River Tulo book.

Xu Hao began to continue to write his life.

The writing of this period made him have a kind of doubt.

These hundreds of years of experience….

It was as if it was a real history he had experienced.

He simulates based on memory fragments from his predecessor, removes places that are unfavorable to him, and then beautifies them.


The system failed not to make a single decision.

There must be a reason for this.


His writing is limited.

Through memory fragments, he only wrote the outline of the story, and the details of what happened were beyond his grasp.

Just like:

Phoenix witch this paragraph.

The phoenix stone devours life, and this paragraph is not what he described.

It occurs naturally.

This made Xu Hao suspicious.

True or false, is he in the life he has written, or is he in real history?

Less …

Xu Hao was no longer entangled.

In any case, the life he wrote did affect the real world.

It is enough to have this.

As for whether the world in Hetulo’s book is real or false, he doesn’t care.

On the throne.

Xu Hao fell into a deep sleep.

As the end of his life approached, he became more and more tired.

Right now!

A ray of light descended from the sky.

After a few moments, I saw that light slowly enter the hall.


The guards did not even notice anything unusual.

“Who are you?”

Xu Hao did not open his eyes.

It seemed that opening his eyes was a waste of his strength.

“I have many names, according to the name of the ancient Terrans, I should be called the Queen Mother of the West.” The caller said.


Xu Hao opened his eyes.

A flash of consternation flashed in his eyes.

He was shocked!

This is not pretended.


This plot was not written by him.

In other words, the plot in Hetulo’s book may have been out of his control.

Thinking about this…

Xu Hao frowned.


Something is so wrong.

Immediately, he asked in his heart: “System, what’s going on, why is the reincarnation plot out of my control?” ”

Long time….

The system did not answer him.

“Mad, the system is also unreliable…” Xu Hao cursed in his heart.

It looks like….

He was left to rely on himself.

You must first increase your strength, which is supported by the system.

As long as he gains power, even if the system is out of his control, his power is still there.

Xu Hao can be sure of this.

During this time, he had already studied the system thoroughly.

The system also follows certain rules.

Most importantly, the system cannot control his fate.


He wants to be stronger.

So strong that even the system, even the rules of heaven and earth, can’t help him.

Royal Palace Hall.

King Wu and the others were dumbfounded.

That absolutely beautiful woman turned out to be the legendary Queen Mother of the West!

It is a god in the true sense of the word.

“Since the Jedi Heavenly Communication, the Celestial God has not been there, and I didn’t expect to see the Celestial God today.” The crowd was very excited.

“Why can’t you see the Queen Mother of the West?”

Some of the lowly Terran warriors frowned.

“Do not look directly at God.” King Wu smiled and said, “Don’t say it’s you, even if I can’t see her appearance clearly, she should be a beautiful goddess in the blur.” ”

“Can you see the Queen Mother of the West?” He turned his head to look at everyone again.

After a few moments, everyone shook their heads.

“It’s worthy of being a god, and you can’t even look at her directly.” Everyone sighed.

“Nothing surprising…” the Qingqiu Lady explained: “The Queen Mother of the West is not an ordinary ancient god, strictly speaking, she is one of the leaders of the ancient gods, and she can at least enter the top five in the strength and status ranking of the ancient gods. ”

River Tulo book.

Xu Hao narrowed his eyes.

Standing in the hall, standing before him… It is a strange life.

She is like the most perfect goddess in the world.

It gives birth to the idea that it can only be viewed from afar, but not profane.


It’s not that simple.

This goddess is like a flowing body of light, one moment a beautiful goddess, the next a human head and beast body.

In general, there are three fluid states.

First, the goddess of beauty.

Second, the tiger body.

Third, leopard tail.

It’s as if it was….. Three in one!

After a few moments, Xu Hao said lazily, “Queen Mother of the West? Legendary gods? So, what is the honor of you, the god of heaven, when you come to my mortal world? ”

Strictly speaking…

The status of the Queen Mother of the West is also inferior to his.

His identity and status are benchmarked against the “king” above.

Queen Mother of the West is not a king.

Or rather, she is just one of the kings.


Counting up, Xu Hao’s status is higher than her.

At least on an equal footing.

Of course, this is only when the power of the Terrans is strong enough to cover this world, he can be compared with the “king” above.

As far as the current power of the Terrans is concerned….

Not yet.

Queen Mother of the West Zhu’s lips raised slightly, and her voice was full of lightness:

“The killing of the Terrans has seriously affected the balance of heaven and earth, countless ancient gods died tragically, this is very bad, I now inform you in the Nether, please stop your killing.”

“Theocracy does not control royal power.” Xu Hao said lightly.

Queen Mother of the West froze.

It was a situation she never thought of.

Man fears God…

Isn’t that something to be taken for granted?

This king of the Terrans is really a different kind of person.

Xu Hao did not get entangled in this regard, he pulled away the topic and asked

“So, Heavenly God, do you have the law of immortality?”

“The Law of Immortality?” Queen Mother Xi smiled: “We are immortal beings, why do we need the method of immortality?” ”

“What’s more, even the gods of heaven cannot live forever, we just have a long life, but after all, it is not immortality, and one day, the gods will also die.”

“Well, that’s the end of the topic.” Xu Hao said, “I will carefully consider your suggestion, but please remember that the Heavenly God has no right to order me, let alone interfere in the affairs of the Terrans. ”

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