"Well, go to bed early and wait for my good news. Maybe next time we can go back to Britain to save your kingdom!"

Shirou smiled and kissed her on the forehead. After taking advantage of her, he lay back contentedly.

But just as he lay down, Heizhen, who was half asleep and half awake, turned her body to the side and used her hands and feet to hold him tightly.


Shirou looked up slightly. Heizhen, your sleeping posture is really indecent! Girls should be gentler. It’s not good to sleep in this posture!

So he took away Heizhen’s legs and kept his hands.

The legs were a little heavy, and it was a little uncomfortable to be pressed.

But after he moved his hands to move Heizhen’s legs away, not long after, Heizhen’s legs stretched up again.

Shirou shook his head and moved away again.

But it seemed As if deliberately going against him, Heizhen put her legs up again.

Well, now Shirou understood everything.

If it happened once or twice, it would be easy to explain, but if it happened three times, the other party must be pretending to sleep and doing it on purpose.

In this case, it would be meaningless for him to move Heizhen's legs away again.

But then again, isn't it always men who take advantage of women and eat women's tofu?

Why is it that in his case, it is the women who take advantage of him and eat tofu?

Isn't this a bit too strange!

Forget it, it is his honor to have beautiful women eat tofu, who said he is handsome?

Thinking of this, Shirou felt very happy. Although it can't be said that he is surrounded by women, it is almost the same!


"Since Gilgamesh is injured, his strength is bound to decline significantly. It won't be too difficult for us to deal with him. However, considering that his attack power is still too strong, we still have to act together. This is the safest way."

How to find Gilgamesh is the most critical point now. As long as Gilgamesh is killed, Shirou will probably be able to see the legendary Holy Grail.

Although he participated in the Fourth War, it ended before he saw the Holy Grail. It has to be said that it is a bit regrettable.

And this time in the Fifth War, after the death of four servants, if one more person is killed, the Small Holy Grail will appear, and then the Large Holy Grail will definitely appear.

"But Fuyuki is so big, where can we find Gilgamesh?"

Saber's question was also a question that everyone was concerned about, so after she asked the question, everyone turned their attention to Shirou, wanting to hear his plan.

"It was a bit difficult before, after all, we didn't know where he was hiding, but now, because Gilgamesh was seriously injured and he had lost his master, there would not be many places for him to hide. According to my calculations, he could go to two places!"

Shirou had already thought of this problem. If he was not confident, he would not have called everyone over to make a battle plan at this time.

If you don't even know where others are, what kind of plan can you make? Isn't that nonsense?

"Which two places?"

Kurozhen and Baizhen took a look and spoke together.

Uh, Baizhen would actually be interested in such a thing, which made Shirou feel a little strange!

Speaking of which, Baizhen has not participated in a single battle since she was summoned by him. Although Baizhen had served as a bodyguard for him when Sakura was in trouble before, it was not her turn to take action, and everyone had already been safely transferred.

So Baizhen has been playing soy sauce all the time, and has not shown her strength until now.

In fact, Shirou is not very looking forward to her strength. He has cooperated with Baizhen in the copy of the dream land before, so he roughly knows Baizhen's strength. Her strength is strong, but compared with other heroic spirits, she is not that strong. However, if she wants, she has a very high restraint effect on ordinary servants.

This is very useful, but Baizhen obviously will not take action easily.

"Well, in Fuyuki, there are two places with the most abundant magic power. One is Ryuudou Temple. As the most ideal birthplace of the Holy Grail, the abundance of magic power here is unquestionable. It is for this reason that Caster Medea ran to the foot of Ryuudou Temple when she was dying and was saved by Soichiro Kuzuki."

Everyone nodded. Ryuudou Temple has abundant spiritual roots and the recovery and replenishment of magic power is very good. Everyone has a personal experience of this. Whether it is a servant or a master, as long as they enter the range of Ryuudou Temple, they can feel that the recovery speed of their magic power has accelerated. Therefore, it is not surprising that Gilgamesh chose Ryuudou Temple, because he is very short of magic power now.

"However, we have already been to Ryuudou Temple yesterday, and we did not find any other servants besides Caster, so we can basically rule out this place. Gilgamesh should not be in Ryuudou Temple, so there is only one other place left!"

Shirou emphasized, and everyone held their breath, ready to listen to what he said next.

"In Fuyuki, the place with the most magic power is not Ryudo Temple, but the Cathedral Church!

Because in this church, dozens of outstanding magicians have been buried over the past few hundred years.

After the death of these magicians, the magic power in their bodies did not completely disappear, but was gradually integrated into the underground of the cemetery around the Cathedral Church.

Under the Cathedral Church, there is a basement where black magicians used to refine the magic power of these dead magicians.

We call it dark magic.

This dark magic has very powerful abilities, but it often carries the effect of curses.

It is a magician's ability that is forced to be stripped.

Most people will not use it, but Gilgamesh is not one of them!


"Gilgamesh, who is desperate, is most likely to use this dark magic!"

Shirou's words made everyone's faces solemn. Except for Bai Zhen, no one present had heard of the term dark magic before, but after hearing Shirou's serious words, everyone knew that this matter was difficult to handle.

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