————— dividing line——————————

Ps; Another short and powerless chapter. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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