This is a difficult question to answer.

  In fact, the causes of a kingdom's decline, or even its demise, are complex—and often intertwined.

  For the current Camelot, the four words [internal and external troubles] are not even enough to indicate the severe situation it faces.

  Outside, there are Saxons and Picts eyeing, ready to tear their spoils from the fat in front of them.

  Inside, there are many factors such as mysterious disappearance, constant natural disasters, and the floating of people's hearts within the kingdoms, which shake the rule of Arturia and drag down the pace of this country's progress.

  Any one of the above reasons can lead to the decline of a kingdom.

  But Artoria has encountered all of them.

  This is her misfortune, and the misfortune of this kingdom.

  Fortunately, God is fair.

  It endows Arturia with extraordinary strength, allowing her to suppress an era by herself, barely maintaining her rule until she witnesses the end of the Age of Gods.

  And now, the heaven, who favors Arturia, has given her a good son who "knows everything" - so that she has the possibility to realize her mistakes and change her destiny...  

  "You know what, Father."

  "For us humans, the most terrifying thing is not a natural disaster at all."

  "It's that although I am alive, I can't see any hope of continuing to live!"



  This is something that is both cheap and luxurious.

  It is cheap because everyone can have hope and hope for the future.

  And it is extravagant because most people don't realize that they still have this thing, and they have no chance to realize this expectation.

  "And this is what a real king should do."

  "A true king should give his subjects real hope, so that no matter what difficulties they encounter, they can face the future with a smile."

  "But in're not doing well enough."

  Having said that, Mordred raised his head and glanced at Arturia.

  When Mordred confirmed that Arturia had not lost his temper because of his previous words, he stabilized his mind and continued:

  "You are the king of knights, and your knights saw their ideals and hopes in you, so they voluntarily followed behind you and worked for you."

  "--This is good."

  "But... my lovely father, don't you really think that this country was built by those knights?"

  "Then why don't you let them farm the fields and let them herd the cattle!"

  Mordred said sarcastically.

  As far as he thought, this was the most serious mistake that Artoria made.

  She was confined to the false name of [Knight King], and she naively believed that as long as she followed the virtues of knighthood and set an example, she would be able to lead this country to a bright future.

  At that time, all people in this country will be knights, and everyone will be able to abide by the virtues of knights, so as to build a kingdom of perfection.

  This is Arturia's ideal, perfect America.

  However, the real situation is...

  "What's the use of knights?"

  "Can you fill your stomach?"

  "Then I'm afraid they have to slaughter the horses under their crotch to do it?".

Chapter 78

  The ideal of the king of knights is full.

  However, when the plump ideal meets the overly skinny reality, it is destined to be broken into pieces.

  In the end, only the glass scum on the ground was left, which made future generations sigh and sigh.

  "So, we have to flesh out this reality first."

  Looking at Arturia's obviously darkened face, Mordred continued to suggest:

  "For those peasants who face the loess and turn their backs to the sky, they don't care how many victories you have won, how many enemies you have killed, and how much prestige you have created."

  "Even, they don't care who is running the country."

  "Whether it's you, the former tyrant Vortigern, or other kings - if they can't feed them, what's the difference?"

  Mordred said slowly.

  At this moment, he completely tore off the splendid appearance of [King], and presented the bloody reality inside to Artoria.

  This is the reality that Merlin never told to Artori.

  But at the same time, this is indeed the experience of governing the country summed up by generations of emperors, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, with their own personal experience.

  In the final analysis, there is only one sentence:

  "Whoever can make them fill their stomachs, even if they just don't starve to death, they will recognize whoever is king."

  "Do you think I'm right, Father?"

  Mordred asked with a serious look.

  But Artoria was silent.

  She was reluctant to admit that the human heart was so cheap - but when Mordred put these cruel truths in front of her eyes, she had to believe it.This time, Mordred was right.

  "No, Father."

  "I'm always right."

  Looking at Arturia, who had begun to admit her mistakes, Mordred said with a smile.

  That complacent look once gave Arturia the urge to hang Mordred on the city wall and whip him wildly with a whip.

  However, considering the decency of the royal family, Artoria still forcibly suppressed this urge.

  "What about what you did just now?"

  "It's okay to borrow a cow and a potato. It's yours, and I don't want to say anything more."

  "But don't you think that it's a bit too much for you to reduce or exempt the agricultural tax on the national side?"

  "You know, most of those taxes are used for military rations!"

  "You said just now that food is very important - without that food, what do you let those soldiers fight with me?"

  "What about knights?"

  Arturia asked sharply.

  It can be seen that she is really smart - in such a short period of time, she has integrated the new theory proposed by Mordred.

  Even, this new theory can be used as a guide to refute Mordred.

  But unfortunately, in Mordred's eyes, his father is still too naive.

  "Father, you must learn to use your brain to think about problems, you know, use your brain."

  "Instead of that dull hair on the top of your head."

  "What do you think you can think about that I can't think about?"

  Mordred said proudly.

  But it made Artoria's reason directly break through the limit.

  She decided to ignore the dignity of the royal family.

  After this matter is over, he will tie Mordred to the city wall and give him a good kick.

  However, before that—

  "You make it clear first."

  Arturia said expressionlessly, trying not to let Mordred see what was in his heart, lest Mordred use it as a condition to blackmail her again.

  She found that it was probably because of staying with Mordred for a long time.

  She seems to be learning too.


  Meanwhile, on the other side.

  I don't know that Artoria is no longer in the pure Mordred, but he is talking about his plan aloud.

  It's a whole plan.

  Mordred named it "The Great Self-Saving of Production".

  "Father, we must be clear about what kind of situation we are in."

  "The mystery is fading, and the real end has come for this island."

  "And our kingdom has just experienced a decade-long turmoil... The people's livelihood has been withered, and the food reserves are close to zero."

  "In this case, if we don't do something about it. This country is really screwed."

  Mordred spoke earnestly, but it was Arturia who provoked frequent nods.

  In fact, what Mordred said was exactly what Artoria was thinking.

  Of course she also wanted to do something for the country.

  However, how can it be so simple to solve this problem?


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