While Jin Gu was saying this, those Rahmu were also about to rush towards the city wall!

It’s just that Jin Gu didn’t care about this, just continued.

“I have gained life with the mission of sustaining the world…”

“Farewell, Mother.”

“You chose the wrong child….”

The magicians in various worlds frowned a little after seeing this scene.

Some of them didn’t quite understand why this Jingu, who was the same as Enchi, said this.

Listening to him, he was from Tiamat’s side, but he also had an extraordinary friendship with the Sage King Shem.

After thinking of this, they were all stunned.

Could it be that this Jingu, who was made by Tiamat, is the same as Enchi, and is going to betray Tiamat?!

Right now.

In this video.

The blue electric arc shines on Jingu’s body!


The sound of tall buildings collapsing sounded!

While Matthew was still worried.

Fujimaru Tachika and Kenwang Shin have already discovered Jingu who is flying towards Tiamat.

They all stopped and watched quietly.

Under their notes, Enchi flew to Tiamat’s side.

“This body…. Remember what had to be done. ”

Gradually, it flew in front of Tiamat’s eyes.

Jin Gu’s eyes also became very solemn!

“Jingu, son of Tiamat, here!”

“Show the name of the Heavenly Lock!”

A blinding thunder emerges!

Then, a dazzling golden glow!

Immediately afterwards, a huge vortex of energy emerged from above the ground!

One after another, small energy vortexes also emerged!

Countless golden heavenly chains rushed out of that whirlpool and went towards Tiamat Lock!

“Mother’s anger has dissipated!”

“Those who are awakened at this moment, sigh for the stars!”

In this dazzling golden light, Enkidu’s figure also rushed towards Tiamat along with those golden chains!!

And itself, under the golden light, turned into the last and biggest chain!

“O world, the wings are trivial gods! (ENUMAELISH)! ”

In this last chant, the largest and final lock part was locked directly on Tiamat’s body!


With the sound of impact, the last part of the Heavenly Lock also successfully plunged into the ground.

And Tiamat, at this time, was completely locked by the Heavenly Lock!

Then, the whole world fell into a dazzling white light!

The magicians and heroes in various worlds never thought of it.

The Jin Gu in this video comes back to such a place.

Even if, they thought that Jingu was likely to betray Tiamat.

But they only thought that he would go with the Sage King Flash to fight against Tiamat!

He never thought that he would use his life to release the Heavenly Lock!

[Weber: This is…. Heavenly Lock?! Jin Gu actually released the treasure Heavenly Lock and locked Tiamat!! 】

[Director Ken: This is unbelievable!!] 】

[Cuchulain: As the son of Tiamat, did he betray Tiamat? 】

[Dr. Roman: In this case…. Then maybe, you can win!! 】

It’s in the middle of the world of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Jin Shin looked at the lock of heaven that locked Tiamat in this video.

A smile appeared on his face.

“I didn’t expect that when I took stock of the wise king, my best friends would also appear together!”

After saying this, Jin Shanshan took a sip of red wine directly.

The corners of the mouth are also raised!

At this point, in the video.

The white light has also dissipated.

Matthew’s figure also emerged.

“That was just now?”

And after Matthew finished speaking, the voice of the Sage King Shining sounded.


After the virtuous king Shin said this, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew also looked at Tiamat on the opposite side!

Subsequently, it was discovered that Tiamat had been firmly locked by the Heavenly Lock!!

Can’t move at all!

It was at this time that the voice of the virtuous king flash sounded again!

“Just a few steps further and the tower will turn to ashes.”


“But you must be very unwilling!”

“This step is so heavy.”

“It’s just a momentary bondage…”

“But it’s like a slumber.”

After saying this, the voice of the Sage King Flash also became excited at this time!

“The Heavenly Lock has finally suppressed even the power of the Creation God!”

“I witnessed the loss of my best friend twice.”

“The first time I was deep in lamentation, but this time is different!”

“That brave figure will always be imprinted in my heart!”

Just as the Sage King was saying this, the book in his hand also turned into golden energy particles and dissipated.

Then, King Ken turned around and looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka.

“I want to thank you, Fujimaru.”

“Even if everything in this world is mobilized, it is estimated that it must stop here.”

Just as the Sage King was saying this.

The lens of the video is also pulled away!

Subsequently, the appearance of the entire city also appeared in this video.

It’s just that at this time, fire is burning everywhere in this city.

Above the ground, it was full of black mud brought by Tiamat.

In this black mud, an iron helmet was also completely devoured at this time.

And the words of the virtuous king are still continuing.

“You are a foreigner, and you are not a thing of this age, a superfluous thing.”

“But it is this superfluous thing that can set off the last act of destruction that is undoubtedly destructive for us.”

Just as the Sage King was saying this, the Heavenly Lock that locked Tiamat was already partially golden chains, at this time.

Slowly dyed gray white.

And the Sage King Flash, obviously, also noticed this.

“The time has come, the final end…..”

“It’s over to Ru Shou!”


Dr. Roman watches the video.

After the Heavenly Lock locked Tiamat, after the words of the Sage King Shin.

Immediately, he groaned.

There is no doubt that after Tiamat was locked, Tiamat should have been brought to the underworld.

But it is also a very difficult thing to get Tiamat into the underworld.

After all, the underworld and the living world are still not interconnected.

In thinking about it.

Dr. Roman immediately shrank his pupils.

“Is it…..”

Just when Dr. Roman thought of this.

In the video.

The voice of the god of the underworld, Ereshkigal, also sounded at this time!

“Fujimaru!!! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“The phase transfer between the underground and the underworld in Uruk has been completed!”

“Next, just open a hole!!”

With the sound of Ereshkigal’s voice, her figure also appeared in this video at the same time.

Subsequently, above the walls of Uruk.

Matthew also heard this voice, and quickly said to Fujimaru Rika!


Fujimaru Tachika also nodded accordingly!

Then, he looked up into the air!

Shout loud!


“Beat Tiamat into the underworld!!!”

Above the sky, Istar, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately replied after hearing Fujimaru’s words.

“I’ve been waiting impatiently for a long time!!”

“OK!! Fujimaru! ”

“As you say, open a big hole under her feet without mercy!!”

While speaking, Ishtar also stretched out his hand.

The golden energy light also converged on her hand.

Subsequently, her weapon appeared in her hand.

Then, it’s a wave in front!

“The gate is open!!”

Above the sky, a huge hole immediately appeared.

The dazzling starry sky also emerged from this hole at this time!

Then, the hole also kept getting bigger, and the dazzling starry sky also kept getting bigger!


It is at this very time.

The lock of heaven that locked Tiamat was already at this time.

Most of the corroded parts, those corroded parts, are turned into stone.

Fell into the black mud on the ground.

And at this time.

Ixtar’s chant also sounded!

“From the grand sky to the vast land!”

Just under the chant of Istar, above the sky, in that huge hole.

Incomparably brilliant, incomparably terrifying energy, it is constantly gathering and blooming!!

Then, slowly towards the ground!

In all worlds.

These magicians and spirits, after seeing this Istal treasure………

It was already some shocked numbness.

Even more shocking than this was the appearance of Ereshkigal!

[Cuchulain: Ereshkigal, god of the underworld…. Another deity, appeared…..]

[Red A yes, these gods gathered for only one purpose, that is, to kill Tiamat again, this is simply a legend coming! ] 】

[Weber; …… According to legend, after Tiamat gave birth to the gods, the gods first killed her husband, then killed her, and took control of the world, but did not expect that in this peculiarity, there was another repetition….】

In the midst of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Jin Shanshan looked at this Istal who was in the same camp as himself.

The face is not very good, still put on a smelly face,

Even though he knew that Ixtar was here to help Uruk this time.

But he also did not believe that Istal would really help Uruk!

Nine times out of ten, Fujimaru is lobbying, and he also feels threatened, so he helps.


“Damn guys!”


Leonardo da Vinci looked at the video, whether it was Ereshkigal or Ishtar.

They all believed Fujimaru’s words very much.

He immediately covered his mouth and laughed.

“Doctor, it seems that our Chaldean lord is still very attractive!”

“Even these two evil gods believe in our royal lord very much!”

Dr. Roman after hearing Leonardo da Vinci’s words.

There are also some black lines on the brain door.

He really didn’t know what Leonardo’s brain circuit was.

At this time, there should be no more concern, will Tiamat be like this?!

It was also at this time.

In the video.

Ixtar after unleashing this treasure.

He said immediately.

“I can’t manage so much of the rest.”

After saying this again, Ishtar immediately raised his hand!

A little golden light was also shining from the incomparably brilliant starry sky energy at this time!


Then, dazzling energy rays burst out immediately!

A gust of wind pressure is also a crazy spread!



The buzz also sounded at this time!

All that energy came together to form a ball of energy that bloomed with dazzling golden light!

Then, it turned into a huge purple energy arrow and hitched on Istar’s giant bow!

“The mountains shake the star’s salary! (ANGALTAKIGALSHE!! )”

After this voice sounded!



That huge purple arrow blasted out several sonic boom waves in the air, with a thunderous momentum of 0.0!

The shot hit the ground, and Tiamat, who was still locked!

“Boom !!!”


A deafening roar sounded!

A terrifying energy shock burst out immediately!

The incomparably terrifying spherical crimson-gold energy impact spread madly in all directions!

One after another, with a terrifying energy impact, they kept rushing towards the surroundings!

[Cuchulain: … This…… Maybe it’s too exaggerated! 】

[Director Ken: The mountain range shocks the obvious salary…. Is this the treasure of Istar? Is this the legendary treasure that turned the dead Spirit Peak Abif Mountain into a treasure… It’s unbelievable!! 】

[Weber: This kind of treasure is really too strong! ] Such an attack, such a shock …. It’s really, really shocking! 】

[Red A, although the treasure of the previous Kuizal can also cause this effect, the extremely huge purple energy arrow is too shocking! ] 】

In the video.


Fujimaru Rika, who was already a little unable to hold on, immediately stretched out her hand to Matthew.

Matthew also reacted and hurriedly stretched out his hand and grabbed Fujimaru Tachika’s hand.

“Yes, Master!!”

Then, both of them crouched in the standing Sage King Dodge, dodging this storm of energy that was better than a burst!!



But, right now!

The ground of the two of them shattered directly.

Fujimaru Rika and Matthew also fell directly….

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