"Shirou, are you okay?"

Saber looked very anxious, with blood on her body. If you approached, you could smell a strong smell of blood.

"Saber, are you injured?"

Shirou found a wound on her right lower rib, which was still dripping with blood.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury, Shirou, are you okay?"

After discovering that Shirou had disappeared, Saber immediately followed the trail and rushed over, but Kuro-jeong and the others were a little slow. Red A had already noticed Caster's actions, but he didn't stop him immediately. Later, he was forced by Rin who was worried about Shirou's safety, so he came over reluctantly.

Saber checked again with some concern, and found that there were no obvious wounds on Shirou's body, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uh, Shirou, what are you doing?"

She found that Shirou suddenly hugged her, and his right hand was wandering around her body dishonestly.

"Don't move, I'm replenishing my magic with you!"

Shirou smiled and kissed her cheek. Saber's face instantly turned red, but they were staggered and facing different directions, so they couldn't see each other's expressions, which made Saber feel a little relieved.

""Magic replenishment...?"

As a heroic spirit, Saber knew what magic replenishment meant. The scene appeared in her mind involuntarily, and her heart was beating fast.

"Oh my god, what's going on? Hasn't the wound been healed? Why is it bleeding again? Saber, don't move, hold on for a while, it will be fine in a while!"

Shirou felt very strange. Although he was not replenishing Saber's magic, he was healing her wounds. Shirou himself had an utopia far away from the world in his body, so he had a strong healing ability, and the magician himself also had healing ability, so under the dual effect of the two healing abilities, he healed Saber's wounds in a few strokes.

But Saber's heart beat violently, and the blood flow broke the wound again, which was very embarrassing!

But it's okay this way, I can take the opportunity to hug her for a while longer! It feels good to hug Saber from the front. The breeze blows through her hair and touches Shirou's face. Gently brushing, there is a slight fragrance, and a little itchy... and the light body fragrance of Saber also flows into Shirou's nose with the air, making him greedily want to inhale a few more times! It would be even better if she didn't wear armor. The armor hit Shirou's chest and it hurt.

The height difference is very interesting. Shirou is 167 and Saber is 154. As a result, there is a difference of 13 centimeters between the two. When hugging each other, Shirou has to lower his head slightly, and Saber has to cooperate by standing on tiptoe. If someone takes a camera to take a picture of that scene, it will probably be very beautiful.

""Hey, how long are you two going to hug each other? Stop it!"

Uh, this is Rin's voice.

Shirou took a look and saw that Tohsaka Rin crossed her arms and looked at the two of them angrily. The expression on her face showed her inner anger.

Shirou looked down and saw that Saber's wound had healed, so he let her go.

""Rin-chan, why are you here too?"

It's late at night and we should have been sleeping, but everyone is here because of me. It seems that I should have died just now. In that case, I can go back to the time before I was attacked by caster, and there won't be so much trouble! However

, it's also nice to enjoy the feeling of being cared for by others. As soon as something happened here, they all rushed over immediately, and they were all nervous. It seems that they all care about me!

This feeling is not bad, Shirou likes it very much!

"Humph, I can't sleep at night, so I just pass by here for a walk, right? But you two actually ran into the temple... to do that kind of thing, it's really too much!"

Rin's face flushed, thinking of the scene she just saw, she was a little angry.

If, if the person in his arms was her, then……

"Ahem, okay, you walked here? That's really a long way. By the way, where are Rider Red A and Jeanne?"

Shirou only saw Saber rushing in with injuries, but didn't see Black Jeanne and the others. To be honest, Saber cares about him a lot, Shirou knows that, but Black Jeanne also cares about him a lot. If nothing happened, she would have rushed in at the first time. If Black Jeanne came in with Saber, then Shirou would not have had that benefit just now.

Doing that with Saber in front of Black Jeanne is simply courting death!

"Down below, Illya and Berserker heard something and rushed over. Now Archer and the others are dealing with him!"

Rin's expression was a little worried. Berserker was too strong! None of the three servants could gain an advantage against each other. Archer's long-range cover was ineffective. Fortunately, the three of them cooperated with each other. If they met Berserker alone, they would definitely have no chance of winning.

""Let's go, let's go and take a look!"

Shirou's heart trembled. Illya was here too. Did she notice Caster's movements and decide to strike first?

But no matter what, encountering Berserker at this time is not a good thing. Caster may not have gone far and is still observing them secretly. Although there are four of them, it will be difficult to deal with Berserker alone. If Caster takes the opportunity to launch a surprise attack and summons the Bone Fang Soldiers, they will be really difficult to deal with. However

, Berserker was originally the target to be solved. Originally, he was killed by Gilgamesh, but Shirou couldn't wait that long at this time. If possible, the four of them could use the advantage in numbers to kill him here. That way, he could control Illya earlier.


When he walked to the gate of Ryudo Temple and saw the dying assassin Sasaki Kojiro, Shirou remembered this guy. It seems that the injury on Saber's body just now was caused by this guy!

Speaking of which, his swordsmanship is really good. Even though he has no advantage in strength and agility, he can still force Saber into a desperate situation, especially the move of"Swallow Returns", where one sword cuts out three strikes at the same time, which is really impressive. But this guy is already dying at this time. If no one treats him, he will probably not survive.

"Saber's Master? You... have a... good Servant!"

Sasaki Kojiro tried hard to sit up straight, but it pulled his wound, and large pieces of blood spurted out, spreading the pool of blood under his body even larger.

"Yeah, I think so too!"

Shirou walked to his side, projected a sword, squatted down, and asked:"Do you need my help? Although it is a bit cruel, you will suffer less pain!"

Although Sasaki Kojiro was seriously injured, if the caster rescued him, he might be able to be cured. Shirou would not allow this to happen, so he decided to deal with this guy himself.

"Thank you very much. I will die without regrets if I can find an opponent who can match my sword skills!"

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