When faced with beautiful things, people will always subconsciously take care and pity.

  In addition to the seemingly innate affinity, Guinevere has another advantage:

  Her mind is extremely delicate, and she is quite understanding.

  It only took a few seconds for her to understand the contradiction between Morgan and Vortigern, and immediately gave a solution that, although not perfect, was quite reasonable.

  A person like her is simply a born diplomat.

  But of course.

  Considering that Guinevere's brain doesn't seem to be very suitable for dealing with those political disputes, Mordred has absolutely no plans to make her an ambassador of the Camelot Kingdom.

  But even within the kingdom, Guinevere, who has this special affinity, can maximize her role.


  This is Mordred's new position for Guinevere.

  As we all know, there are often conflicts between courtiers and courtiers.

  Take Artoria, for example.

  With her brilliance, she attracted many knights to join and formed the famous Knights of the Round Table.

  But even the Knights of the Round Table and the Knights of the Round Table are definitely not of one mind.

  Even, there are often many unresolved contradictions due to the inconsistency of ideas.

  Aguiwen is the simplest example - facing this [Iron Knight] who has a straight face all day, even his brothers and sisters can't understand his behavior.

  In the face of this situation, Artoria's choice was to forcibly suppress this contradiction by relying on her own prestige.

  However, this is a palliative approach.

  The brilliance of the Eternal King is indeed very dazzling, but when those unresolved contradictions accumulate to a certain level, it will cause disasters that even God cannot restore.

  In the original historical line, the collapse of the Knights of the Round Table was inseparably related to this incident.

  And now, in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of Arturia.Mordred decided to give Guinevere the powers that have always been very special:

  "The king's messenger?"

  Guinevere, who was lying on the bench, chanted this novel term, but did not know what special meaning it had.

  Could it be that Mordred saw that she was idle and had nothing to do, and wanted her to run errands to spread the word and find something for her to do?

  Guinevere thought suspiciously.

  However, after some careful thinking, CC understood Mordred's plan:


  Hermes, in ancient Greek mythology, is the son of Zeus, the god of commerce, travelers, thieves and livestock.

  But in addition, he has another important identity:

  【Messenger of the gods】

  His will often represents the will of Zeus - in the face of those things that are not easy to solve by himself, Zeus often transfers this task to this son who is very capable of doing things.

  Hermes has never lived up to Zeus' expectations, and every task has been completed beautifully.

  And now, Mordred assigned the title of "Messenger" to Guinevere, indicating that he also gave Guinevere a special task like Hermes.

  "The mediator between the ministers."

  "From now on, if there is any conflict between the courtier and the courtier, it's up to you to resolve it."

  "If they don't listen, then you're cute to them - until they're obedient."

  "Come on, let me be cute first."

  Mordred said with a smile, he put his hand on top of Guinevere's head and stroked it gently.

  do not know why.

  Mordred always felt that now Guinevere was like a cute kitten.

  If you don't touch it twice after meeting it, you will feel uncomfortable all over.

  And after touching it, you can feel refreshed and have the strength to do anything.

  Guinevere rolled her eyes.

  "I do not want."

  Faced with this "rude" request, she turned her head directly and refused without hesitation:

  "I'm not that kind of woman!"

  She swore that she would rather die than give in.

  However, Guinevere did not know.

  She is obviously already a cooked duck, but she is still stubborn, how cute is she.

  "Really not?"

  "Really not!"

  "Okay, CC, help me take off her shoes!"


  Mordred greeted CC and took off Guinevere's shoes, revealing a pair of small feet as white and smooth as suet jade.

  Guinevere suddenly had a rather bad premonition in her heart.

  And in the next instant.

  When CC lightly placed the tips of three fingers on the soles of her feet, making her premonition come true——

  "No, no, I surrender, I surrender."

  "I'm cute, can't I be cute!".

Chapter 48

  a day in a week.

  Guinevere, who had slept for a while, awoke leisurely in the vibrant sunshine.

  She could have gotten more sleep.

  In this secluded castle, she was not restrained in any way.

  Apart from being unable to walk out of this forest on her own, she has all the powers she has, basically doing whatever she wants.

  But at the same time, she does not need to perform even the slightest obligation.

  Like a canary in a cage, for this castle, her existence itself is already fulfilling an obligation.

  But Guinevere herself didn't see it that way.

  "Another new day!"

  "Work hard today, Weier!"

  After getting up from the bed, she walked to the window and patted her cheek.

  There was still a hint of cool morning breeze blowing on her face, which quickly cheered up her sluggish spirit.


  After some simple tidying up, she walked out of her room and started her daily routine.

  It was a day-to-day routine, and in general there was nothing new.

  It is nothing more than living the same day countless times.

  But Guinevere knew, even though these mundane days looked alike.But if you feel it carefully, you will find that every day is actually a new day.

  "Sister CC, good morning."

  In the kitchen, Guinevere saw CC's back while cooking.

  Her cooking skills are actually very good. Although it has not reached the level of Mordred, it is enough to be called "delicious" for ordinary people like Guinevere.

  Guinevere especially likes the cookies she bakes.

  In the face of Guinevere's greeting, CC, who was all about cooking, didn't even look back.

  "He's in the field."

  "The potatoes were harvested today."

  CC's tone is quite calm - she has the ability to make it seem so irrelevant no matter what comes out of her mouth.

  But after hearing CC's prompt, Guinevere's eyes lit up instantly.

  "I'm going to help!"

  After being idle for a week, she finally found something to do and ran away with a joyful pace.

  In this regard, CC is quite helpless.

  "Two bear children who haven't grown up... and a group of troublesome old women... With such a wonderful combination, can they really build a royal career that surpasses King Arthur?"

  CC feels choked up.

  Just these few people, it would be a blessing not to destroy the British island, right?


  Outside the castle, in the farmland opened by Mordred.

  When Guinevere felt excited to come here, she was disappointed to find that Mordred and Vortigern had done all the work in the field.

  Don't doubt the efficiency of the legendary powerhouse in farm work.

  Especially when there is a god-level powerhouse next to him as a supervisor, a mere piece of farmland less than an acre... It is an insult to say half an hour.

  And at the end, when Mordred put the harvested potatoes and fennel into the basket, and let Votigon, who had returned to the form of the bone dragon, bring these potatoes to the underground warehouse of the castle, Guinevere My son came here belatedly.

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