"So, I have really been unconscious for five days?"

There was no food stored at home, so Hei Zhen hurriedly ran outside to buy fast food.

It was snowing so heavily outside, she must have suffered a lot if she went out, so Shirou asked her to sit next to him.

Since waking up, he felt that Hei Zhen was different from before. Not only had Hei Zhen changed, but even his attitude towards Hei Zhen had changed.

This was probably related to the things that happened in his dream, but Shirou couldn't remember what happened in the dream.

"Well, it's been five days! Master, if you don't wake up, Saber might commit suicide for love!"

Kurojeong has really changed. She would never say such a light-hearted joke before.

"Shirou, don't listen to her nonsense, she is more worried about you than I am, after all, this is her own fault!"

Saber said with a red face, and rolled her eyes at Hei Zhen, as if she was dissatisfied with her talking about her embarrassing things in front of Shirou.

"Oh, by the way, Saber, now that you mention it, I remembered that I asked you to go out and look for Caster and Ryunosuke, but what happened? What happened afterwards?"

Shirou is still confused. What happened to him at that time?

Why did he suddenly feel that his magic power was drained? And then he fell into a coma?

He sensed that it might be related to Kuroneko, but he was not sure what the connection was. It was a good time to ask Kuroneko.

"Uh... well, this is not easy to say.……"

Heizhen's expression became awkward, she lowered her head, crossed her fingers, and refused to speak the truth.

"Since Miss Jeanne is unwilling to speak, I will tell her the story!"

At this time, Saber of Love stood up, looked at Shirou and Black Jeanne expressionlessly, and then told her what happened that day.

"What? Jeanne, you used my magic power and signed a servant?"

When Shirou heard that Jeanne had turned Caster Jill into her own servant, he was like a thousand horses galloping through his heart. Wait, this situation seems a little familiar. Didn't Medea in the Fifth War turn Sasaki Kojiro into her own servant in this way?

However, Caster Medea is a magician, and her attainments in magic are very high, so it is not too strange that she has such a skill. After all, no matter how great the achievements of a genius in the magic world are, they can be explained!

But how can Jeanne have such a powerful spell? She is not a magician?

"Well, I was able to do this because of the dragon power in my body and your magic power, but I didn’t expect that there would be a small mistake, which led to you being dragged into the eternal nightmare!"

Hei Zhen looked embarrassed at first, but then gradually became curious:"Master, did you meet anyone in the nightmare?""Eternal

Nightmare? What is that?

Shirou remembered that he had been to somewhere, but it seemed to be called the Land of Dreams. Could it be that the Land of Dreams was the same place as the Eternal Nightmare they were talking about?

"Who told you all this? How do you know there is such a thing as the Eternal Nightmare?"

Shirou felt very strange. Hei Zhen and the others had never been to these places, so how did they know about the existence of this place?

"This is what Jill told me!"

Hei Zhen said angrily,"It's all this guy's fault. I didn't expect that signing a contract with him would consume so much magic power!"

She felt very guilty when she thought about how her actions almost killed Shirou.

"Wait, Caster signed a contract with you, so where is he? Where is he now?"

Shirou looked around, but he didn't seem to see the weird magician with bulging eyes!

"He has become a spirit and should be standing guard outside now. If necessary, I can call him back, but Master, are you sure you want to see him now? Believe me, after seeing his appearance, you may not be able to eat!"

Hei Zhen said to Shirou with a weird smile on her face.

"Well, let’s not do that. My head is a little dizzy, and I don’t remember much about what happened in the dreamland… or what you call the eternal nightmare!"

He tried hard to recall. There were a lot of things in his head. It seemed that those memories were not lost, but because they were too chaotic, he couldn’t remember what they were for the time being. It might take him some time to sort out all these things!

"Then don't think about it, Shirou. It's snowing heavily outside now, and it's not expected to clear up in a short time. Shirou, you can use this time to have a good rest. I... I also want to have a good rest!"

Saber suddenly felt very sleepy. After eating, her head was dizzy. Now she didn't want to do anything and just wanted to sleep.

Shirou looked at her with some distress. This silly child actually stayed by her side for five days and five nights, and she wasn't afraid of ruining her body.

"Saber, you should go and have a rest. Jeanne, you too, there should be no problem if there are casters keeping watch outside!"

Shirou said as he prepared to pack up.

Alice and Saber looked at each other, then stood up and said goodbye to him. Since Shirou was fine, it would be bad for them to stay any longer. It was a good time to go back and tell Kiritsugu. I believe Kiritsugu would be very happy after knowing the news! After sending Alice and Saber away, Jeanne and Saber went to rest.

They were both exhausted. Judging from their current state, they might not even have dinner and would sleep until tomorrow morning.

Shirou returned to his room and started to pack some things, but he didn't sleep either. During the past few days in the dreamland, although he had been running around, his body in this world had been in a sleeping state, so he didn't feel tired.

"The Fourth Holy Grail War should be over soon, right? Lancer and Archer are both dead, and Archer has become the Servant of his Servant, which means he has also withdrawn from the Holy Grail War. So, the only ones who have not been killed are Saber of Kiritsugu's papa, Emperor of the Princess, and Assassin of Kotomine Kirei!"

Speaking of which, those who withdrew from the Holy Grail War were all thanks to him!

Shirou put his hands in his pockets, thinking about his next plan. Kiritsugu's papa said that he wanted to meet with him to discuss, which was something Shirou had been waiting for for a long time, and Kotomine Kirei had no idea what he was doing recently. He was probably planning something. This guy was a little evil, so if possible, he should be killed in advance.

As for Rider and the Princess, let's leave these two guys to the end!

The battle plan was formulated in this way. Although it was hasty, Shirou was satisfied.

""Hey? What's that in your pocket?"

Shirou seemed to have touched something, and then took it out and took a look.

It was a beautiful sapphire, shining with a strange luster.

"Imaging Gem? And it's already been used?"

Shirou certainly knew this thing, because he had seen it in the system's mall before.

""When was it used? What's inside?"

Shirou, with great curiosity, poured his magic power into it, and then the imaging gem slowly began to project a light curtain. On this light curtain, a girl in a red noble dress stood tall and graceful, smiling like a flower. The smile on her face was like a spring breeze that blew directly into Shirou's heart.


All of a sudden, all his memories were sorted out, and Shirou remembered what happened in the dreamland!

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