Shirou Eimiya also scratched his head a little after hearing Artoria’s words.

It’s different from ordinary people, what is different?

It was at this time.

In the video.

Dr. Roman went on to count.

“Is it summoning again?”

“No, no, no, this can’t be!!”

In the underworld, Ereshkigal looked at Merlin, also a little surprised,

She also did not expect that at the last moment, Merlin would come to the rescue.

And Merlin, also at this time, replied to Dr. Roman.

“Don’t worry, I’m a fake Merlin.”

As Merlin said this, the petals on the ground began to dissipate little by little at this time.

When the petals had dissipated, Merlin immediately crossed his waist and said.

“It’s in a hurry from Avalon.”

As Merlin said this, Matthew and Fujimaru Tachika also ran over at this time.

Fujimaru Rika was also very surprised by Merlin’s words!

“Ran over?!”

Merlin immediately agreed after hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka’s words.


“I hate sad partings the most!”

“Nothing will be said to be separated by death!”

“So this time I decided to respect my idea.”

Fujimaru Tachika was immediately a little moved after hearing Merlin’s words.


And Merlin, at this time, revealed the flowers in his hand.

“It is not dishonored by the title of Flower Magician.”

“Hurry up and compliment me!”

[Weber: …. Unexpectedly, Merlin actually said it himself, he is a flower magician……..]

[Director Ken: Yes, I thought that this flower magician was given by this inventory system, but I didn’t expect it…. It turned out to be said by the legendary Merlin magician himself…]

[Cuchulain: King Arthur, the legendary magician Merlin, has it always been like this? 】

[Artoria: ………. Merlin mentored him, and his temperament was indeed more easygoing. 】

[Dr. Roman: What is called being more easygoing, this is simply bad!!] 】


Da Vinci immediately looked at Dr. Roman after seeing this barrage sent by Dr. Roman.

And Dr. Roman did not notice Leonardo da Vinci’s gaze at all,

Merlin, who has been watching this video.

The face is not reconciled.

In the world of the fifth Holy Grail War.

Artoria was also stunned when she saw this video, after Dr. Roman’s barrage.

“Doctor Roman, who the hell is it?”

“He knows Mr. Merlin so well, and moreover, he knows Mr. Merlin… Very understanding?! ”

At this time.

In this video.

After hearing Merlin’s words, Matthew hurriedly said to Merlin.

“Yes, Mr. Merlin!”

“Nice to see you again!”

It was also at this time that Fujimaru Tachika said to Merlin.

“It’s great that you can come, Merlin!”

It’s just that Fufu looked at Merlin, and it wasn’t so cool.


And Merlin, after seeing Fufu, immediately cleared his throat, just when he was ready to say something.

Ereshkigal said at this time.

“The output force of the underworld has stopped!”

“Such words!”

However, before Ereshkigal could unleash his ability, the entire underworld shook again.

Merlin said immediately after seeing this scene.

“It seems that now is not the time to enjoy joy.”

It was also at this time.

Tiamat, who has changed shape, appears in this video.

At this point, He is doing a second change!

His scaled body also began to grow wings!

At this time, the voice of the Chaldean side also sounded.

“Tiamat spread his horn wings~!”

Fujimaru Tachika said immediately after seeing this scene.

“Are you going to fly again?”

And Ereshkigal, at this time, was also quite shocked to see all this.

“It’s already weakening her power, I can’t believe it!”

And Merlin, also at this time, looked at Tiamat.

“The joy of becoming the mother of all things, the hatred and sorrow of being abandoned, and the replacement of the earth’s ecology that has been produced by it.”

“From her nature, it determines that her position, the goddess of creation, is nothing more than a false title.”

As Merlin said this, and Tiamat, who had changed into the form of a dragon, had already completely spread his horn wings, and countless blue lightning flashed on his body!

[Dr. Roman; Could it be that this is why this peculiarity appears? In the end, is it because this Tiamat, who should have slept a long time ago, is the peculiarity of this look?! 】

[Cuchulain: This….. I can’t believe it. 】

[Red A, that is to say, the Tiamat in this video is not the real Tiamat, but because of these negative things, the special job introduction? ] 】

[Kim Sparkle: Ah, that’s how it should be…. I really didn’t expect that in this video, the creation goddess that Ben Wang had always thought was just standing up again because of these things: It’s just some kind of creature. 】


Dr. Roman looked at Merlin’s words and fell into deep thought.

Before, he always thought that these peculiarities only appeared because of accidents.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

The previous Lion King was able to use this explanation.

However, the Tiamat in this video now cannot be explained by accident at all.

“Could it be that there is some kind of existence that is deliberately creating peculiarities and burning down human reason?!”

In this video.

Just when Tiamat was wantonly releasing his power, Istal also flew quickly down from the big hole in Uruk and the connection with the underworld!

In the underworld, Merlin looked at this Tiamat, who was wantonly releasing his power, and continued.

“This is the great disaster that has been abandoned by mankind and rejected by mankind!”

“One of the seven human evils, a demon beast with the principle of return!”



Just as Merlin was saying this, Tiamat’s head also immediately hit the ground, directly hitting a huge crater in the ground.

After seeing this scene, and after hearing Merlin’s words. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The magicians and heroes in various worlds were also stunned.

[Weber: One of the Seven Beasts…. and Warcraft……. Tiamat turned into a beast?! 】

[Director Ken: This is unbelievable!!] This is the legendary creation god, and he turned into a beast!! 】

[Golden Flash: Miscellaneous! ] It’s a miscellaneous fixture! Who the hell is it? Dare to do such a thing! 】

[Shirou Emiya: Beast?! ] What beast? 】

After seeing the barrage of Shirou Emiya.

The magicians and heroes in various worlds were also stunned.

Subsequently, Red A told Shirou Eimiya about these things.

[The so-called beasts of Red A are the seven beasts that want to destroy the world, and the seven crowned positions, that is, created to stop these beasts, these followers summoned in the Holy Grail War, are just a weakened, weakened and weakened version of that ritual. ] 】

It was at this time, in the video.

Ereshkigal was also taken aback when he saw this scene.

Above the sky, Ishtar also rushed over at this time, and Tiamat was also startled after seeing the mutation!

“What is that!!”

Dr. Roman’s words also sounded quietly at this time!

“She’s going to take off!”

“If she is asked to return to Uruk, the defense mechanism of the underworld will be invalidated.”

“Most importantly, she will become invincible again without death!”

After Dr. Roman’s voice fell, Merlin also looked at Matthew and Fujimaru Tachika.

“Fujimaru, Matthew.”

“Your journey at this special point has been the hardest, and this Warcraft is by far the strongest enemy you have encountered.”

“Relying on the two goddesses to hold him down, using Uruk as bait, he pushed her into the trap of the underworld.”

“The bondage of the Heavenly Lock, the punishment of the Underworld, and my beautiful flowers.”

“Up to now, everyone has exhausted all means.”

“It’s not enough, though!”

“The giant beast still does not fear, does not know its natural enemies.”

“Unknown for His death!!”

It was at this time that the giant beast that Tiamat turned into was slowly walking towards this side.



Every step that fell, it made a huge sound!

It is at this time,

A cloak was raised.

Merlin’s words continued.

“Neither King Gilgamesh’s, nor the Holy Grail of the Magic King.”

“It was no one else who summoned him, it was you.”

“Fujimaru Tachika!”

“The enemy is the evil of mankind, Beast.”

“The conditions for him to appear in this land are ripe to be able to fight against the world weapon of the Suppressed Beast, that is, the follower of the crown position!”

Upon hearing this, Dr. Roman was immediately shocked.

And Merlin’s voice is still ringing.

“All your battles are meaningful!”

It was at this moment that a sword was inserted into the ground.

“Come on, Primordial Sea! Look up at the sky! ”

“Where is your Grim Reaper standing!!”

At this moment, the entire video is also frozen with this!

The heroes and magicians in various worlds, after seeing this video freeze.

All confused.

No, what does this mean?!

Doesn’t it mean that those who can deal with this Tiamat are followers with a crowned position?

And Merlin, isn’t it the magician with the qualification for the crown?

Is he so unattainable?

Moreover, if Merlin is not on it, which one is the follower with the crown position?!

[Cuchulain: How can it be repaired!!] Who the hell is Merlin talking about?! This world, so it froze halfway through!!! 】

[Dr. Roman; Followers with crown job placements… In the legend, there are also some, but, in this video, which one is Merlin talking about?! 】

[Joan of Arc: It’s a shame that this video, just when it was about to be revealed, came to an abrupt end. 】

[Hassan: yes, that’s a shame! 】

In the world of the fourth Holy Grail War.

Jin Shanshan looked at this video, and when the follower that Merlin said could deal with Tiamat was about to be revealed, the whole video was frozen.

Immediately snorted coldly, and his face was also very unhappy.

He didn’t expect that this inventory system was actually coming out of this one!

But apart from snorting coldly, he had no choice at all!

You can only drink all the red wine in your hand!

“Really, miscellaneous repair!!”

Tosaka Shichen on the side, after seeing this, was also quite regretful.

He was also very curious, which one was the crown follower?

It’s just a pity that this video, it directly froze!

The other side. (Lee’s)

The Great Emperor looked at this abrupt video and immediately regretted it.

“What’s the matter, it’s frozen at this time, it’s really unhappy!”

After saying this, the Great Emperor also looked at Weber on the side.

“Hey, little ghost, do you know how many followers there are in the end?”

Weber also shook his head after hearing the emperor’s words.

He didn’t know much about this knowledge.

It is also known that the legendary king of magicians and the Merlin who has just been counted have the title qualification.

As for the rest, he doesn’t know!

It was at a time when all magicians and spirits felt great regret.

On this video, it was also at this time that hot gold words appeared!

[Inventory type moon top ten strange titles! ] 】

[Fanwai: Hassan Sabah (Old Man in the Mountains): “King Hassan”! 】

After this hot golden big character appeared, the magicians and heroes in various worlds were stunned!

They didn’t expect that this one was played continuously!

I didn’t expect that this follower with the title of title was actually Hassan Sabah!!

[Golden Flash: Hasan Sabah? Isn’t this the Assassin who killed one of them by King Ben? How can it be crowned as a job introduction, such a miscellaneous cultivator, and so likely to be crowned Assassin! 】

[The Great: Ah. Indeed, I also feel that the strength of this Hassan Sabah is somewhat weak, and it is not like any crown Assassin! 】

It was also at this time that Hassan’s barrage emerged.

[Hassan: Hasan Sabah is the name of the leader of our organization, after becoming the leader, it will be called Hasan Sabah, and King Hasan is also the first leader of our organization, the legendary angel of death! ] Exhaustion].

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