"So that's how it is. I understand!"

Saber nodded. If Caster wanted to kill Shirou directly, she could have done so the moment her sneak attack succeeded. However, she did not do so. Instead, she took Shirou to Ryudo Temple, which showed that her purpose was not to kill Shirou.

Killing a Master is of course helpful for ending the Holy Grail War, because compared to Servants, Masters are obviously easier to deal with, and if a Master is killed, the Servant will basically not be able to exist for too long even if he does not take action.

Unless he can find a new Master! However, the number of Masters is limited, and after being eliminated, the Holy Grail may not necessarily choose a new Master to join, so if the Master is eliminated, it is often difficult for the Servants to survive.

But Caster's purpose was not this, which made Saber a little confused. Now after hearing what Shirou said, she completely understood

"It looks like Caster is also afraid of Berserker's strength!"

Saber has fought with Berserker and knows how tough this guy is.

He is extremely powerful and fast. Even though he has become a Berserker and lost most of his wisdom, he still maintains his fighting instinct and will not be fooled by some cheap deception tactics. Therefore, fighting him is more difficult than fighting an ordinary Berserker.

Even after going berserker, Hercules still retains the fighting skills he had in his lifetime. It is conceivable how powerful he would be if he had not gone berserker!

"As a natural enemy, it is normal for her to be afraid of Berserker. We are now in a four-cornered dispute. The initiative is not in our hands, but in Kotomine Kirei's hands. It depends on who he will deal with first. If he takes action against Berserker, it will be the best for us. In that case, we can sit back and watch the fight between the two tigers, and then rescue Illya after the Berserker dies."

Shirou already has a plan, which is to adapt to the situation and make his own choices based on the movements of Kotomine Kirei.

"If Kotomine Kirei and the others want to attack Caster, that's fine. Caster doesn't pose much of a threat to us now, and the things she did have a huge impact on humans, so she must be eliminated quickly, so we can just sit back and do nothing. Of course, if Kotomine Kirei chooses to attack us, that would be the worst outcome, which means we would have to fight him to the death first, and then we would have to deal with Berserker!"

When he thought of this situation, Shirou shook his head. This was a bit too difficult. It was easy for Gilgamesh to deal with Berserker. He had a lot of royal treasures, so there was no problem. But he had almost used up all his treasures. It would not be so easy to fight Berserker next time. That would be tragic.

The only solution he could think of was to use his Unlimited Sword System and the weapons reserves in the Unlimited Sword System to kill Berserker. But it was easier said than done. Berserker was so strong that Gilgamesh was almost ambushed. Who knew if he would break his limit and be resurrected thirteen or even fourteen times!

So for Shirou, what he hoped most was that Gilgamesh would take action and deal with Berserker, and then they would kill Gilgamesh. This was the best ending.

"Okay, I understand!"

Saber nodded, roughly understanding the predicament of Shirou and herself.


The time passed quite quickly today, and Toosaka Rin showed up without any"coincidence". Maybe it was because she was angry after seeing Saber and Kurojeong carrying her quilt into Shirou's room last night?

This made Shirou feel a little bit like an unwitting target!

This is not what I want, and I didn't pull them over. They obviously did it on their own! It's unreasonable to take it out on me!

Look at Sakura, isn't Sakura calm and composed?

But it's impossible to reason with a woman. Shirou is not sure if Rin is really angry. If she is, he really needs to find a way to coax her, otherwise the young lady will not let him go easily.……



After school, Sakura was waiting outside Shirou's classroom, waiting for him.

"Ah, it's Sakura, why are you here so early today?"

Shirou didn't understand, and thought she wanted to go home with him, so she came over, but strangely, Sister R didn't seem to be by her side.

"Seniors, there is a match in the Archery Club today. It is a warm-up for next week's activities. Seniors, do you want to go and have a look? They miss you very much!"

Shirou used to be the general of the Archery Club and set records in the Archery Club. Because he was busy with a part-time job and had a scar on his shoulder, he was squeezed out by Matou Shinji and quit the Archery Club.

Speaking of which, Shirou likes the sword more. Although his swordsmanship is very poor and he basically didn't last more than three moves in the contest with Saber, he still likes kendo very much. He is less interested in bows and arrows because he thinks that there is no need to continue to spend so much time studying things that he knows.

And the reason why he was summoned as Archer instead of Saber in the end was probably because his archery skills were better!

"Uh, okay, Saber, Jeanne, are you guys going with us too?"

It's still early, so we're not in a hurry to go home. Since everyone is out today, let's go to the Kyudo Club first, participate in the activities, and then have a meal outside. I wonder if the hot pot restaurant from ten years ago is still there.���I haven't eaten Sichuan spicy hotpot for a long time.

"Saber really wants to visit Shirou's school activities club. If it doesn't cause any trouble to Shirou, please take Saber with you!"

Saber nodded slightly, indicating that she was willing to go.

Kuro-sama wore a blue sportswear today. She looked like she was going to cause trouble. At this time, Sakura's suggestion was of course in line with her plan, so Kuro-sama had no objection.

"Are there any other clubs beside the Kyudo Club? I heard that tennis here is fun. I've been watching Prince of Tennis recently, and the protagonists are all super handsome! So I bought this set of equipment, how is it? Master, do I look awesome! ?"

Kurojeong showed off her clothes to everyone, Shirou frowned, why did it feel a bit strange, this guy also started to follow anime?

"Ahem, shouldn't people who play tennis wear less? Joan of Arc, you are wrapped up so tightly, that's inappropriate!"

"Master, are you serious? Do you really want to do that?"

Kuroshin looked doubtful, as if she didn't believe what Shirou said.

"Of course, if it is wrapped too tightly, the range of motion will be restricted. A tennis player's arm range of motion must be sufficient, otherwise it will be difficult to perform extremely difficult saves!"

Shirou simply wanted to see Kuroneko wearing less, but his excuse was not bad.

"Really? Is that so? Master, you are not planning anything bad, are you?"

Kuro-jeong held her chin and tilted her head to look at Shirou, while Sakura and Saber beside her laughed secretly.

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