"Haha, so I introduced you to that farm!"

Shirou laughed unkindly. He thought of something very funny, so he laughed.

"Shirou, isn't the farm full of plants?"

Saber felt very puzzled. She probably understood some of the situation. She knew that Medea's magic power could not be replenished by her master, and then she could absorb magic power from people and plants. However, if she absorbed magic power from people, it would consume everyone's vitality and cause serious harm to humans. Such a thing must not be allowed, so this became a difficulty.

And looking at Shirou, he seemed to have found a solution to the problem, but before he said it, only he knew it.

"Haha, this farm is not like that! There are more than 2,000 pigs in it! Every month, more than 400 pigs are slaughtered. Just imagine, 400 living pigs will be sent to the slaughterhouse and slaughtered. So life is of no use to them. Anyway, they can't live that long. Pigs usually eat and sleep. Even if their vitality is absorbed, the side effects they show are no different from their usual state. So I think it is a very good idea to absorb vitality from pigs to replenish magic power!"

After Shirou finished speaking, he felt that he could no longer hold back and laughed.

In contrast, after hearing his plan, Medea's face turned green with anger!

"No, absolutely not. I don't want to absorb magic from dirty and stupid creatures like pigs!"

The thought of running into a stinking pigsty, casting magic on a bunch of fat, big-eared, smelly pigs, and then absorbing life force from them made me feel sick.

"No way? There is no other way, Saber, give her a quick death, be quick, it is said that if you pierce the heart, the person will still live for several minutes, if you chop off the head directly, they can still live for more than a minute, so just chop her crown with the sword, like this, split the head in one swipe, then the person will die instantly, and will not feel any pain!"

While Shirou was speaking, he demonstrated it himself.

Medea's face changed color when she heard it, no one could remain calm when being threatened with death by others, especially under this kind of threat where even the specific method of action has been thought out.

"Okay, I get it, but I think Black Jeanne's lance might be more useful. It would be better to use her long lance to poke Medea's head directly, just like this, with one poke, the head will be pierced, and there will definitely be no pain!"

After seeing Shirou winking at her, Saber immediately understood what he meant. Seeing the naughty expression on his face, Saber also joined in the fun and cooperated with him in a duet.

"Hmm? Are you finally going to use me? Look, I'm good at killing people. Caster, tell me, where do you want me to poke you? Here or here?"

Black Zhen had a wicked smile on her face, pointing at Caster's forehead with a bad look, as if she was choosing a position for herself, ready to poke this position later.

The performance of several people finally made Medea unable to bear it.

""Okay, that's enough. I accept it. Can't I just absorb life force from pigs?"

Medea was speechless. These guys were really too much. They actually dared to threaten her like this, but she didn't have any power to fight back.

But even if she had the power to fight back, she didn't plan to seek revenge on them. After all, they were just joking with her. They were all thinking of ways to solve the problem for themselves. She couldn't absorb life force from people as a supplement to magic power. Even if they didn't say it, Medea herself knew it. This is what she is doing now. She is no longer going to absorb magic power from humans.

But if she absorbs magic power from plants, the efficiency is too slow, and it is also... The gain does not make up for the loss, the magic power consumed may be more than the magic power absorbed.

In the end

, she can only focus on animals. The vitality of animals is the same as that of humans, and it can also replenish magic power. Although the effect may be slightly worse, it is much stronger than plants. But it is difficult to see a large number of animals. The animals in the zoo are extremely precious. She can't just absorb the vitality of those guys, so she is a little helpless.

Medea didn't expect that Shirou actually came up with such a bad, but indeed a solution to the problem. This really makes people angry, annoyed, and a little grateful.

"Haha, that's right, if you had expressed your opinion like this early in the morning, wouldn't we have so many problems? Okay, now that the problem of magic power has been solved, let's talk about our magic contract!"

If you want the caster not to harm the world and not to go against you, verbal promises alone are certainly not enough, and some binding contracts need to be added to it.

During the Fourth War, Emiya Kiritsugu signed such a contract with Kenneth.

This kind of magician's contract is mandatory, so as long as it is signed, the magician himself cannot violate the contents of the contract because their magic will be directly invalidated.

The magic contract that Shirou prepared for Medea is very long, and the content is very comprehensive and detailed.

In short, it completely prohibits her from using magic on ordinary people, and prohibits her from using magic to���She cannot harm others, and cannot continue to participate in the Holy Grail War.

The three Command Spells in her hand must be abandoned.

The contents of these contracts basically restrict her. In this way, she will not threaten ordinary mortals. In that case, there will be basically no problem leaving her in this world.

PS: This is the fifth update on July 7, don't read it in advance!!!

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