Saber is happier than Shirou himself!

"Thanks to Saber, otherwise I would not have been able to do this!"

Shirou was also very happy in his heart. After all, he had escaped death once, and both of them gained something after the battle. More importantly, he understood how much Saber cared about him. Because she was worried about his safety, Saber almost ignored her own safety and directly activated the treasure without considering the consequences. In this way, her trump card would be quickly known to others!

And she did this just to protect Shirou's safety.

Such irrational behavior should have been criticized, but Shirou couldn't blame her, because she did that entirely because of himself. How could he bear to blame her?

Such a silly Saber! She is really likable!

""Eh? Is it all thanks to me? But I didn't do anything?"

Saber was confused, pointed at herself, and asked curiously:"What's the reason? Shirou?"

"Because in the battle with Illya, I was worried that Saber and Berserker would be in danger, because I knew Berserker's background very well, and I was afraid that Saber would suffer, so I exploded my Cosmo and defeated Illya. Under normal circumstances, I would not be Illya's opponent at all!"

Illya's magic is very advanced.

Her familiars can attack automatically and change their forms.

The most important thing is that Illya's magic power is very strong and powerful.

Compared with Shirou's own magic power, the two of them are not on the same level at all, so it can't explain why he was able to defeat Illya.

Shirou himself certainly knows that this is because he used the props in the system, but there is no way to explain this to Saber, so he pushed the credit to Saber, saying that it was his own Cosmo that exploded.

In this way, even if Saber suspects, there is no way to pursue it, right?

"The microcosm...explodes?"

Saber was a little confused, not quite understanding what Shirou meant by this.

"Ahem, I suddenly realized something new and became powerful! Look, can't I use magic power now?"

Compared with projection, being able to summon a magic barrier is a big improvement!

""Well, Saber is really happy for Shirou!"

Saber smiled, thinking that today's battle was not completely without gain. At least they knew how powerful their opponent was, and it also made Shirou stronger!

"Saber, are you hungry? How about I make you a midnight snack?"

The vegetables they bought at the market before had not been cooked yet. Since Sakura made dinner, the vegetables they bought together were still lying in the refrigerator.

"Is this really possible? Is it too much of a stretch? Shirou just participated in the battle and must be very tired.……"

She was interrupted by Shirou before she could finish her words!

"No problem, I'm hungry too! Saber, just wait, there will be tomato and egg soup soon!" Saber was looking forward to it when Shirou mentioned tomato and egg soup, so she stopped objecting, nodded, and said,"Thank you for your hard work, Shirou!"

Shirou waved his hand indifferently, turned around and went to prepare cooking.

Cooking is actually a rather troublesome thing. If you regard it as a task, you will find it tedious and troublesome, and you will be very reluctant to do it!

But if you regard it as a kind of enjoyment, you will be in a good mood, and will be in your best condition to make the most delicious dishes.

At this time, Shirou was in a good mood, not just happy, he was almost humming a little tune.

He was very happy. Saber was becoming more and more like a normal girl, which made Shirou feel very happy. He was willing to cook delicious food for Saber, and he didn't think of it as a task or errand at all!

In the living room, Saber knelt on the cushion, looking at Shirou who was busy in the kitchen, tilted her head slightly, and showed a hint of smile.

She herself didn't know why she was laughing, as if the joy in her heart couldn't be suppressed and revealed!

At this moment, she felt a very warm happiness. How she wished that time could be fixed at this moment!

Saber thought greedily in her heart, there is no war, no sacrifice, no betrayal, no suffocating feeling of having the burden of the whole world on her shoulders, but a kind of care, a kind of consideration, a kind of care and a kind of warmth!

This feeling made her feel very attached. As the king of Britain, she should be isolated from the lives of normal girls in the world, but she felt that she liked this feeling that only girls would want. This feeling is so beautiful and warm, she doesn't want to refuse it at all!

"Saber, it's time for dinner!"

Just as she was daydreaming, Shirou came out of the kitchen and placed a large bowl of tomato and egg soup in front of her.

"Are these all for me?"

Saber looked at Shirou in surprise. No wonder he bought a large soup bowl during the day. So that's how it is.……

"Well, these are all for Saber. Saber, you have fought hard, you should eat more. If you eat more, you will sleep more soundly at night."

Saber blushed slightly. Normally, she knew how much she could eat, but because she didn't have a measuring tool to measure it, she didn't know how much she could eat. At this moment, this large soup bowl was placed in front of her, but she didn't think it was too much at all. She was fully capable of finishing it all, so she realized that her appetite was indeed very large!

"Human girls don't seem to be able to eat much. I eat so much, will Shirou dislike it?……"

Saber blushed and asked shyly. She looked very embarrassed, as if she had asked a very serious question.

""Ah? No, if Saber doesn't eat enough, she won't have the strength to fight!"

Shirou said with a smile. Saber actually cared about this issue. It seemed that she really awakened the power of the girl!

This situation changed too quickly. It shouldn't be like this! Could it be that I was too good to Saber and she felt it?


Saber looked at Shirou with some resentment. Shirou's answer did not address the issue she was concerned about at all!

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay. Although Saber is a foodie, he's the kind of foodie I like!"

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