Compared to Red A, Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm looks really impressive when it is projected through the Gate of Babylon. The glittering Gate of Babylon, the shining Noble Phantasms, are almost the same color as his armor. Such a thing is full of momentum at first glance. Without considering the power, seeing such a scene can make people feel scared.

In fact, the power of his Noble Phantasm is also quite outstanding. It is not only beautiful, but also powerful!

""Swish, swish, swish!"

The weapons of both sides were launched almost at the same time!

""Ding, ding, ding!"

There was a fierce collision in the air, and then most of them disappeared. There were still a few left, but they were also dodged by Red A.


On Saber's side, Berserker's attack was very fierce. Saber did not have no chance to fight back, but her attack was ineffective most of the time. Berserker's Twelve Trials was indeed very annoying. If it were not for the resistance given to him by the Twelve Trials, Saber might have had a chance to kill him several times.


Berserker kept attacking as if he was completely tireless.

Saber had no way to defeat him and could only fight and retreat at the same time, constantly leading him deeper into the woods. Here, Berserker's movements would be restricted, as there were many obstacles in the woods and his vision would be blocked. More importantly, the terrain here was on a slope, and next to it was a very high and steep abyss. Saber was trying to lead Berserker over here.

Although the Berserker is powerful, because they have lost their wisdom, their tactical choices are actually very simple and direct.

Sometimes, such simple and direct choices may be very beneficial, but when faced with complex situations, it is difficult for a Berserker without wisdom to keep up with the thinking of a servant with its own consciousness.

And Saber lured him over in order to magnify her own advantage and reduce the opponent's advantage.

Without the advantage of movement, the line of sight and attack will be blocked, the attack threat of the Berserker will be greatly reduced, and the tactical flexibility on her side will be greatly improved.

Not only would she make such a choice the first time, even if she fought with the Berserker a hundred times or even ten thousand times in the future, she would still make such a choice, because it is the most suitable choice.

Sure enough, once... As they entered the depths of the forest, Berserker's movements really became slow.

The land here is a little slippery, and the soil is relatively soft. For Saber, such a place does not cause much trouble to her, because she is relatively light and petite, and can use the tree trunks to move.

Berserker is a heavy warrior, and his weight and body are very large. Such a behemoth will sink into the mud every time he takes a step in the woods, and it will become very difficult to move.

His movements have begun to become sluggish, and his attacks have become less powerful!

If Saber's treasure had not been used on him before, then Berserker might have been killed by her now!

However, Berserker is basically immune to her damage now, which is very bad.

""Bang, boom!"

Berserker angrily chopped down several large trees. These trees were obstacles to him, but they were tools that Saber could use. So when the angry Berserker attacked Saber, he naturally used all these trees as tools to vent his anger.

It was just because his movements were restricted that he did not pose a big threat to Saber. After his movements slowed down, his attacks were easy to dodge!

Saber looked at the distance between the two sides, then judged the timing and moved towards the edge of the cliff.

Berserker did not realize that this was a huge trap, and he followed slowly.

He walked very slowly, not because he did not want to go faster, but because he really could not go faster. The soft soil and dense trees in the forest interfered with him.

However, when approaching the cliff, because a lot of stones began to appear on the land, the soil slowly decreased, and the ground became hard again, so Berserker's speed began to recover again.

"Berserker, come on, this is where we will have our final battle!"

Saber raised her knight sword horizontally in front of her, and quietly looked at the cliff behind her. The height of the cliff was quite high, about 500 meters. This should be the highest mountain in Fuyuki. If a human falls from here, there is absolutely no chance of survival.

As for the servants, I don't know. Berserker will definitely not die. This guy has at least 12 lives. Even if one of them is killed by the fall, it is not a big problem. But if he falls from here, he will need to go around a big circle to climb up again. While Berserker is slowly climbing the mountain, Saber can rush to other places to support others in the battle.

This is Saber's combat strategy. She is a little worried about Shirou's situation now.

I don't know what their situation is!

The situation on Archer's side is also unclear. Saber feels the breath of several servants. Archer must have encountered an enemy. In addition to Berserker, the people who have not appeared yet are Lancer, Caster and Gilgamesh.

She is a little unsure who Archer has encountered!

Saber didn't know that Caster didn't come over, and Lancer had already fought with Black Jeanne.

Red A encountered the most powerful Gilgamesh!


Berserker couldn't speak, so he could only express his emotions with roars!

If someone translated it for him, he would probably be talking trash now!

Berserker moved, very quickly, with amazing starting power. In just a short moment, his speed had reached its peak!

Under normal circumstances, Saber might still be afraid of seeing such an agile Berserker. But at this time, when Saber saw Berserker rushing over at such a fast speed, a smile appeared on her face. She knew that her plan was successful.


Berserker rushed over and slashed at Saber horizontally. His tiger sword was a long weapon with a wide blade, so the striking range was large.

But Saber was prepared.

She stepped back and stood on the edge of the cliff.

After berserker continued to move forward, she quickly jumped up, lightly touched berserker's tiger sword with her toes, and completed a beautiful 360-degree turn in the air.

After reaching the top, she quickly adjusted her angle and looked down.

Berserker's eyes followed Saber's.

If eyes could kill, Saber would have died several times.

It's just that people's movements often can't keep up with their own reaction speed.

Berserker had just completed his attack.

At this time, he had no way to quickly launch an attack when his old strength had disappeared and his new strength had not yet been generated.

The huge inertia also restricted his movements, so even if he saw Saber's movements, he could only watch.


Saber had adjusted her body and angle at this time, and with the force of falling, she kicked Berserker hard in the back!

In order to attack Saber, Berserker's body had a force to charge forward, and at this time, he was kicked in the back again, which immediately gave him a huge force to charge forward. He couldn't stop and fell off the cliff!

It was a pity that he couldn't speak, so he didn't make any screams like a cliff faller!


The Knight's Sword disappeared!

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