The dinner was very sumptuous, and everyone enjoyed it very much.

There was also an exhibition match in the evening, where Kuro-jeong and Saber challenged each other with wooden swords. Both of them used swords, and Saber was an expert in swordsmanship, so her strength was obviously stronger. Therefore, such a match might be a little unfair to Kuro-jeong.

However, considering the weapons of both sides and the limitations of the venue, Shirou listened to Sister Fuji's advice and added some rules to the basic rules of the match between the two sides. That is, winning is not by knocking down the opponent, but by scoring after hitting the key points, and the time of the match is limited to three minutes.

In this way, Saber's strength will be greatly limited, and although Kuro-jeong is still in a disadvantageous position, the situation is not as serious as before, and she can still fight.

Anyone who has played FGO knows that Jeanne d'Arc, or White Jeanne, is a tank class. White Jeanne is not a DPS at all. She has a damage reduction mechanism for all classes except Berserker and Avenger, so she is relatively strong and very resistant to attacks, but her DPS is also miserable. Moreover, her ultimate skill adds status and invincibility effects, and she will be stunned after using it...

This setting is simply speechless!

Relatively speaking, Black Jeanne is different. She has one more weapon than White Jeanne, which is the black long sword in her hand. This sword is not a knight's sword.

It is much narrower than a knight's sword and is also lighter. It is a one-handed sword at first glance. Her other weapon is her flag, the flag of the dragon.

So she can use a sword, but there is still a lot of difference between the use of a one-handed sword and a two-handed sword.

If this is on a real battlefield, Black Jeanne will definitely be at a disadvantage. The two-handed sword is heavier, wider and larger, and has a strong attack power. The one-handed sword is too thin, which will be very disadvantageous in the competition. Therefore,

Saber's strength attribute is very important.

However, they are now using wooden swords, which are exactly the same length and weight. This thing is not heavy, and there is actually not much difference between using it with one hand and using it with two hands. Moreover, with one hand, the flexibility of the body will obviously be greatly improved. Although it will still be at a disadvantage in terms of strength, that is no longer a very big problem.

The match between the two was very exciting. Kuro Jeanne tried to attack at the beginning, but was defeated by Saber's tight defense and aggressive style of play.

Then it was Saber's turn to attack, and Kuro Jeanne began to adopt a roaming tactic. She knew her weaknesses, which was that she did not have an advantage in strength and swordsmanship. Although from the panel attributes, her and Saber's strength are both A, but in fact there is still a difference. The strength attribute is also related to the job. Berserker has the largest strength bonus, Saber is second, and the others are not as good as them.

""Okay, okay, time is up, the result of your competition is a draw!"

Seeing that Kuro-Jeong was gradually exhausted, although she wanted to fight around, unfortunately, Saber's agility attribute was also A-level, which was very embarrassing. Hers was only A, and the opponent could keep up with her speed, but Saber's durability attribute was also A-level, while Kuro-Jeong was only C-level. Although it was only three minutes, Kuro-Jeong was almost unable to bear it.

Fighting with wooden swords is also very physically demanding, especially since Shirou does not allow them to release their magic power, so they have to rely on their own physical strength to support it.

Speaking of which, after Shirou's own magician level was upgraded, Saber's ability value was also upgraded.

Now, except for her luck being A+ level and her treasure being A++ level, all her other attributes are A, and the panel looks like a piece of A, very neat!

Kuro-Jeong's attributes have not changed much, which makes Shirou a little curious. Did he train himself to have a unicorn arm? Only the right hand is powerful, but not the left hand?

"Humph, the swordsmanship of a third-rate swordsman is not bad! He can just take a few of my moves!"

Although Hei Zhen didn't have the upper hand in the scene, he certainly wouldn't suffer a loss in words.

"Drink water, stop arguing, both of you have the same score, 0 points!"

Neither of them hit the other, so the score is the same.

This is actually very normal. The power of the heroes is very strong. If they calculate according to this scoring rule during the battle, then one point means that the opponent will be injured once, which is a rare situation.

"You talk big, but I haven't seen how powerful you actually are!"

Saber didn't want to pay attention to her, but at this time she couldn't help but refute.

It's over, her harem is going to be in chaos.

Shirou was so scared that he hurried out to stop them.

"Give your master some face and stop arguing. What's there to argue about? It's just a competition between us. Don't take it too seriously. You two will have to rely on each other on the battlefield in the future!"

Arguing and fighting are not good things. They hurt the relationship.

Besides, it's really hard for Shirou to take sides with these two guys. He has to be in the middle if they fight. So he has to stand up and stop them.

"I'm so sleepy. Jeanne is going to go back to sleep. Master, you should also go to bed early, otherwise your magic power will not be enough for Jeanne to use. It's really sad to meet such a troublesome master.……"

Kuro-Jeong yawned as she walked and talked. Shirou didn't even hear the last sentence clearly because she had already run away.

"Uh, then let's go! It's late!"

Shirou looked at the time. It was nine o'clock. It was time to go to bed.

But there was only one bathroom at home, and it would take a long time to queue up for a shower.���There was not much time left, so he could still waste some time.

Shirou found the game he bought and projected it onto the TV, which was quite fun.

However, waiting for others to take a shower seemed a bit too long, so he had to enlarge Yushi a little bit at home, which would make it much faster.


At ten o'clock, everyone finally went to bed and began to rest. Because Saber and Kurozhen were not by his side today, Shirou felt much better. Although it was a very happy thing to have beautiful women accompany him, it was also a very free thing to be alone. He could sleep in any position he wanted, and he didn't have to be careful to slow down his movements so as not to wake them up.

So Shirou fell asleep quickly.

But after falling asleep, he seemed to have a dream. He dreamed that he was caught by a big spider and then hung on the spider's web.

The ugly spider with sharp teeth and a bloody mouth began to crawl towards him slowly along the spider web.

Shirou smelled the fishy smell from the spider's mouth and saw its terrifying face, and he woke up immediately!

His head was covered with sweat and his body was soaked. He opened his eyes and saw a full moon hanging above his head.

The moon tonight is really round!

Shirou heaved a sigh of relief. It was just a dream. He almost scared the baby to death. He relaxed and prepared to go back to sleep.

Wait, the moon? Shirou seemed to have discovered something wrong!

He was sleeping in his own room, how could he see the moon?

""Hey? Are you awake?" A female voice with a smile came into his ears.

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