In the book of River Tulo, time passes and the years go by.

In the blink of an eye…

The sixth decade has arrived.

The initial state has been established, but it is still threatened by the world around it.

Compared to the innate beings…

Still too weak.

There are too many threats facing the Terrans…

Like the weather!

There could be a drought…

It can make a tribe disappear.

Probably a heavy rain…

It can destroy a tribe.

In this mythical age, the Terrans were too weak.

Any natural disaster may nip the fledgling Terrans in the bud.

The history of mankind…..

It is an epic against nature.

But the Renhuang tribe is different.

They have gone all the way under the leadership of Xu Hao, how many hard years they have experienced, and they have long been accustomed to seeing various threats.

Weather is no longer a problem.

As long as Xu Hao is there, the tribe is still in good operation.

On a certain day…

Xu Hao woke up from meditation.

His gaze swept beyond the tribe, and he heard a deafening roar.

In the next second, the warriors of countless tribes walked into the tribe covered in blood.

Most of the people were carried and a few were supported.

It seems that this hunt did not go well.

“There are beasts….”

“It’s the size of a hill…”

“It’s coming towards us.”

The tribal warriors looked terrified and seemed to have encountered some terrible beast.

You know, the tribal warriors followed Xu Hao to fight the threat, and their mental endurance was no longer what it used to be.

But today…

Fear was written on their faces.

You can imagine what terrible threats they encountered.

“No matter what kind of beasts they are, they are certainly not the opponents of the chief’s brother.”

The little girls walked to Xu Hao’s side, not worried at all.


Xu Hao’s age is already the grandfather of the little girls.


Older than their grandfathers.

But he was too young.

At the same time, he was also the most powerful hero of the Terrans.

Sixty years later, the clansmen have long since grown old.

Dead dead, mutilated.

And Xu Hao is different.

For a long time, almost no trace was left on him.

He is getting stronger and stronger.

Any ferocious behemoth is no longer his opponent.

Xu Hao is already invincible.

Whether it is rivers or land, he moves freely.

“You’re right, no matter what the threat, I will protect you.” Xu Hao smiled and picked up the little girl.


The words fell, and the earthquake trembled.

The tribesmen turned their heads in unison, and saw a majestic mountain suddenly move.

Look at that trajectory…

It is moving towards the human emperor tribe.

“This is it!”

“Just the gust of wind when we walked killed and injured us.”

The tribal warriors were terrified.

The clansmen looked closely, what kind of mountain is this?

Obviously a giant beast!

It is about 100 meters high.

At least 100 meters!

It’s a majestic mountain.

Its body stretches endlessly like a mountain range, and its eyes are almost invisible.

It erupted into a roar, like the roar of thunder and lightning.

Its breath, like the roar of a hurricane, can easily bring down towering ancient trees.

It is present at the very top of the food chain.

Ancient God of the Flood Desolation!

From the field of vision, more than half of the body of this giant beast was shrouded in clouds and mist.

It just moved slowly.

Everything on the road is smoothed by it.

The deaths and injuries of the tribal warriors seem to have nothing to do with it, it is just passing by.

The Terrans are in front of it…

As weak as an ant.

What does it have to do with destroying you?

For the behemoth, it’s just moving.

Seeing this huge behemoth, the tribesmen who had previously had confidence in Xu Hao stopped talking.

Because it’s so big.

It is the majestic peak.

Royal Palace Hall.

“Is this the behemoth of the ancient times?”

Not to mention the ancestors of the ancient era, why are the modern alchemists who have mastered the power of nature not afraid?

The size of this giant beast is too large.

It’s desperately large.

In ancient times, it was terrifying!

“How much suffering did our ancestors go through to get to where they are now?”

Everyone looked at each other, and National Master Luo Yuyi felt the same way.

As the national teacher of the empire….

She has always acted as a Terran sage.

She has read countless heroic epics and knows the difficult times of the Terrans.

“Di Hao’s luck is really bad, he has just established a country and encountered such a huge behemoth.”

King Wu gloated, “This giant beast, I’m afraid that a hundred thousand army is just a kick, right? ”

“As soon as this giant beast stepped down, Di Hao’s body was shattered.” Everyone laughed.

“You say, will Di Hao abandon his clan and flee alone?”

King Wu looked at everyone leisurely.

He began to look forward to it.

If Di Hao really abandoned his clan and fled alone, then this was a black spot for him, which could never be washed.

“Although Di Hao has become a half-human and half-god existence, he can only escape in the face of this giant beast.”

The Qingqiu female monarch said lightly, “There is no shame in running away at this moment, and there is no need to ridicule, if it were me, I would also escape.” ”

“This giant beast is no longer invincible by manpower.”

As a demon race, she was very aware of the power of these ancient behemoths.

They’re not just big.

They are the creations of heaven and earth!

It is an ancient creature that has survived from an unknown era.

Their history is as long as the beginning of the birth of the Terrans, which may be even older than the demon race.

They are the ancient gods of the flood wilderness.

“I wish this giant beast would trample this tyrant to death, haha…”

King Wu smiled.

“Run, it’s not shameful…”

“In the face of such a giant beast, who doesn’t run away?” The female marshal of the empire said lightly.


The national teacher also nodded slightly.

As Di Hao said, the continuation of the tribe is more important than everything.

There is no shame in running away at this moment.


I saw that the giant beast stepped out, and the mountains and rivers trembled.

“It’s huge.”

Everyone shook their heads.

Di Hao escaping is the best option.


“What is Di Hao going to do.”

In a few moments, everyone looked at the River Tuluo Book in unison, and saw Di Hao walking out of the tribe and blocking the path of the giant beast.

“Could it be that Di Hao wants to fight this ancient behemoth?”

Everyone looked at each other with a look of amazement.

This giant beast is huge, like a majestic giant peak, how dare Di Hao?


The sixth change, plus 3,000 flowers.

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