I have long known about Mei Li's small treasury, and Yuanliuyuan has always turned a blind eye to the snacks, ice cream, etc.

"I see."

Nodding, with the skirt raised, Arturia deliberately looked back at the man who was meditating when she left the room.


The sight that never stayed on anyone's face seemed to be frozen by time at the moment, and the originally resolute face couldn't help showing a hint of gentleness.

As the setting sun fell to the end of the sea of ​​flowers, just past the open window behind Yuanryuyuan, Artoria could see the broken shadows of the flowers swaying silently with the early summer breeze, and the sky was rendered as if by the afterglow of the setting sun. Burning red like fire.

[Sure enough, I still can't...]

With a sigh, Artoria remembered the day when the colorful flags flew thousands of miles, until the end of the world, she was crowned king amid the cheers of the crowd.

However, who knows, Wang, never wanted to be a king.

She just wanted to quietly look at the man's profile, just watching quietly is enough...

--------split line--------

Ps; because the data is too poor, and the detailed outline of the old book exploded yesterday, so this book has a new chapter yesterday.

Well, if someone is reading, wave your little hand to send a flower, the book review area will "squeak", and the more people will read it, the more I will be.

I, the author, have no emotions, I am a code word machine...

Chapter [*]. Because of him, the sword in the stone is broken

dong dong dong...knock on the door.

The small soles of her feet were on the solid wood floor, and with the creaking sound of the floor, Arturia pushed open Meli's door.


There was the same strange noise as the floor, and when she turned her head, Merry's mouth was full of cookie crumbs.


The atmosphere is a bit strange, what should I do if my apprentice finds out about stealing snacks?

"Well, Arturia, you're here."

Shamelessly took a sip of water and swallowed his favorite snack. He squatted at home and said that Genryuin and Artoria had already known about his troubles.

Moreover, Artoria is also her accomplice. I think that when the Lion King was still young, the two of them secretly ate snacks together.

Well, although Artoria has grown up now, there are some habits that cannot be changed.

"I'll give it to you, don't tell Yuanliuyuan."

He got out of bed cautiously, squatting barefoot at home without making a sound, pursing his lips and sharing one of the remaining biscuits with Arturia, judging from her appearance, this is more than killing her. pain.

"Thank you Mrs. Merry."

Taking the biscuit, Arturia took a light bite.Accompanied by the tooth full of fragrance, the familiar taste of that childhood appeared in front of her eyes again.

"By the way, why did you come here? Things in the palace should be very busy."

Sitting cross-legged on a chair without a lady's posture, Mei Li didn't care about the problem that some parts of herself in her nightdress went missing.

Anyway, Arturia's body stopped growing when she was 15 years old, and she is confident that she is much stronger than the dumb hair king!

"The sword in the stone is broken."

Taking out the sword in the stone that was broken in two, Artoria's eyes showed a hint of unbearableness.

After all, this sword has accompanied her through too many years, and it has also listened to her too many self-talks.

It's really unbearable to be so broken.


squeak! "

Leaning her head forward slightly, Mei Li first looked at the broken sword in the stone, and then made a "squeak" sound that was linked to the previous chapter.

"Broken? This is unscientific, how is this possible?"

Looking up and down at the place where the sword in the stone shattered, as Avalon's net swindler... No, as Avalon's swordsman, Mei Li's swordsmanship skills are also very high.

I really couldn't feel that the sword in the stone was broken because of the battle. I frowned and looked at the sword in the stone for a while, then I squatted and looked up at Arturia: "How did the sword in the stone break?"

"In the battle with the king of Bolinor..."

"You never lied before, Arturia.

Tell me the truth, how did the sword in the stone break? "

Frowning, Mei Li was rarely serious.


Without speaking for a long time, Artoria was silent.

"The sword in the stone... was broken because of him."

There was a helpless smile on the delicate cheek, and the smile contained indescribable sadness and sigh.

Thinking of that night, Artoria of course knew why the sword in the stone broke.

[When a king is no longer a king, when a king is not worthy of being a king, when a king... loses his will, the sword in the stone will break! 】

I clearly remember this sentence. After becoming queen, Arturia wanted to forget the feelings she should not have countless times, and then become an honest and rational king.

However, as time passed, she could not let go of the figure in her heart, wandering in the night countless times, wandering on the battlefield countless times, sighing countless times, and even the Knights of the Round Table felt that the king was wrong.

Finally, on that night, she completely gave up the so-called king's life and gave everything to her destiny. With Artoria's release, the sword in the stone finally broke.

"What did you say?"

Looking directly at Arturia, Mei Li involuntarily let go of her hands holding the sword in the stone, and the heavy weapon of the country, which was admired by countless people, also rolled to the ground.

"You.... to Yuanliuyuan..."

In her mind, the eyes that Artoria had looked at Genryanagi and her actions over the years, as well as the storm hidden in Artoria's calm tone just now, flashed through her mind.

Taking a deep breath, Mei Li couldn't believe her eyes, this... this is too confusing.

Although Camelot advocates freedom, and if something happens between teachers and students, it's not so difficult to care about, but...but that's Genyanagi and Arturia.

Forget about Yuanliuyuan, he has long since faded out of people's sight these years, let alone ordinary people, not even the Knights of the Round Table have seen him.

But... Artoria is a king, she is King Arthur!

If it is rumored that King Arthur fell in love with his teacher and broke the sword in the stone because of it, then......

Everything inside is like a broken mirror, and the open lips can't be closed for a long time, and I suddenly feel like I know something important, don't you be silenced?

"You... ugh!"

Thousands of words were gathered in my heart, and in the end, it could only be turned into a sigh. Rarely confused, Mei Li is now stunned...

Chapter [*]. The Sword of Oath Victory

The night star system, the moisture of the night infiltrates the air, spreading a sentimental atmosphere.Looking up at the sky, under the moonlight, the starry sky is extraordinarily clear, and the distant stars can hardly be seen, showing a quietness.

Looking at Arturia, Mei Li never thought that this girl would fall in love with a certain man just like her.

On weekdays, she was a cold goddess in front of outsiders, and in front of Yuanliuyuan White Rabbit Toffee had been in a state of confusion for a long time, and no adjective could describe the strange state of her heart now.

This Nima, even if he is a magician after the crown, can't figure out the complicated story of this kind of emotion, right?

"Mr. Mei Li, please keep this secret, I don't want to distract him."

Her fingers trembled slightly, and she held the corner of her clothes tightly. Instead, a smile appeared on the corner of Arturia's mouth, bright and bitter.

That kind of smile is a smile that Mei Li is very familiar with and has seen too many times.This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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Every woman smiles when she is disappointed and tangled.

"I understand.

This is really... hard work for you. "

Sighing, looking at Arturia who was trying her best to pretend to be calm, Meili shook her head and took out a sword.

The Sword of Victory - (Excalibur).

This is not a man-made weapon, but a divine weapon forged from stars.A Noble Phantasm standing at the top of the holy sword.

"You and him, alas, look at yourself.

As for the sword in the stone... This sword is good to replace it, I think it is the most suitable Noble Phantasm for you. "

Enveloped in the faraway ideal country (Avalon) in the scabbard is the strongest fantasy, a gleam of starlight, a dream that transcends all time and space, and is the dream itself that all living beings have not been able to achieve.

Looking at the Sword of Oath of Victory radiating golden light in her hand, Artoria smiled.

"Thank you, Miss Merry."

After taking down the Sword of Oath of Victory, Artoria then picked up the Sword in the Stone that was broken on the ground.

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