"Are you sure it's here? This looks like a residential area!"

Saber followed Shirou quietly without saying anything, but Kuro-Jeong said with doubt,"I can't sense the presence of a Servant here!"

Because the presence of servants is relatively strong, and their perception is far superior to that of ordinary people, it is easier for them to detect the presence of a Servant.

Kuro-Jeong is very powerful. Since she said that she didn't find any trace of a Servant here, then there should be no trace of a Servant here.

""Your Highness, the Holy Virgin, there is the breath of a Servant here, but it is rather faint. It seems that the other party should have gone out!"

The spiritualized caster Gildan knelt on the ground and said respectfully to Heizhen. Shirou subconsciously moved a few steps to the side. When he saw this big-eyed guy, he felt uncomfortable and had an indescribable disgust.

Although Gil is now considered a member of his own camp and he is the Servant of his Servant, Shirou still cannot accept him quickly. This situation is expected to continue for some time.

"Oh, he went out, doesn't that mean we made a wasted trip? It's all your fault, Jill. Why didn't you tell me the news earlier? The master and I made a wasted trip!" Black Zhen had just expressed her opinion when Jill jumped out to slap her in the face. Isn't this courting death?

So Black Zhen was unreasonable and pushed all the responsibility onto Jill.

The latter was unable to complain and could only say aggrievedly:"It's my fault that I'm useless. As a heroic spirit, my ability is relatively weak. I can't detect the enemy's traces from a long distance!"

"Then why don't you set out earlier and find out the situation in advance? You made excuses for yourself after failure, I must teach you a lesson!"

After Hei Zhen finished speaking, an iron whip appeared in his hand, and he lashed it on Jill's body with a few snaps. The latter made a strange cry that was both tragic and enjoyable, and seemed to be very happy with such a punishment.

Shirou and Saber looked at each other. Shirou took Saber's hand and took her away quickly. These two guys were too weird. It was not good to get too close to them, or they would be regarded as psychopaths together!

Since Rider and the princess were not at home, then go to their house to take a look and leave a message or something. In short, don't make a wasted trip!

"You two are friends of Waver's kid, right? Please come in!"

The kind old lady seemed to be about to go out to buy groceries. When she saw Saber and Shirou standing in front of the door and about to knock, she immediately determined their identities and invited them in.

"Uh, that, grandma, we are indeed friends of Weber Velvet, is he home today?"

After seeing them, the grandma just glanced at Shirou, and her main attention was still on Saber.

Saber was wearing something very special today. Shirou bought her a set of clothes according to the mysterious heroine X Aho-Mao's outfit, especially the blue baseball cap on the top of her head, which also has a small hole for Aho-Mao, which is so cute. The golden ponytail fluttered in the wind behind her head, swaying on both sides, and looked much better than the dignified bun she had before.

This outfit made her look full of vitality and youthful.

"What a lively girl! Weber is not at home, I wonder when this girl will come back!"

"So, grandma, do you know where they went?"

It's not like we can go there in vain. Although there's still a long time to go, the sooner we can solve the problem, the better.

"They said they were going to the church to meet someone, but I don’t know who they were going to meet specifically. Maybe you can go to the church to look for them!"

"Thank you, grandma. We are leaving now. When Weber and the others come back, please tell them that his friend Shirou Emiya has come to visit him, and ask them to meet him on the bridge if they have time!"

Shirou said and left with Saber.

The grandma was a little confused. Do children nowadays have to go to the bridge to get some fresh air when they meet? Isn't it cold?

She shook her head and stopped thinking about these questions. She should honestly think about what to eat tonight.

"Shirou, how are you going to deal with this rider and his master?"

Saber had experienced the Fourth World War and had some understanding of the situation of Group R.

Although she didn't know how the emperor was killed by Gilgamesh in the end, she didn't hate this person.

And his master, unlike other masters who would do anything to achieve their goals, seemed to have a good relationship with his servants and didn't have too much ambition.

The most important thing was that the other party was also a British, so she was considered her people, so she didn't want to attack Waver.

"This is indeed a difficult decision! Speaking of which, it might be more appropriate to defeat Rider on the frontal battlefield, but we lack someone who can defeat him one-on-one. You should have experienced his King's Army yourself and know how powerful that kind of Noble Phantasm is. To be honest, Saber, you are not sure you can deal with such a guy, right?"

Although the King's Army can be destroyed by Gilgamesh's Sword of Separation, that is because the Sword of Separation is originally an anti-world Noble Phantasm. It is not surprising that it has such ability. Others do not have such a powerful Anti-world Noble Phantasm, so naturally they can't deal with the Emperor's Noble Phantasm as easily as Gilgamesh.

During the Fourth World War, the Emperor used his Noble Phantasm for the first time when he killed the Assassin Hassan at the King's Banquet. At that time, Saber and Gilgamesh were captured, so Saber witnessed the power of this Noble Phantasm with her own eyes.

"Well, my EX curry stick may not be able to break a barrier of that level, and the enemy has too many people. No matter how strong our individual combat capabilities are, we are no match for them. It is only a matter of time before we are defeated."

Shirou was a little surprised to hear Saber say this. Saber is the kind of person who would not easily admit defeat even in a baseball game. It is really rare for her to say such words about the battle she is most proud of!

"Shirou? What's wrong? Is there something dirty on my face?"

Saber saw him staring at her, and her face flushed slightly.

It seemed that since she changed into this outfit and went out today, Shirou always secretly glanced at her. Although some of them were done more covertly, or Shirou thought he was doing it secretly, but Saber was a Heroic Spirit, and the perception ability of Heroic Spirits was much stronger than that of humans, so she knew all these little actions of Shirou very clearly.

Although she felt a little embarrassed, Saber was still a little happy. Women dress up to please themselves. Between lovers, if one person always secretly looks at you, it proves that he really cares about you and likes you. And this feeling of being liked is still a very good feeling in Saber's view, she does not hate this feeling.

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