"And those who claim to be detached from the world and able to see everything clearly."

  "What they can't see the most is often themselves."

  Mordred echoed in this way - but it gave CC a feeling of being an opponent.

  There is no doubt that the Mordred in front of him must be ironing her with the help of her words.

  But cc doesn't feel angry.

  She was just curious.

  She didn't know, after hundreds of years of loneliness.What secrets are there on her body that even she herself does not know.


  "Are you really longing for death?"

  "Or, are you actually just longing for a 'similar' who can be just like you, alone and bears this curse called [Eternal Life]?"

  Mordred asked softly.

  At the same time, his eyes met CC's eyes.

  Expressions can be faked, but eyes will never lie.

  He keenly observed that after he asked this question, cc's pupils shrank for a moment, and then suddenly enlarged again.

  At the end, cc's eyes even started to bulge out a bit.

  Undoubtedly, this is exactly the manifestation of the stormy waves in her heart.

  However, for this matter, cc himself seems to have not noticed anything.

  From beginning to end, she just stared at Mordred.Even if his eyes are starting to become dry, he is reluctant to blink.

  "What did you say?"

  cc asked excitedly.

  Her breathing had begun to get a little faster.

  Seeing cc's performance like this, Mordred's smile was even worse.

  He knows that this matter has basically become:

  "I mean to say."

  "If you are willing to join my subordinates and become my subject."

  "Then, I may be able to introduce you to an [Eternal Lifer] like you."

  "I think there should be a lot of common language between the two of you.".

Chapter 20

  The next day.

  Mordred, who woke up early tomorrow, slept in a rare sleep.

  It was not until the sun rose high and no footsteps could be heard in the castle that he reluctantly got up from the bed.

  no way.

  For no reason, Mordred just didn't want Morgan to know of CC's existence.

  "At least until I can control the overall situation, it is better not to let the mother know."

  This is because he is not sure about the compatibility between Morgan and CC.

  After all, Morgan's character is not as gentle and kind as Skaha - even, that extraordinary jealousy often causes Morgan to do some pretty extreme things.

  Either way, Morgan was not a nice guy to get along with.

  "Oh, only a good child like me can tolerate these shortcomings of the mother."

  At the dinner table, Mordred drank a glass of milk that Morgan had left him.

  It was probably the only food Morgan could accept for breakfast.

  In front of CC, there are some fresh fruits.

  It's just that for a woman her age, breakfast or something has long since become an optional item.

  In contrast, she is still more interested in the [other immortals] Mordred said.

  "What I long for is not death, but kindred?"

  "Another Eternal? What kind of person is she? What kind of experience did she have to become an Eternal?"

  "What does she think about [Eternal Life]?"

  Since last night, these questions have been shrouded in her mind and have not dissipated for a long time.

  It turned out to be a rare insomnia for her.

  And now, with the passage of time, the anxiety in her heart has only increased.

  And when these excitement and anxiety reached the extreme, a very complicated mood was intertwined in CC's heart.

  She couldn't even tell what kind of mood it was.

  She only knows that now she urgently needs an answer to solve the confusion in her heart:

  "For me, is this so-called eternal life a curse or a gift?"


  After half an hour.

  In the forest outside the castle.

  Mordred saw Skaha, who had come here early.

  "Master, good morning!"

  Seeing the obviously unpleasant expression on Skaha's face, Mordred scratched his hair in embarrassment.

  Although he didn't set up a morning training time with Skaja last night, seeing the sun that was already hanging high in the sky, Mordred also felt that he seemed to be going too far.

  "Because of some things, it was delayed."

  He tried his best to explain, hoping that Skaha would forgive him for his "disrespect" this time.

  And Skaha, who put his eyes on CC, frowned slightly.

  "This is a very beautiful woman."

  "Pretty and weak."

  This is Skaja's first impression of CC.

  And, with the help of this first impression, she also associated many specific plots.

  The youth is heroic, and the woman is charming.If there is no story, it seems to live up to this great time.

  However, Skaha did not blame Mordred for this incident.

  Because she understands that this is the nature of "heroes".

  Since ancient times, heroes have been matched with beautiful women - this is even more normal among the Celts who advocate heroic legends.

  Also, worth mentioning.

  Dying because of a woman seems to be the fate of Celtic heroes.

  For example, Dirumudo, or Cu Chulainn.

  "I hope you don't repeat their mistakes."

  Skaja said softly.

  But in the next moment, she immediately raised her head again, and put on a completely different face from just now.

  In Mordred's words, Skaha switched directly from [Big Sister Next Door Mode] to [Class Teacher Mode].

  It is still the kind of head teacher who has a background in sports, but the main subject of teaching is mathematics.

  "Come, head here, swing your sword a thousand times first."

  Skaha found a bowl-sized tree and randomly drew a white mark on the trunk:

  "And, I ask you to control your power, and within a thousand times, you must not cut down this tree."

  "If it's cut off, or you're looking the wrong way. Just find another tree and start over."


  Training is boring.

  And Skaha's training was extremely boring.

  But there is no way, such boring training is a process that Mordred must go through.

  According to Skaha, his physical quality is really good - but the foundation laid before is really bad.

  Morgan, a disciple of Merlin, may have become a great magician comparable to her teacher.But in terms of educating disciples, she is not even one ten thousandth of Merlin's.

  As for the training of fighters, it is completely blind, and there is no pattern at all.

  That is to say, she is really proficient at childbirth - all the children born have top-level qualifications, so that she can barely maintain her reputation as the "Mother of the Round Table".

  Although for Morgan, this is not a good reputation it wants.

  In Skaha's plan, Mordred's training is to start from the most basic things.

  "Learn to control power first."

  "Otherwise, you will always be a beast who only knows how to vent his strength, but cannot defeat the enemy."

  Skaha explained.

  But to be honest, Mordred was actually very dissatisfied with this explanation.

  beast?what happened to the beast?

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