After Saber's Noble Phantasm was released, the entire battlefield was in a mess. The huge energy destroyed the area between her and Berserker as if it had been bombed, and a huge mark appeared on the ground!

"Saber, are you okay?"

Shirou saw that Saber seemed to have exhausted all her energy and could barely stand with her sword. He felt distressed and ran over to help her and let her sit down.

"Shirou, you are not hurt, are you?"

Saber was very happy to see Shirou coming over. She was anxious to end the fight because she was worried that something might happen to Shirou. Now that she saw that Shirou was safe and sound, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, Illya has been trapped by me, but my magic has a time limit, so I shouldn’t be able to trap her for long!"Although the effect of the magic enhancer is very powerful, it is also time-limited, and this time limit is also related to the user's own level. Therefore, Shirou's Blazing Sky Seven-Layer Rings cannot last for too long.

But Illya doesn't know this. Trapped in the Blazing Sky Seven-Layer Rings, she will definitely try every means to break free. In this case, her magic power will definitely be consumed in a short period of time. In the end, even if she comes out of here, she probably won't be able to continue fighting.

""Is Berserker dead?" Saber struggled to stand up. As a servant, she couldn't be so fragile. Before she was sure whether the enemy had been eliminated, she had to stand in front of her master to protect him even if she still had a breath!

"Berserker should be dead, but this probably won't help him!"

Shirou followed Saber's gaze and looked into the distance. Berserker's body had been mostly destroyed, with only half of it left. It was obvious that he was dead and could no longer die!

"Shirou, you mean? Berserker's Noble Phantasm?"

Saber heard Shirou's words, and then looked at Berserker's body. She had a vague feeling that Berserker was not so easy to be killed by her, so at this time she had some doubts in her heart, and Shirou's words made her realize that things were not that simple.

Berserker's weapon looked like a tattered mad sword. In fact, this thing was called an axe sword, which was a divine weapon and sharp blade, but it was not a Noble Phantasm. Saber had already felt it in the previous fight with Berserker. Ordinary Noble Phantasms have magic power, so as servants, they can easily distinguish them.

In Berserker's axe sword, she did not feel any magic power.

So this is definitely not Berserker's Noble Phantasm, and because Berserker lost his wisdom and could not speak, Saber did not find any information from the other party to prove his identity.

Every servant has his own Noble Phantasm, and the Noble Phantasm is the most powerful thing, either a weapon or a protective gear. No servant is without a Noble Phantasm!

They hadn't seen Berserker's Noble Phantasm, so they didn't know what it was, but Shirou's words surprised Saber.

"Berserker is a demigod. He is the son of Zeus in Greek mythology, the half-human, half-god Hercules, also known as Hercules. One of his treasures is called the Twelve Trials, which allows him to have 11 lives. He will not die if he is killed once, and the weapon that kills him will be ineffective against him the next time!"

Shirou's voice seemed very heavy. Berserker has a strong advantage over all the servants in the Five Wars. His attributes in all aspects have reached the A level, or even the A+ level. This attribute makes him powerful and destructive in battle, and the treasure he possesses can be called a cheating-level existence.

With a strong body and twelve lives, if Illya's magic can keep up, his lifespan may be more than 12, maybe thirteen or even fourteen!

Moreover, weapons that have worked on him will be immune next time!

Such an opponent is simply too terrifying. No servant in the Five Wars has the ability to kill him alone!

"Even so, Saber will protect Shirou and defeat such an enemy!"

Saber cheered up and raised her knight sword horizontally. In the distance, the body of the Berserker was gradually recovering, which meant that perhaps there would be another great battle waiting for them.

Saber was shaken at the thought of having to defeat such an opponent twelve times before killing him. This task was a bit too difficult! In fact, Saber's ultimate move was very powerful. In the previous move, he directly knocked off Berserker's seven lives, which meant that if he continued to fight, he only needed to kill Berserker five more times, but she and Shirou didn't know this!

Saber had some doubts in her heart whether she could defeat her opponent, but when she thought that her master was standing behind her, she cheered up!

Even if she couldn't win this battle, she would fight to the last moment! Because she had signed a contract to protect this person forever and shed her last drop of blood for this man!


Berserker's body was gleaming with blue flames, which were the flames of magic. His treasure had been used automatically.

Berserker had consumed his life once and completed the resurrection. Now he was back to full condition.

"Shirou, Saber is very happy to have a master like you!"

Saber took a deep breath and was ready for battle. She turned around and said something to Shirou, and then prepared to continue the battle!

"Saber, I'm lucky to meet you, but I can't help you get the Holy Grail, sorry!"

Shirou was also a little sad. The two of them seemed to be in a dead end now. If they couldn't beat Berserker, they wouldn't be able to survive.

"Berserker, come back, Illya wants to go home!"

At this moment, Illya's voice came.

Shirou was shocked. Did she destroy the seven-fold ring of Blazing Sky?

No, that's not right. With her condition, she shouldn't be able to do that. Then it should be that the time for her magic enhancer has expired and the magic has automatically disappeared!

But Illya actually let him go and didn't choose to continue fighting, which surprised Shirou and Saber.

Berserker didn't stop at all, raised his leg and walked towards Illya, walked to her side quietly, then lifted her up, put her on his shoulder, and took her away!

"Well, Saber, Onii-chan, your performance today surprised Illya! This time, let’s just say hello! Next time we meet, you should be prepared to be killed! Onii-chan, bye!"

The voice came from afar, and Illya and Berserker had disappeared into the night.

"Saber, we have to become stronger!"

Looking at the disappearing Berserker and Illya, Shirou clenched his fists tightly and said to Saber!

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