Seeing such a thing appear, even Hong A, who has always been cold, couldn't help but smile.

In such a situation, anyone will have some collapse!

[Red A: By mistake, I actually let my students have the courage to personally participate in the Holy Grail War. It seems that Professor Weber's strength is not strong enough to strategize. 】

Seeing the words in the barrage, Weber, himself is also embarrassed,

After all, he himself is an acquired faction that advocates it.

Individual efforts can compete with the demonization circuits of family inheritance.

This theory has not yet been recognized.

And he was just criticized by Director Ken in class.

Now, my own operation,

Unexpectedly, let his students participate in the Holy Grail War,

That is to say, after tossing and turning for so long, the bamboo basket was empty.

Damn it!

[Rin Tosaka: This student is really difficult to deal with. His own teacher put so much effort into it, but he still didn't stop what he had to do. 】

[Red A: This is the destiny thing, no one can stop it! ] Let me see what kind of performance this guy will have in the Holy Grail War! 】

For Ermeiro's operation is fierce, look at the situation of the record of two hundred and five.

The conqueror also laughed,

Especially looking at Ermelo's angry and corrupted look,

The conqueror king couldn't help but raise his fist and slap Weber beside him,

Let Webb feel the warmth from him.

[Conqueror King: How much more stupid things like this have to be done?] Weber! This Holy Grail War, it seems that you can't count on it at all. 】

Webb rubbed his head in embarrassment,

[Weber: I've worked almost ten times! Why, this still failed! Damn it! In the future, I will definitely not accept this student! 】

"Finally, long live the Star of London!" The voice of customer service came from the microphone.

"Anything else?"

Ermeiro's face turned green,

I can't wait to crush my phone into pieces,

I also want 310 to immediately run to Snow Town and capture this dishonest student,

Good education!


I don't know how much trouble it will bring to me in the future!

Even if it's angry,

Ermelo remained calm,

That's where he's so powerful.

"It's okay." He calmly hung up the phone,

Some frustrated looked at the shadow mage.

The shadow mage and his own students also looked at each other.

It seems that Ermeiro misunderstood,

I originally thought that Ermelo was on the tenth layer, but it turned out to be on the negative layer!

The plane in the sky left a white mist and quickly left,

Flatt raised his palm to look at the sky.

At the moment when Flatt came to Snow Town,

There was a new change in the back of his hand.

The spell representing the chosen person who carried the Grail had appeared on the back of his hand!

This shows that the holy relic that Elmeiro forged with a gift turned out to be a holy relic that could be used.

It is estimated that no one will think of such a thing,

Flatt's brain is not easy to use, let alone guess that this given to him by the teacher is actually fake, just because of the accident, this holy relic is real.

Looking at the spell symbol like the sun on the back of the hand,

Flatt was overjoyed.

"Oops, I really should thank the professor."

"Although the professor kept talking, he still prepared such a cool holy relic for me."

Seeing Flatt say this, Webb became even more embarrassed.

[Weber: This Ermelo is not actually me! I don't have anything to do with this Ermeiro, what he does, has nothing to do with me! 】

In order to retain a pitiful dignity for himself, Webb had to publish a barrage to separate himself from the one in the picture.

Originally, the sense of honor brought by this person being Professor Zhongta was lost.

The rest is all embarrassment!

[Cuchulain: This professor made such an operation, I never expected it anyway! ] It can only be said that creation is tricky. However, can this student really participate in the Holy Grail War with such a naïve personality? 】

[Diarmt: I'm also a little curious, this Flatt trusts his teacher so much, I don't know if he trusts his teacher immensely, or does this student have a bad brain? 】

For Diarmt's doubts, everyone could not answer,

Webb himself can't say,

Anyway, now that I know, Weber's own brain, it is definitely not very good.

As for that Flat, for what reason he trusted the holy relic he got, it was impossible to know.

[Director Ken: In the end, holy relics are only mediums, if the belief is enough, ordinary holy relics can also summon powerful heroic spirits, but the probability is extremely low, and it can basically be ignored. ] This student's luck is not ordinarily good, it is very against the sky. 】

Flatt took out the gift that his teacher had given him from his bag,

Opening the white handkerchief package, inside was a short knife shining with a sharp edge.

The blade was extremely sharp, sharp enough to reflect Flatt's own shadow.

Flatt looked overwhelmed.

Ermeiro took the shadow mage to the secret room where the magician specially held the meeting,

Communication here can be completely assured and will not be monitored.

Ermeiro dragged himself and Flatt out entirely.

The shadow mage who heard this story felt that such a thing belonged to the extent that Heifer got on the plane.

"So, that disciple of yours ran to Snow Town alone?"

Now the snow town, but the place where many magicians stronghold,

Although the news of the Holy Grail War did not spread,

However, the people who can get the news now are all famous and surnamed figures in the magic world.

That Flatt went alone, very dangerous.

"Moreover, you also mistook the gift you got in the lottery machine lottery for a holy relic?"

The shadow mage asked the biggest question in his life?

The shock that this incident brought to the shadow mage was no less than when he knew that his disciple Faldius was a spy.

There are many spies among magicians, even he himself is an intelligence professional, for his disciples to be spies, it can only be said that his own skills are not in place and he has not found it.

But, the matter of Ermeiro and his disciple Flat,

It's indescribable, it's really perverted.

I am afraid that such a thing will only appear in novels.

However, it really appeared.

Ermeiro took a sip of water and said calmly: "In this way, it is indeed so. "

"But how did that guy know about the Holy Grail War?" The shadow mage continued to question three times. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The matter of the Aegdf Cup War is also classified information,

In the clock tower, the only person who has talked about this should be the meeting a few days ago.

However, that meeting was not something that students like Flatt were eligible to participate in.

Moreover, there are multiple layers of high-level enchantments around the meeting,

Not a canon magician, can't break through the enchantment.

"In the last meeting, he overheard the content of the Holy Grail War, Flat, with an unconventional and incredible ability to break the rules."

Ermelo answered the Shadow Mage's question, and even said the things that the Shadow Mage was going to ask next.

[Jin Shansheng: This miscellaneous cultivator, there is still such a skill? Breaking through the high-level magic enchantment, such a magic means are not long, although it looks silly, but there is a little talent. 】

Jin Shanshan was also surprised to hear that Flatt had some kind of ability to break the rules.

After all, such abilities are unattainable, as long as they are used well, the future will definitely be a crown-level magician seen before.

Seeing the spell on the back of Flatt's hand,

I also know the bizarre plot of this guy Flat.

Shirou Eimiya discovered a big bug that shocked the world.

That is, this holy relic is really fake, and it can't even reach the ordinary level.

It is a gift from the teacher's game console lottery.

Then, he held one, how could he summon a heroic spirit?

[Shirou Emiya: Well, then, what does this person have to do to summon the heroic spirit? His holy relic is completely fake! 】

[Rin Tosaka: From a realistic point of view, it seems that he really does not have a holy relic to summon a heroic spirit, but his teacher has said that that kid has a special ability, maybe he will use this prize to summon a powerful heroic spirit. 】

Rin Tosaka guessed in combination with what Ermeiro said. 、

After all, with its own special methods, the ability to break through some magical boundaries,

Is it also possible to break through the boundaries of holy relics and still summon holy relics?

Flatt himself, also looking at this short knife,

Thinking about how to summon the Spirit.

After all, he was also trying the Holy Grail War for the first time,

I didn't know anything about the Holy Grail War before.

"Well, how do you use this thing?"

"Will it disappear after use? Do you want to link to my magic circuit? "

"If it disappears if you use it, then don't use the Writ Spell!"

Flatt sat on a lounge chair by the beach, studying the relics and the use of spells.

At present, it seems that he does not know that there is actually the matter of summoning heroic spirits.

"Hey, let me ask you!"

"Are you the lord who summoned me?"

A voice suddenly came from around Flat.

Hearing this voice, Flatt was a little shocked,

But I immediately understood something.

"Huh?! Ha Yi! "

Flatt held the knife in his hand and stood up excitedly.

And then look left and right,

However, there is no one around.

Only calm water, and little girl playing with a leather ball in the distance.

"Can I take the answer now as an affirmative?"

"Then, the contract has been established!"

"As companions in the search for the Holy Grail together, let's get along well in the future!"

"Well, wait a minute, it's actually summoned in such a place, in front of everyone's eyes."

"There is no altar yet, that is, you have not chanted incantations?"

This heroic spirit is obviously a little talkative.

Serial asked Flatt multiple questions.

Flatt scratched his head in embarrassment, not knowing how to answer this heroic spirit.

After all, he is not even a person who knows the Holy Grail War.

For such a situation, Roman was a little stunned,

This guy,

Some special abilities,

I didn't expect such a special,

Unexpectedly stepped over the summoning ceremony of the altar,

Without even saying the spell, the heroic spirit was summoned!

It's not just about breaking the rules.

If you can study the principle,

In the future, summoning heroic spirits can save a lot of money.

[Roman: Is this kid lucky, or is he really talented? It's just not like words, such a means can be called Ouhuang! 】

When everyone saw this Flatt, they were a little envious!

After all, such a means is really a bit clever!

[Soichiro Katsuragi: There is such a way to summon heroic spirits! ] Sure enough, in the Holy Grail War in other countries, even the official rules did not go! 】

[Shinji Ma Kiri: This guy, why is his luck so good! ] A snow town obtained a spell, was recognized by the Holy Grail, not to mention, and even summoned a heroic spirit by mistake! 】

When Shinji saw it, he was envious and jealous.

Why doesn't Shinji Kirito have such good luck!.

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