The Matou family must have some money. The old man has lived for 500 years. Even if he didn't focus on making money, he would have accumulated a lot of treasure. The two of them had a great harvest. They found more than 500,000 yen in cash, and also found a lot of gold, silver and other valuables.

"I can’t carry it anymore, it’s too heavy, I can’t lift it anymore!"

Hei Zhen was carrying several boxes in her hands, panting with exhaustion.

"How about opening these boxes and putting the things inside together!"

The safe itself is very heavy, mainly because it is very thick and made of solid steel.

A safe with a specification of 55 cm/45 cm/40 cm in length, width and height can generally weigh more than 80 kilograms. An ordinary person would definitely not be able to move such a weight, and it would require several people to move it together, so it is very safe to leave the safe at home, unless its password is cracked, or it is opened by brute force, otherwise it is basically impossible to take it away. However

, Kurozhen is not an ordinary person. As a heroic spirit, her strength attribute is A, which is better than Saber, so she is very strong. However

, no matter how strong one is, there is a limit. The safes in the Matou family seem to be a little too many, and Kurozhen has four treasure chests...

The things in them are probably not very heavy, but the weight of the safe itself is terrifying, so she feels tired.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? It's all in vain for Jeanne to bring it up for so long!"

Kuro-Jeong looked at Shirou unhappily, with a hint of rebuke in her eyes.

After spending a little more time with him, it seemed that Kuro-Jeong had removed some of the defenses in her heart. Now, she seemed to be much better than yesterday. Well, this was a good sign.

"Haha, I just don't know how to open this thing. These safes are very strong. If you don't have the password, ordinary tools can't open it!"

Shirou scratched his head awkwardly. He definitely didn't have the password of the safe. He didn't even think about destroying the safe before. He just wanted to carry them home and then slowly solve the problem.


Hei Zhen pulled out his sword at some point, and with a few swipes he cracked open all four safes.

"Is it strong?"

She put the sword back into the scabbard as if nothing had happened, and asked Shirou calmly, which made Shirou even more embarrassed. This slap in the face came too fast like a tornado.……

"Come and see what's in here?"

The two of them were carrying large and small bags of things. They didn't dare to walk on the main road along the way. They walked in remote alleys. There were few people in these places, so it was probably okay to open treasure chests in these places.

"Hmm, cash, gems, and documents? What is this?"

Kurozhen's movements were much faster than Shirou's. People are curious, especially the things in the safe, which can arouse people's curiosity.

She had already started when Shirou opened his mouth, but what she found made Kuromo a little confused.

A box of cash, it looks like there are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yen!

Shirou was completely attracted by the money. Suddenly seeing so much money, his breathing and heartbeat immediately quickened!

His eyes were fixed on the money that filled the entire safe. With so much money, why would he go to the amusement park to make money! He doesn't have to work part-time. He can support Saber, Rin, Kuromo, and Sakura in a dozen!

Kuromo looked at him with contempt. Her master seemed to have gone into the money hole. It was really a headache!

She picked up an ancient parchment scroll from another treasure chest. There was also a book inside the parchment scroll with obscure words written on it. Kuromo could understand some of it, but she still couldn't understand most of the content.

"The creation and use of the Command Spells?"

Hei Zhen looked at the name, then flipped through it a few times and lost interest.

The densely packed characters were simply her natural enemy. Jeanne was illiterate, and Hei Zhen was a little better than her. In order to practice good handwriting, she specially learned some characters. Of course, Jeanne did not have the talent for reading in her genes, so after studying for a period of time with great determination, Hei Zhen still only knew a few characters, and most of the characters were unknown.

Therefore, she had always lacked interest in books with densely packed characters, but because there were many pictures in this book, she patiently flipped through it.

On the other side, Shirou was counting money seriously!


"The total is 215 million yen! My God, if converted into RMB at the current exchange rate, it is more than 27 million! This is 1994, so much money!"

Shirou feels that now he understands those bandits who like to rob houses. The joy of getting such a huge amount of money all at once is simply indescribable!

With this sum of money, they no longer need to worry about money. The house can be bought immediately, and they don't have to live in the hotel anymore.

Although the hotel is good, it is not appropriate for them to live in the hotel because of the relationship between Kuro-jeong and Saber. Saber is better. She is not likely to get into trouble and has been accustomed to the various rules of this society, but Kuro-jeong is hard to say. When he went out this morning, Shirou had already seen the hotel gate with two cordons. The gate was said to have been destroyed by a girl in black clothes.

The girl in black clothes, who else could it be but Kuro-jeong? If this was not the 1990s and there were not so many surveillance cameras on the streets, she would have been recognized by now.

So it is better to buy a house and make trouble at home.

"Okay, let's pack our things and go back right away!"

It's been a long time since we left, and Shirou was afraid that Saber would be worried at home, so he didn't want to stay outside.

"Well, but this treasure chest has been split open, how should I take these things?"

Joan of Arc took a look at the things on the ground. They took up a lot of space, and the safe was broken and completely unusable. She needed to find another container.

"There is no other way, let's go buy a bag!"

These things, books and documents, don't matter, if they are seen, others can't understand them, but cash and gems can't be exposed, these things must be hidden.

So Shirou rushed to the nearest convenience store, bought a big sack, and put all these things in it, so there would be no problem.

"Master, this bag is too ugly, you should carry it yourself!"

When Heizhen saw that he had found such an ugly bag, she was immediately disgusted and didn't want to touch it. What a joke, she was a beautiful young girl, carrying a sack would make her look like a beggar?

Although it would easily form a strong contrast if she went to beg in this outfit, and the effect might be better, but she would definitely not do that!

""I'll do it. I'll carry it myself. Is that okay?" Shirou didn't mind the money, even if it was a little heavy.

Except for the money being a little heavier, the other things didn't weigh much, so Shirou didn't care. It was indeed inappropriate to let a girl carry a sack.

At this time, the huge advantage of the face value of the Japanese yen was reflected. If it were RMB, 100 yuan per piece, 215 million would weigh more than 3,000 kilograms. Humans would definitely not be able to lift it. Several tons of money would look scary.

However, these Japanese yen are all 10,000 yuan in face value, so the weight of 215 million yen is 100 times lighter than RMB, but it is only more than 33 kilograms. Although it is a bit heavy for Shirou to carry, it is not so heavy that he can't carry it.

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