"Uh, what's going on with you guys?"

Shirou looked at the mess in the yard and felt his head explode.

These two guys really make me worry. If you want to fight, go outside. What's the point of fighting at home?

If you have the guts, go to the square and fight. Then I can charge admission and sell some melon seeds and soda. Who told you to fight at home?

"Humph, why don't you ask her? She rushed in for no reason. Of course I have to protect Sakura!"

Sister R knew that the wicked would complain first, so she spoke up to shirk responsibility before Hei Zhen could speak.

"Master, isn't this our home? Who is this person? If she is an enemy servant, then let me kill her! It's been a long time since I killed a woman! I feel excited just thinking about it!"

Hei Zhen looked at Sister R with disdain. How dare a three-star servant compete with her, the most popular five-star servant who has earned the most money?

"Seniors, I'm so glad you're all right!"

Sakura said softly, looking at Shirou lovingly, holding her hands on her chest, with a worried look on her face.

Both Kuro-jeong and Saber's faces changed, and Shirou felt that there seemed to be a sour smell in the air. He didn't know who was the one who made him jealous.……

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, come in, Sakura has prepared the food, it will get cold if you don't eat now!"

On one side is Kuro-sama and on the other side is Sister R, both sides are made of flesh, even if Shirou favors Kuro-sama, he can't show it too obviously at this time, otherwise the atmosphere in the house will be unharmonious!

After Shirou finished speaking, although the two of them rolled their eyes at each other, they still did not continue the conflict.


Shirou felt a little strange when he returned to his home again.

For Sakura and Sister R, the time on their side did not change. Everything was still on the day when Shirou and Saber left.

But it was different for Shirou. They returned to the Fourth War and stayed there for a year. So even if they came back now, the time here did not change. They still had more memories of this year in their minds, which could not be erased.

So the mentality of these people who came back had actually changed a lot.

Especially Saber and Kurozhen. Both of them liked Sakura very much. Of course, that Sakura was only five years old, not the current Sakura who is sixteen years old.

So when the two faced Sakura, they felt very strange. There was a strange feeling that was hard to explain, but they could clearly feel that it was very awkward. They loved this girl very much when she was young, but they didn't expect that she would become a love rival now. It was really fate!

"Senior, won't you introduce her to us? Sakura and Fuji-nee are very curious!"

Sakura served Shirou a bowl of rice, then looked at Kuro-jeong and motioned to him.

After they came in, Fuji-nee stared at Saber with curious eyes for a while, then stared at Shirou for a while, and finally her eyes stayed on Kuro-jeong.

Kuro-jeong was really a bit of a maverick.

She had no posture when she wanted to sit, and no etiquette.

Others sat on their knees, but she had to cross her legs.

Others ate their meals quietly, but she would say something, express a feeling, and grab a few pieces of meat from Shirou's bowl from time to time.

She was so naughty, and Fuji-nee was a very traditional Japanese woman.

She couldn't stand the way Kuro-jeong looked, so she stared at Kuro-jeong for a long time.

If she didn't know her name or her personality, she might have started to teach Kuro-jeong a lesson.

"Ahem, her name is Jeanne, a foreign friend we met outside. This is her first time in Fuyuki, Japan, so she is not very familiar with the etiquette here. She will temporarily live with us in the next period of time, so please take good care of her in the future!"

Shirou originally planned to say that this was Kiritsugu's relative or friend, but considering that Kuro Jeanne didn't know Kiritsugu at all, and had no idea about Kiritsugu's affairs, if she was given such an identity, as long as Sister Fuji had some problems to test her, she would probably be exposed. So Shirou found a new excuse and said that she was a foreign friend and was brought back by herself.

In this way, Sister Fuji and the others would be more or less tolerant of her because of her identity.

Since she is not a native Japanese, she naturally does not know the Japanese etiquette norms. In that case, if she does something wrong, she will definitely not be criticized according to the strict requirements of the Japanese themselves. She can be treated preferentially.

"So, my name is Fujimura Taiga, they all call me Fuji Sister, I am an English teacher at Huiqunyuan College, please give me more advice in the future!"

When she heard that the other party was a foreign friend, Fuji Sister's expression relaxed. Since she was not a native of Japan, it was understandable that she didn't know Japanese etiquette. Just like when she went abroad, she certainly didn't know the local etiquette and customs, so she needed more tolerance.

And she was brought back by Shirou. Shirou brought back a beautiful girl, could it be that……

"Jeanne-senpai, my name is Tosaka Sakura, please give me your guidance in the future!"

Sakura said as she pulled R-sister's sleeve, as if she wanted R-sister to say hello to Kuro-sama as well, but R-sister didn't move at all. She didn't like this person, because the way Kuro-sama looked at Shirou was the same as the way Saber looked at Shirou, and this look made her feel uncomfortable. She knew very well what that meant.

"Well, hello everyone, my name is Jeanne d'Arc, or Joan of Arc for short. I'm French, so I don't know the rules here very well, so please bear with me!"

Under Shirou's eye signal, Kuro Jeanne had to greet everyone reluctantly.

After hearing her name, Sister Fuji put the fingers of her right hand on her lips and muttered Joan of Arc's name:"Joan of Arc, French, French, Joan of Arc, this name sounds familiar! But why can't I remember it!"

Shirou almost choked to death when he heard her mumbling, and quickly took a sip of water

""Ahem, let's all eat, be quiet and stop talking. It's not the time to discuss things when eating at the table!"

So everyone started to finish their food. Shirou finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

But it seems that this is not enough!

Now there are one, two, three, four, five, six... six people in the family, including himself!

Among them, there is one man and five women. This should be a very happy... ahem, happy life!

But there are only three rooms in his house. How should they be allocated?

Sakura and Sister Fuji share a room. This has been determined before. Sister R has a separate room. Saber doesn't want to sleep with her, so Saber sleeps in Shirou's room. Well, this should be a happy ending for everyone, but here comes Black Jeanne.

Well, what about Black Jeanne?

She can't sleep with Sister R. Then, should Black Jeanne move to her own room?

That would be too bad!

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