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Unlike other people, from the very beginning, the embassies of various countries were within the main hall, letting them watch the whole process of life, which is not a way of manifestation.

After Jing Hao’s birthday, they have already taken a seat. Qianchen Temple is a special place for the DPRK. The pattern is different from other places. There are enough space on both sides of the east and west. Of course, even if you can sit inside, it is still only a part of people, even if there are more places. There is not enough identity and no place to stand. At the moment, the neat seats are placed in the middle. At this moment, the rectangular seats are ten seats, three for each thing, two for the north and the south, and the table is short. After the seats, it is almost the same as the squat. This is not a small etiquette. The challenge of setting up such a seat is not to see jokes in certain countries.

The princes need to be presented one by one, so everyone will be present first.

There is no Prince in Kaiyuan. Prince Kang’s residence is the longest, and the emperor’s gift is from her. There is nothing wrong with it.

Speaking of the Queen's poor health, Prince Kang has been relatively low-key in recent times. Basically, he has no troubles and ignorance, and he does things in a serious way. As far as possible, the entire faction is rarely given to others. The faction is in trouble, which shows the importance of the Queen to the entire faction.

The Queen’s energy was not good. The birthday ceremony was prepared by Prince Kang himself. Of course, it was said that he was preparing himself. In fact, it was the result of brainstorming. However, the birthday ceremony was given to the Queens branch in advance, although I did not see the real thing, but after the Queen heard the description, the rare tribute to Kang Prince was good.

Although there is no big gap between the mother and the child, the Prince Kang knows that he is only a **** in the hands of his mother. In the end, there is no complete fallout. After all, they all need each other. In the present, they can’t be guilty. Consistent externalism is serious, so in this way, Prince Kang can get the affirmation of her mother, and her heart is still unhappy.

Half of the taller boxes were carefully carried in. After opening, from the middle of the soft filling, a blue-and-white porcelain bottle resembling the height of the box.

The whole piece of porcelain does not look obvious, but when you look closely, you will find that this object is absolutely not simple. Its carcass is thick, the glaze is full, the white font is blue, the fonts are different, but they are all the same word— -life. The size of the word is stretched with the shape curve of the object, and it is regular and natural, and the charm is elegant. The glyphs have round and square triangles, and are even drawn into a peach shape, or the upper part of the word "shou" is a hill shape, meaning that the left is only the life of Nanshan, but also the "shou" word line is complex, meaning the number of life is continuous. .

"Father of the Emperor, this is the eternal life, respectful mouth along the two-week lifeline, seventy-seven words per week; the side of the mouth, the outer edge of the circle of feet every week forty-eight words; respected the body of seventy-five lines, tapped one Hundred and thirty rows, a total of 10,000 words. My emperor is long lived and long lived." Prince Kang said while he was deeply worshipped.

As a member of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, I received such a gift on my birthday. Undoubtedly, I was sure that I was in a good mood and laughed and said a few good words. Look at the expressions of many envoys, or be surprised, or surprised, or embarrassed, this mood can not help but better.

It should be noted that the burning of such large pieces of porcelain requires superb porcelain burning technology; such a bright blue-and-white color needs to be painted with the finest blue-and-white color materials; and the so-called "shou" characters that have such a rich and varied shape must have deep text. The foundation of such a remarkable overall plan highlights his son's respect for him. No matter how you look, you have a face.

Kaiyuan all kinds of satin, porcelain, has always been the heart of other countries, can catch up with the Kaiyuan process, probably only the former Wei, but at this time, the former Wei several people do not look good, almost can be concluded The porcelain of this piece of porcelain may not be available before the process.

"I have a heart, I am flat. - reward."

Prince Kang got up, "Thank you the father." The inner happiness can hardly be concealed. This time has been suppressed, and some people are seen in front of their eyes, and now they have finally raised their eyebrows. If the sight is swept away from the brothers who seem to have nothing, with a faint provocation.

In fact, the appearance of the princes is not as usual, including their mother-in-law, who are anxious, and hate in their hearts. Probably I didn't expect Li Hongjun's shot to be such a full-fledged baby. You must know that in the past few years, the things that Li Hongjun sent out have always been stable, but they don't make a mistake, but they won't make mistakes. How did you hollow out your mind this year?

Many people have turned their minds and they know the key. The things in Jiangnan are in the first place, and the loss of the Prince Kang is the most serious. After the Queen’s illness is heavy, their faction is like the heart of the heart. In this case, Underneath, nature needs ideas to save the Sacred Heart, and there is no such thing as a clever object.

Next, it is the turn of the three emperors, Li Hongming, who is quite calm. It seems that he is not convinced of the eternal life, and he seems to be extraordinarily confident in his own things. So, it is inevitable to call again. Some people are ugly.

Li Hongyi was seated, Li Hongming got up, and the two men's eyes met in the air. A calm smile, a smug smile, killed a few rounds in a flash.

Li Hongming salutes, clap his hands, and his birthday is also carried in, like a cage, covered with red silk, everyone's heart is suspicious, screaming, this should be a living thing?

Li Hongming also did not sell the Guanzi, directly opened the red silk, seeing the Dongba inside, how many people sucked a cold air.

It is a white turtle, which is as big as a grinding disc. The turtle has always been a symbol of longevity. Such a white turtle is a rare treasure in Qizhen, which is called auspicious. Do not blame Rui Prince for being so calm and calm. Since the eternal life can be produced, it will definitely be the second one, but this auspicious is not the same. The millennium may not meet one.

"Congratulations to the father of Wanshou without borders." Li Hongming said not lightly, the manner is more calm.

This thing is better than Li Hongjun. This is a better way to say and do, and how many ministers do not live, nodded and secretly praised.

"Good--" The more the smiles of Lecheng Emperor are obvious, the "reward!" words are less, and the expression has already explained everything.

This time, Li Hongjun's face followed the pan-green, clenched his fists, cursing Li Hongming in his heart, but also glad that he was ahead.

The only strange thing in my heart is probably Jing Jing, sick turtle...

Prince Gong is not so lucky. Recently, because of Qin Shuzhen’s phoenix print, he is very lively. Now, two people are in front of him, and his things are negligible.

Sure enough, Prince Gong’s preparation is Baishou embroidery screen. Although it is double-sided embroidery, it is not bad under normal circumstances. Now, huh, huh...

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