"Jobs other than the seventh job?"

Tohsaka Tokiomi kept repeating this sentence, and even after returning home, he was still worried about it.

He walked to his study and began to look up books from a large pile.

The Holy Grail War has been going on for the fourth time, and there have never been servants who are not of the seven jobs before. Therefore, they feel very unfamiliar with the new servants. Because of the unfamiliarity, they have no way of knowing the strength of the opponent, nor can they estimate and calculate. This is equivalent to adding a variable to the plan, a huge variable. The

Fourth Holy Grail War is the biggest opportunity for the Tohsaka family. It is the best condition they have had since the four Holy Grail Wars! The support of the Holy Church, and another Master, Kotomine Kirei. Secretly serving him, plus the powerful Servant he could summon, all these increased his chances of winning. Cumulatively, he had a much greater chance than any other Servant! Therefore, he almost regarded the Holy Grail as a sure thing! However

, now there are a few small twists and turns. Who are the intruders, the magician, and his Servant? How did he summon this Servant?

To summon a Servant, you need some of the Servant's bond items. For example, Gilgamesh, who he is about to summon, is summoned with ancient snake skins. It is said that these snakes ate Gilgamesh's elixir, so they can shed their skins and become immortal.

"How did the other party summon the eighth job?"

Tōsaka Tokiomi was a little confused. Each job corresponds to a container of the Holy Grail. I originally thought that there were only seven containers on the Holy Grail, but now it seems that this is not entirely true.

"System, how did I summon Black Jeanne?"

Not only Tohsaka Tokiomi himself was curious, Shirou was also curious.

He finally figured out what Kuro-jeong was doing outside now. This guy ran away to be a firefighter. After she rescued those women at Matou Zouken's house last time and was praised by Shirou, she fell in love with this kind of work and this feeling!

Because she is not afraid of fire, she can come and go freely in the fire scene and can reach many places that ordinary people cannot reach. In addition, she is a heroic spirit, so her speed and strength are far beyond ordinary people, and she is very good at saving people.

However, in just one month, Kuro-jeong appeared at the fire scene in Fuyuki, and she rescued no less than 50 people. This also explains why she was so popular in the square before. Oh, by the way, the event in the square that day was actually to award Kuro-jeong... Kuro-jeong

's personality is a bit changeable, and Shirou feels that she can't control it. She has the ability to act alone, and her magic power recovers very quickly. In addition, the degree of fit between her and him is not high, which always makes Shirou feel that the relationship between the two is not very stable. To be honest, he is not very confident in conquering Kuro-jeong.

"As an avenger, it was impossible for Black Jeanne to be summoned.

However, after the host has this system, he naturally does not need to follow the usual rules.

When summoning, the host hopes that the servant to be summoned is a girl, young and beautiful, with a high figure, and cannot be a vase, but must have strong strength.

After considering all these, there are not many options.

In addition, the host has excluded lancers and swordsmen.

Lily and Xiao Mo cannot be selected as swordsmen, and Scathach is also excluded as a lancer.

So the system chooses one of the two options for the host!


The system spread its hands, indicating that it made the selection according to Shirou's requirements. Now he can't control the servant he has selected, and he is still thinking of passing the blame. Of course, the system will not accept this black pot.

""Hey, there's another option? Who is that?"

Shirou was surprised that the system had already ruled out so many people, but there was still one person who could be selected along with Kuro-Jeong.

"Maeve - Queen of Connaught, the most lascivious and purest woman in legend!"

Maeve? This name is so familiar. It seems that someone said a few days ago that he used a talisman to draw this heroic spirit. Thinking about it, I envy this guy.

"Maeve's photo... ahem, I mean, is there any information? If there is, I'll study it!"

The system looked down on him, and then sent him Maeve's photo... oh no, it was her information.

""Shh, this is really a beauty. She looks so innocent, with long pink hair and innocent clothes. Does she look completely harmless? Is she really slutty?"

Shirou couldn't believe it. Maeve looked like just an ordinary innocent girl! She couldn't be associated with slutty and vicious images at all.

"Pure and pretty, lustful and vicious! Both sides are her true attitudes, neither side is fake."

The system's voice sounded cold, and then there was a hint of sarcasm:"The host's luck is still good. Although the summoned Black Jeanne has a bad temper, her heart is still good. At least she is loyal to the host. If you summoned Maeve, then your backyard will be on fire, and you may even lose your life!"

No way? Is it that serious?

He looked at the photo of this pure and beautiful girl, and it was difficult to match it with the description of the system. He didn't know that Maeve had a very strong possessiveness. If she appeared, the relationship between her and Saber would definitely be worse than the current relationship between Saber and Black Jeanne!

"By the way, what is her job title? Is she strong?"

"Rider class, with collision and charm skills, is very lethal to men, including male servants.���Unless we meet Cu Chulainn, no one can resist!"

"Even Gilgamesh can't do it?"

Shirou listened to the system, this Maeve is very powerful!

"Don’t you know that Jin Shanshan is very lustful?"


Come to think of it, it seems that he is indeed quite lustful. This guy actually fell in love with Saber. It would be fine if he fell in love with Saber during the Fourth War, but he still did not repent after ten years and still did not give up on Saber. This Maeve looks much prettier than Saber. Apart from other things, her bust and height are both better than Saber. So if he faces Maeve, Gilgamesh might be charmed without even using a single move.

Shirou touched his nose. If that's the case, this Maeve is also very powerful! Except for Saber, all the servants in the Fourth War were men. It would be a sure win to use charm against them, but the prerequisite is that he can withstand the charm, otherwise he would be defeated before the enemy was defeated. If you think about it this way, it seems that it is not bad to obtain Black Jeanne, eh? No? Isn't there another person who meets the conditions?

Doesn't Jeanne d'Arc also meet the conditions? Why did the system exclude Jeanne d'Arc?

PS:The previous chapter 61 has been revised. Readers who have been poisoned can go and take a look...

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