It is located in the corner of the deep mountain town in Fuyuki City, in the open space deep in the woods.

After confirming that there was no one around, Weber Werther began to prepare for the summoning ceremony.

The chickens have been crowing all day today, and Webb's nerves have been very tense.

Now to purify the mind first and then start to guide.

While the dripping chicken blood is still warm, the pattern of the magic circle must be drawn on the ground.

The program has been practiced many times.

Eliminate the middle picture and disappear, and the four 44 arrays of fading and disappearing are surrounded by a summoning array.

Never allow any mistakes.

"Close it, close it, close it, close it, close it"

Say it five times in a row, but when it is about to overflow, it will break five, but.

While singing the spell, Webb carefully sprinkled the chicken blood on the ground, preparing for the final ceremony.

"Your body is under mine!"

Chaldea was preparing for the summoning ceremony alone in the temporary base camp in Fuyuki City. Of course, Dr. Roman knew what the pain was like.

But "is this what it feels like to be human?"

The pain of the body, the wailing of the bones, all told him the stalwart of what he was doing.

As the chief doctor of Chaldea, how could he lose in such a place.

He, must "my fate, on your sword."

For the first time, his handsome expression showed a ferocious feeling, as if he had never heard of everything around him, Danick was the owner of Yog Domirenia.

For this Holy Grail War, he led Yog Domirenia to betray the Clock Tower, and he shoulders the responsibility of the entire family.

For this he shall triumph, and obtain this final glory.

In the same underground workshop of the Tohsaka mansion in the same deep mountain town, Tosaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei were also preparing for the same ceremony.

"Silver and iron of plain.

The pact of the earth.

My grandfather and my teacher, Shubein Ogu."

"The surging wind is blocked by four walls.

The gate of the four squares, come out of the crown and wander at the three forks leading to the kingdom."

Tohsaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei chanted a spell and a magic circle aloud, using not the blood of the sacrifice but the molten gem solution.

For the arrival of this day, Tohsaka Tohsaka did not spare the magic-filled gems he had saved, in order to maximize his state.

At the same time, while chanting a spell, he looked at the holy relics placed on the altar.

Kotomine Kirei felt that the sacred relic looked like a fragment of a mummy at first glance, but it was actually said to be the fossilized snake molting of a snake that shed its skin for the first time in this world in the ancient times.

Thinking of the Heroic Spirit that might be summoned through this, he couldn't help but feel a little dread.

Now I finally understand the reason for Tohsaka Tokiomi's confidence.

Indeed, if Tohsaka Tokiomi really summoned that... Heroic Spirit, then he wouldn't have lost. "Respond to the call of the Holy Grail, follow this will, the truth, answer me!"

In the hotel suite, all the clothes have been smashed by the wind of magic.

The wound on his body was indifferent, and Kenneth stared directly at the blue light in the circle.

"Is it alright even for such a simple ceremony?"

Concerned about the way that Emiya Kiritsugu summoned the heroic spirit, Karen Ordesia asked Emiya Kiritsugu to help her summon the heroic spirit on the grounds of inexperience.

Looking at the man in front of her, she always felt that this man was very special. Like her father, he was the kind of monster... who didn't have the slightest emotion.

Driven by curiosity, she wanted to see what kind of existence the magician killer was.

"Perhaps you're going to be disappointed, but the summons didn't need such a high-profile seance."

Emiya Kiritsugu explained while carefully checking whether the pattern drawn with mercury was… crooked and mottled.

"Because it is not the power of the magician that is actually summoned, but the power of the Holy Grail.

It is enough for me to act as a link between the Heroic Spirit and this world, and to provide him with the magic power that materializes in this world."

As if satisfied with the completion of the magic circle, the man nodded and stood up. This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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On the altar is the holy relic which is the ribbon of the legendary holy spear.

"In this case, the preparation is complete.

The next process is a challenge to personal will and spirit, you have to be careful, Karen."

With a solemn expression, Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the girl who was still indifferent, and then began to summon the ritual spell.

"I'll ask you one last time, Matou Kariya, you are very likely to die in this war, even if you don't participate, it doesn't matter, I can use my magic to make sure that Sakura is okay."

The Matou family once again reminded Matou Kariya, and Genryuin sighed secretly at the consciousness and spirit of this man named Kariya.

That kind of... strong stubbornness is simply amazing.

"Don't say more, my lord.

This dilapidated body was completely rescued by you, I have no time to go, if I can play a little role to you and Sakura at the last moment, then I will be honored."

Nodding in the dark, Matou Kariya's body had been engraved by Matou Zaoyan as a child.

Over the past year, even with the help of Yuanliuyuan, his body has only managed to stop deteriorating, and it may take a lot of time to keep his body healthy.

But before that, he needs to do more important things.

To protect the third-party forces in this war, Matou Sakura is the only one who fights alone! "Well, since this is your wish, I respect your dignity and responsibility as a man.

These two sentences are new spells I made with reference to the summoning ceremony, which should make up for your lack of magicians compared with other masters, and can fundamentally improve your parameters."

This is something that everyone knows by adjusting the pre-determined class of the summoning spell.

Usually, when a summoned Heroic Spirit acquires the class, it is inevitably determined by that... Heroic Spirit's own attributes.

However, there are exceptions, and there are two classes that can be determined in advance by the summoner.

One is a Heroic Spirit belonging to this class, and can be pre-set as a group of assassins who have inherited the name of Hassan Sabah.

Then another class is for all Heroic Spirits, as long as you add other elements, you can make it come true.

Therefore, "This time, add the attribute of wisdom to the summoned one."

Nodding to Matou Kariya, Genryuin slowly told him the two new spells.

Chapter [*]. The Coming of Fourteen Heroic Spirits (Part [*])

"I am the one who accomplishes all the good deeds in the world."

The seriousness of doing things is not understandable by ordinary people at all, and he is an extremely good alchemist. Shion of the Atlas Academy has always been skeptical of the holy relics that the academy gave him.

"Does the legendary Queen of Shadows, the Land of the Undead, really exist?"

The dark red spear represents the color of death, and it is useless to think so much.

With the ability of seven 7-segment thinking, combined with his thinking ability, combined with high-speed thinking to calculate all possible Shion, he still chanted the spell to summon heroic spirits.

"elder sister."

"It's okay, Coles, we can definitely succeed!"

Nodding to his worried younger brother, Fiore Falvijyug Domirena knew that the more critical moment came, the less he could relax.

Because, standing behind her is not only herself, but also other people, as well as a family named Yog Domirenia, so she cannot fail, and she is not allowed to fail.

"I swear here that I am the one who fulfills all the good in the world, and I am the one who spreads the evil in the world."

The combination of singing and the magic power flowing in the magic circuit attracts the heroic spirits that exist in the room.

Speak to the supreme beings who have been engraved by myths and legends.

At the same time, at the same time, and at the same second, the cooperation between the siblings is perfect.

"I convey the call of all malicious people in the world."

Even the physical strength of the Dead Apostle felt a burst of fatigue, that kind of... fatigue did not stem from physical fatigue, but mental fatigue.

The helmet that symbolizes uncleanness is said to be the exclusive use of rebellious knights, and the identity of the heroic spirit is the same as that of the dead apostle.

Sighing secretly why he was so sad, Kaos put down the chaotic thoughts in his heart and continued the spell of the summoning ceremony.

On that day, in different lands, the incantations for different objects were performed almost simultaneously, which was a coincidence that could no longer be called an accidental coincidence.

No matter which magician, their long-cherished wish is the same.

Around a miracle, in order to obtain this miracle, people bloody murdered each other.

Their call to the heroes on the other side of time and space is now resounding on the earth at the same time.


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