River Tulo book.

After killing the giant beast, Xu Hao leveled the threats around him.

He hunted down behemoths that harmed the tribesmen.

Bravely defeated the golden retriever roar entrenched in the mountains and forests, and killed the ancient gods who committed evil in the grassland.

As for the good behemoth….

Xu Hao just expelled them and kept them away from the tribe.

Those who are unwilling to leave….

Xu Hao let them live with the tribesmen.

For example, a river behemoth, Xu Hao let it swallow the water of the river every once in a while, “walking clouds and rain” for the tribesmen.

A fire-breathing lizard….

Xu Hao asked him to burn the land for his people.

Make the land more fertile.

The tribes built altars for them in recognition of their exploits.

The two sides complement each other.

Di Hao has been loved and supported by the clansmen.

Loved by the ancient gods.

Time passes.

The years go by.

The tribe is thriving.

In the seventh decade, Xu Hao observed animals with feelings.

A set of experiences in feeding silkworms, reeling silk and weaving drapes was summed up and passed on to the women of the tribe.

From then on, the clansmen could make clothes.

He can also make crowns and make shoes.

The clansmen dressed up from top to bottom, completely changing the primitive habit of wearing leaf hides in ancient times.

“I have new clothes.”

The new members of the tribe burst into laughter.

They got clothes made of silk.

Although it is simple, it is a world away from the leaf hide.

Eighth decade.

Due to the terrain, drinking water is difficult and inconvenient.


Xu Hao invented the well.

Since then, people have no longer lived along the river, allowing them to go far away from the river to develop their fields.

Ninth decade.

At this time, the ancestors could not build houses.

In the wild place of the cave dwelling, the tree is the nest.

Xu Hao felt nature and taught the people of the clan to “cut wood and build a house, and go up and down to the sky to avoid the wind and rain”.

Tenth decade.

One day, Xu Hao and his clansmen roasted the beast and got hard mud in the fire.

So as to understand the truth of burning pottery.

Therefore, he took local materials and built kilns to fire pottery, all seasons.

Burnt urns, nowhere to pile up.

It was used to build walls and become a city over time.


An ancient city was born.

On this land, when the ancestors of other tribes were still living in the tribe, the Renhuang tribe had begun to build cities.

The kiln fire is not extinguished and passed down from generation to generation.

Eleventh decade.

Xu Hao and the ore found special metals.

It is melted by a flame and cooled to recast the shape of these metals.


Bronze was born.

With the birth of bronze weapons, tribesmen possessed sharp weapons.

Armed with sharp weapons and heavy armor, they gradually became able to fight some giant beasts.

Twelfth decade.

Fifty or sixty years later, a splendid civilization appeared.

Under Xu Hao’s rule, the Renhuang tribe quickly spread around the continent.

Like locusts,

Burn the tinder of civilization to the valley of the two rivers.

The human emperor tribe became the source of civilization.

Xu Hao became the source of civilization.

He single-handedly created a splendid civilization.

Thirteenth decade.

Xu Hao was officially crowned king.

Shi said:

Hero King.

It means both “the king of heroes” and “the king of all heroes”.

Because, in his own right, he is the most powerful hero.

With the spread of civilization, the ancestors of the Terran race gave birth to many heroes in the epic of fighting nature.

And he!

is the king of all heroes.

This era is known as the Age of the Hero King.

His light is a little more dazzling than the sun in the sky.

As the tribe of the “King” gradually spread civilization to the Two Rivers Valley, the reputation of the “King” spread to every corner of the known Terran world.

Fourteenth decade.

For the need for domination, for the need for civilization….

Xu Hao promulgated the oldest known code of law.

This binds countless tribes.

Let the ancestors of the human race not have to fight each other for a little survival resource.


Xu Hao has a new title.

Hao Huang!

The emperor is not the same as the emperor who came after.

In ancient times, it was a manifestation of influence.

Being crowned king means that his influence extends beyond his tribe and affects his surroundings.

Its own influence is the greatest among the tribes….

Called a hero.

But once the influence exceeds its own tribe, it is called the emperor.


In the mythological era, the original meaning of “emperor” was deity, and the original meaning of “clan” was also deity.

In antiquity, ignorance.

This is a kind of honorific title that the ancestors worshipped for the leader of the boundless power.

Fifteenth decade.

That is, 10 years of the human emperor clan.

Under Xu Hao’s rule, the flame of civilization centered on the Two Rivers Valley and spread to the world.

Tribes of the Terrans have sprung up on this land.

Xu Hao’s influence is great.

Spread to the known world of the Terrans.

Even in the unknowable world, many ancient creatures have heard of him.

Gradually, disputes abounded.

Xu Hao resolved the armed disputes of the tribe one by one and was supported by the ancestors of the Terran race.


The Terran Alliance was born.

Xu Hao became the leader of the Ancient Terran Alliance and the co-master of the world.

Shi said:

Human Emperor.

The era of the hero king has passed, and the era of the human emperor has arrived.

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