"With your company, walking on the unfamiliar streets also makes Alice feel very interesting. Thank you, Mr. Shirou!"

Alice put her hands behind her back, tilted her head slightly, and showed a sweet smile.

"If Mrs. Ellie likes it, it would be my honor to do so!"

Shirou smiled and said to her,"The bay of Fuyuki is in front of us. The beach of Fuyuki is relatively quiet. Because of its special geographical location, the tide here is relatively gentle. If Mrs. Ellie is interested, we can go for a walk on the beach, take off our shoes and step on the sand, leaving a trail of footprints. That feeling is really indescribably wonderful!"

The weather is not very cold.

The evening breeze from the seaside will not make you feel cold.

After being exposed to the sun during the day, the temperature of the seawater is not low at this time.

When you step barefoot in the shallow water, let the seawater flow over your ankles.

The mild temperature and the soft texture of the soles of your feet touching the beach can soothe your nerves and relax your body and mind.

It feels very good.

Shirou has come to the beach of Fuyuki many times in the past year.

He usually comes to practice magic, and then after exhausting his magic power, he takes a slow walk here to slowly recover his strength.

Kurozhen and Saber prefer to bring some things to eat barbecue.

The relationship between the two has improved a lot. Shirou finally knew why their relationship was not good not long ago. The main reason is that the dragon factor in Saber's body and the dragon witch of Kurozhen are essentially in conflict, so the two are born in hostile camps, which leads to a tense relationship between them.

Fortunately, they still have a chance to improve. In this year, with Shirou's unremitting efforts and the increasing contact between the two, the relationship between the two has improved a lot. They no longer regard each other as enemies. Although their relationship has not yet reached the level of close friends, at least they both acknowledged each other as their teammates, which made Shirou feel a lot more at ease.

This time when he took Saber out to perform the mission, Kurozhan was not idle either. She was sent to follow another group of people, that is, Hassan of Kotomine Kirei. There are many of these guys, but most of them are clones. However, there is one place they will definitely go to, that is the church in Fuyuki, where Kotomine Kirei is currently located.

Just last night, Kotomine Kirei and Tōsaka Tokiomi directed and acted out a play, which was to let Gilgamesh Killed one of his Hassan, even though it was just a clone, but no one knew about it, so many people thought that the assassin was dead, so Kotomine Kirei, who lost his Servant, moved into the Cathedral and accepted the protection of the Holy Church, and then he would no longer be regarded as a threat.

However, it was precisely this situation that made Kotomine Kirei dangerous.

Shirou knew that this guy was the agent of the Magician Association and was a great threat to magicians, so he had already started to study him and treated him as a very difficult opponent, which is why he arranged for Black Jeanne to carry out such a mission.

"Is that so? Then I also want to try it!"

Irisviel was moved by what Shirou said.

She seldom came into contact with things outside. Although Emiya Kiritsugu had helped her understand many things through books, videos, newspapers and magazines after knowing her, she had not yet personally come into contact with them. Therefore, everything outside was very new to her.

So this time when she went out, Irisviel was very excited all the way.

She had seen the sea many times in books and on TV, but she had never seen it herself. At this time, she heard the whistle coming from the seashore in the distance and the sound of waves hitting the rocks, and she was already looking forward to it in her heart.

Shirou's words aroused her curiosity even more and magnified her expectations.

""Yes, right here!"

Shirou led the way with a smile, Alice followed curiously, and the two Sabers fell behind and started chatting with each other.

After Alice walked to the front, Shirou deliberately fell behind a few steps, wanting to listen to what they were talking about. If the self ten years later and the self ten years ago met, what would they talk about?

""Hello, my name is Altria Pandragon!" The pink Saber raised her hand. The black

Saber was slightly stunned and said,"Well, my name is the same as yours, nice to meet you!"

Shirou almost burst out laughing, are these two people so cute? Do they need to introduce themselves when facing themselves?

"What a clear sea! It's like looking into the mirror of the sky!"

The group came at a very good time. The setting sun had already slowly descended on the sea. From a distance, it looked like it was about to fall into the sea. The sunset glow illuminated half of the sky and half of the sea.

Alice stroked her hair and saw the beach not far away and the tide that was slowly rising and falling.

She couldn't help but take off her shoes and socks, rolled up her trouser legs, and then carefully opened her arms to ensure her body balance.

She walked slowly on the beach covered with sea water.

The soft sand slid into the soles of her feet along the bends of her feet.

When she lifted her feet, a series of curved footprints would naturally be printed behind her.

The footprints would gradually become lighter and then disappear after being gently washed by the sea water.

She was very excited and walked back and forth on the beach for a few steps. steps, and finally danced happily like an elf.

Shirou took out a bunch of things from the car. These were the materials and ingredients necessary for barbecue. He originally planned to take Irisviel and Saber to eat hot pot, but there was no hot pot restaurant nearby, and Iris and the others didn’t have much time, so the plan was abandoned.

Fortunately, he had already prepared some things before, and it would be a good idea to have a bonfire party and barbecue at the beach.

After more than a year in this world, Shirou’s magic power has grown a lot, and what has grown faster than his magic power is his cooking skills.

Now Shirou’s Japanese and Chinese cuisine are much more sophisticated than a year ago, and the taste is better.

And this time, he plans to show off his barbecue skills.

"Spicy sauce, Lao Gan Ma, cumin, pepper powder, pepper... well, the seasonings are basically all there, we can start!"

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