The system rewards 100 achievement points. Shirou noticed that there was a mall on the system panel. Some items were gray and some were lit.

The gray items were probably not available for purchase or were not open!

Among the items that were already open, many had red numbers underneath, which showed that his achievement points were not enough to buy these items.

From this point of view, there were very few things he could buy with his 100 achievement points.

After a quick look, there were only three things that could be purchased.

One was a small bottle of magic potion.

After drinking this, it could replenish magic power for a short period of time, but it seemed that Lin Quan had no effect after using it, because his magic circuit was not opened, so this magic potion could not be used even if it was replenished.

The small bottle of magic potion was not expensive. It only cost 20 achievement points to buy it. It could replenish 20% of magic power at a time, which was the kind that replenished instantly!

The second type is a purple gemstone, which is called the Gravity Gemstone. It can increase the gravity field around the target and limit the target's mobility. When fighting Berserker, Rin used this gemstone to let Archer complete a precise attack, but Berserker was not injured!

The price of this thing is not expensive. One gemstone is 10 achievement points. This thing is a consumable item and can be used as a prop in battle. It is also effective at critical times.

The third type is a magic enhancer.

This thing can enhance the effect of a single magic release, such as strengthening a certain attack or defense.

Its ability should be the best among the three, but the price is relatively expensive.

One bottle requires 50 achievement points.

Shirou currently only has 100 achievement points, which means that it is gone after only 2 redemptions.

Shirou sighed and found that he seemed to be too poor.

He couldn't afford the only props in the system mall, and he couldn't afford to use the ones he could afford.

It seems that he has to grow up and become stronger quickly.

He looked at the system's lottery requirements. The lottery required 1,000 achievement points, which was too expensive. It took ten battles to redeem it. He felt that he probably couldn't afford it.

It seemed that he could only hope that Saber would defeat the opponent to get a chance to win the lottery, or that he would get a chance to win the lottery after he upgraded.


Nothing happened that night. The next morning, Shirou got up early. After making breakfast, he found Saber was already practicing swordplay.

"Saber, I'm going to school today, do you want to come with me?"

Saber can't become a spirit, this is the biggest problem at the moment, otherwise Shirou wouldn't ask this question at all, because she can completely become a spirit like Red A and protect herself anytime and anywhere

"Well, Saber can't leave Shirou for too long, so wherever Shirou goes, Saber will follow!"

Shirou nodded. He was no longer surprised by this result. He would have been surprised if Saber didn't go!

"Then I will process the enrollment procedures for Saber, so that Saber, you can study with me in the classroom!"

The class time is still very long. Let Saber go to school and stand outside for a day to protect himself. Shirou always feels a little embarrassed. Not to mention that others will feel strange after seeing it, just standing outside for a day is very uncomfortable, and he will also feel distressed.

"Admission procedures?"

Saber was a little confused. Should she study along with him?

"Well, in this case, Saber, you can sit in the classroom instead of being exposed to the wind, rain and sun outside!"

Shirou did not prepare a lunch box for lunch. He had already prepared one, but Saber's appetite was too big. She ate up all the lunch box for breakfast, so the lunch box was cancelled. However, there is a cafeteria in the school, so she can eat in the cafeteria.

"Shirou, you are so thoughtful!"

Saber was slightly touched. She herself did not pay attention to these things. She was a heroic spirit, unlike humans. She would not have any problems even if exposed to the wind and sun. However, Lin Quan treated her as an ordinary person and considered her very thoughtfully. She could clearly feel this kind of care and consideration.

"So Saber, do you agree?"

Although Shirou was indeed thinking about Saber, it seemed like it would be a good thing for him if Saber studied in the same class with him.

"Well, Saber is very happy with Shirou!"

This was the second time Saber smiled, and Shirou was slightly stunned.

After the two finished their meal, they went out.

The store was not open in the morning, so there was no way to go to the store to change Saber's clothes. She always felt something was wrong when she wore Sakura's clothes. Shirou looked at it for a long time, and finally confirmed what was wrong!

Sakura had at least a C, but Saber only had an A. The difference was actually quite large, so it looked like her chest was slightly flat, so the whole dress couldn't hold up.

Saber was a big eater, but she didn't grow any flesh where she should, and her figure was surprisingly well maintained, which was very strange.

If an ordinary girl ate like this, she would definitely be so fat that you couldn't recognize her at all.

Shirou was in front and Saber was behind. The two had almost no communication along the way, and soon arrived at school.

Shirou asked for a class leave and went to the Academic Affairs Office to help Saber go through the transfer procedures. This was the school's first foreign student, so the school went through the procedures unexpectedly quickly, and immediately issued a school uniform and student registration, and as expected, Saber was assigned to the same class as Shirou.

"Dear classmates, this is our new classmate, Altria from Britain! She came to our school as a transfer student and was assigned to our class. Please take good care of her in the future!"

Sister Fuji looked at Shirou several times when introducing Saber, with a strong questioning look in her eyes!

Shirou turned his eyes away and didn't look at her. This question was not easy to answer, and he was not going to answer it anyway.

Saber's full name is Altria Pandragon, but many people know this name, so Lin Quan helped her change her name, directly using her name, and divided it into Altria.

In this way, no one knows her true identity.

"Hello everyone, my name is Alto Lea, I just transferred here, please give me your advice!"

Saber's appearance is very outstanding, with golden hair, green eyes, and a pretty face without makeup. Although she is small in stature, she is born with aristocratic temperament. She is the kind of girl who can catch people's attention at a glance in a crowd!

Everyone's attention was attracted at once.

PS: There are four updates today. The new book is published too soon and it will flop if it is put on the shelves. Please understand. In addition, some classmates like to watch Grand Order. I am not familiar with this game yet. I will hold a vote later to see everyone's opinions!

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