However, considering that these armors can help Black Jeanne improve her defense, and thus improve her survivability, Shirou did not say those words that he disliked her armors.

Silver helmets and silver armor do look better, but they may not be suitable for Black Jeanne, because she herself is of the attribute of Chaos Evil, not Order Good, so the standard of justice does not work for her.

However, the equipment she wore today is very beautiful, with a black cloak and close-fitting plate armor, and a red hem under the cloak, which makes her look full of beautiful lines.

At first glance, she is full of feminine beauty, and at the same time full of masculine beauty of battle.

Speaking of which, such Black Jeanne is really eye-catching. It is very difficult not to fall in love with her!

Looking at White Jeanne again, her equipment has not changed much, and she is still dressed the same as before, but this outfit looks so good that Shirou admires it very much.

"Gilgamesh may have recovered all his strength, so don't be alone. We will search layer by layer and finally find him. Don't talk about chivalry at that time. This guy is too dangerous. Let's go together and try to kill him immediately!"

Shirou was emphasizing the strategy of the battle. It was obvious that he said this to Bai Zhen and Saber, mainly to Saber!

It would be stupid to talk about chivalry and fight the opponent one-on-one!

He would not do such a thing, and he didn't want Saber to do such a thing, so he gave Saber a shot of prevention in advance!

"Okay, got it!"

Black Jeanne and Sister R had never thought of giving Gilgamesh a chance to defeat them one by one. They had the intention of beating the downed dog and attacking him together!

So Black Jeanne immediately turned into a spirit. She had the same breath concealing skill as Assassin, which could help her approach the enemy easily. Maybe Gilgamesh's defense had a little loophole, and if Black Jeanne caught it, he would be finished.

With the idea of a sneak attack, Black Jeanne quietly became invisible.

Shirou was afraid that she would act rashly, so he repeatedly warned her not to act rashly and discovered Gilgamesh's position. After that, we will all go together, that way we will be more confident and safer.

Fortunately, Black Jeanne was still relatively obedient. Although she turned into a spirit, she did not leave capriciously, which made Shirou feel a little relieved.

Although he guessed that Gilgamesh should be in the basement, he did not lead everyone directly to the basement, but checked the Cathedral Church to make sure there was no omission.

In this way, he could completely block Gilgamesh and prevent him from leaving.

This guy should die here today. Shirou does not want to fight him again!

"No, there is no one up there, he should be in the basement!"

Soon, everyone checked the church upstairs. The church in Fuyuki is not very big, so there are not many places to hide. In addition to the church and the lounge, there are not many rooms upstairs, so the inspection was completed quickly.

"Well, very good, then let's go down now! Everyone must be careful, we have already won, but the more times like this, the more we must be vigilant, and we can't let the other side fight us to the death. If that happens, even if we can kill Gilgamesh in the end, it will still be a big loss for us!"

If he brings his army to encircle the other side, then even if he loses some soldiers, Shirou won't be too distressed, because if the soldiers are gone, he can just recruit again. There will be deaths in war.

But now the servants around him are not ordinary servants. They are basically his harem or potential harem members. If anything happens to them, Shirou will really regret it! But he still has the witch's gift, so even if he is wiped out, it doesn't matter, anyway, he can start over.

Shirou had already prepared to save the file before he set off, and the save location is at his home, which is the state before they set off.

It would be safer that way. If he encountered any situation that was too difficult to deal with here, he could still go back home, discuss with everyone again and formulate tactics.

""Okay, I see. You've said it so many times. You're so long-winded!"

Illya was a little dissatisfied. This time, she also followed. Although she no longer had a servant, the berserker died at the hands of Gilgamesh, which made Illya very angry.

Although the berserker could not speak and was not very good at expressing his emotions, he was his servant after all, and he was loyal to him!

Illya could easily feel this, so Illya hated Gilgamesh very much. At this time, she also ran over. Even if she could not participate in the battle as the main force, as a magician, she could still perform some healing magic on the servants and play some auxiliary roles.

And Rin had the same idea as Illya. Rin also lost her servant and was also killed by Gilgamesh, but her servant was different from Illya's berserker.

Berserker cannot speak and cannot express his emotions, but Red A can!

Therefore, Red A's status in Rin's heart is definitely much higher than Berserker's status in Illya's heart. At this time, when Rin thought of Gilgamesh killing her Archer, she felt that her chest was about to explode, and her heart was full of anger.

So she followed and prepared to participate in this battle!

For this battle, Rin brought a lot of gems. These gems filled a bulging backpack. Shirou lifted it slightly and estimated that it weighed several kilograms. It seemed that these gems should be all the stock of Rin.

This guy, for this battle, actually took out all the gems in the bottom of his box. What will happen when he goes back later!

Making gems is a very expensive thing. When Rin spends money, it really makes Shirou scared!

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