""Shirou, you seem to be full of energy today. Did you eat too much last night?"

Yanagi Izunari was very surprised. Usually when Shirou was asked to help repair something, Shirou would not refuse, but he would not take the initiative to ask for it. But today, he came early in the morning and took the initiative to say that he wanted to help repair things at school. This made Yanagi Izunari feel very strange. Is he addicted to doing good things?

How could he know that Shirou was looking for something to do for himself, and then by releasing magic power, he could improve the strength of his magic power. Practice makes perfect. It is always good to practice more and use it more times. Moreover, doing so will help him to open the remaining 11 magic circuits and enhance his own magic recovery speed! That's why he took the initiative to help. Shirou is not a fool who is looking for things to do.

If he didn't have to go to school today, he would have gone to the office to find something to do.

""Issei, you are such a joker. I heard you say that the heating equipment is not working well, and I was worried that everyone would be frozen during class, so I came here to help. Didn't you ask me to come?"

Shirou squatted on the ground and looked at the several devices on the ground. The larger ones included air-conditioning compressors, heaters, loudspeakers and other items. There were not many of them, a total of 6 items. In the past, it might have taken him some time to repair the six items, but now, this should not be a big problem. His magic reserve is much richer than before, so when doing some consumable magic, he will not feel as strenuous as before!

"Souga? Is that so? Well, thank you for your hard work, Shirou. However, it seems that Liya is watching us from a distance!"

Yanagi Kazunari likes Saber and was fascinated by her from the first sight. However, Saber doesn't seem to have any feelings for him. Instead, she has a good impression of Shirou. It is said that the two of them know each other. Liya lives in Shirou's house, which makes Yanagi Kazunari jealous.

How come Shirou is so popular with girls?

Matou Sakura, Toosaka Rin, Mizutsu Ayako and the new Alto Liya seem to treat Shirou differently from other people.

This makes Yanagi Kazunari jealous. What are the advantages of Shirou? Why is he so popular with girls?

"Saber?" Shirou stood up and looked over. He found that Saber was indeed standing in the corridor. However, she was not staring at him all the time. Instead, she was paying attention to the area outside the classroom and only glanced over here occasionally.

Saber was peeking? Shirou felt a little amused. He pretended to look at the scenery outside, but in fact, he was worried about himself in the reception room and was afraid that he would encounter danger!

"Saber, it's okay, this is a school, it should be safe, you can go back to the classroom, you don't have to stay by my side!"

Shirou used the communication channel between the two of them and said to Saber in his heart. This way of contact can be achieved through the magic link, and communication can be achieved even at a long distance.

"Got it, I just wanted to take a look at the scenery outside, the fallen leaves in autumn always make people nostalgic!"

Saber didn't seem to plan to go back, and even found an excuse for herself.

Shirou put his hand on his forehead, well, if she wants to do this, let her go. If he forced her to go back to the classroom, Saber would be worried!

"It's okay, she should be enjoying the scenery, let's go about our business, Issei, if you're worried, why don't you just close the door?"

Shirou turned around and said to Issei Ryudo, then went about his own business.

Issei Ryudo scratched his head, close the door? That's not good, although they are two grown men, but if the door is closed, it might not be good! If it gets out...

Thinking of this, he quickly shook his head,"Forget it, let's just leave it this way, I'll leave the things inside to you, Minister, I'll go see if there's anything else that needs to be repaired!"

Since Shirou is so motivated today, he naturally can't miss such a good opportunity. He brought all the other things that need repair and maintenance to Shirou for a look, so that he can save a lot of money.

Recently, the school's financial situation has continued to deteriorate, and the government's financial allocations have become less and less. With the economic downturn, Japan's financial burden has become heavier, and the government's debt has also increased. Therefore, in order to reduce the debt, the government has reduced the expenditure of many projects, such as cultural projects in education and club activities.

As the president of the student union, Yanagido Kazunari needs to approve the funds according to the needs of each club, but because the funds have been reduced a lot, there will inevitably be many departments that will have no money to use. If some maintenance costs are reduced at this time, more funds can be allocated.

"It's just a bit of a hassle for Shirou, never mind, I can just treat him to a meal later! Of course, if Liya comes along, then……"

Liu Dong Yicheng lowered his head and thought, and didn't notice that there was a person in front of him. This guy also rushed over in a hurry. The two of them bumped into each other and fell to the ground.

"Hey, what's going on? You're not allowed to run in the school corridor, don't you know?"

Liudong Yicheng touched his buttocks and felt as if he was broken into two pieces. The pain in his tailbone made him very unhappy.

"Tsk, who did I think it was? It turned out to be Liudong Yicheng. Hey, I heard that there is a beautiful girl in our class. Is it true? Is it true?"As soon as this person spoke, Liudong Yicheng knew who he was without even looking.

"Matou Shinji, I advise you not to go after classmate Liya. It's okay for you to do such excessive things to junior schoolmates, but how can you keep harming others like this? Stop it!"

After Yanagi Kazunari found out that it was Matou Shinji, he became even more rude to him. If ordinary classmates bumped into him, he would not take it to heart, but this guy, he would get angry every time he met him.

Skipping classes, fighting, picking up girls, playing tricks on people at school, molesting female classmates... Is there anything he won't do?

Yanagi Kazunari has no good impression of such a person. He is determined to become a decent person like Mr. Kuzuki!

"Hey, since you said so, then this is true?"

Matou Shinji didn't seem to be unhappy with Yanagi Kazunari's attitude at all, but became excited!

PS: The current performance of this book is quite miserable.

It has 60,000 words, but the collection is not as good as others with 30,000 words.

People in the group advised me to cut it off, saying that if I continue to write at this performance, it will be a flop.

But the story of Fate is a story I like very much.

I am reluctant to give up, so I followed their method and brushed the related works to increase exposure.

Those who have collected it should not read it in the morning.

I usually start updating at six o'clock, and the last chapter is at nine or ten o'clock in the evening.

In the new era, there are 4 updates every day with 9,000 words.

This speed is too fast.

It may be the reason for my poor performance...

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