In the River Tulo book, a fierce battle breaks out in the earth cracks.

Di Hao’s invincibility…….


Once again, it is in front of the world.

Thousands of demon races were killed by him, corpses piled up, and blood stained the cracks in the earth.


Royal Palace Hall.

The demon clans were extremely angry, but they were just angry.

After all.

This is a memory of antiquity.

“Could it be that this battle in the earth rift caused the first divine war between the Terrans and the Demon Race in ancient times?” There was a lot of talk.

The Blue Hill Lady-Sovereign said.

In the first divine war, the demon race was almost erased from heaven and earth by Di Hao.

In addition to the Terrans, the Demon Race…

There were also many ancient gods who participated in the war.

This time the god war, the sky fell apart.

With his unparalleled strength, the Human Emperor wiped the demon race from heaven and earth, leaving only some fireworks.


Countless ancient gods also died.

There are not many records of this divine battle, and everyone only learned about it from the mouth of the Qingqiu female monarch.

Judging from the current results, it is not Di Hao’s fault that the demon clan was erased.


The demon race is responsible for a lot.

To put it bluntly, they asked for it.

“It seems that this is the reason why the Ancient God War broke out.”

The Terran soldiers looked at each other with smiles.

All the time.

The Terrans are in a state of loss against the Ancient God War.

He also silently acknowledged the cause and effect of the divine war, which led to the weakening of the Terrans.

Now it seems.

It is completely self-inflicted by the demon race.

If it weren’t for the demon clan blocking Di Hao and the others from entering the earth crack, the two sides would not have broken out into battle, let alone a divine war.

“There must be other reasons.”

All the demon clans said one after another, not admitting that it was the demon clan who was at a loss.

“Even if the demon race loses money, Di Hao won’t erase the demon race from heaven and earth, right?”

“Our ancestors only blocked him from entering the earth rift, and with his strength, he could completely avoid this battle and avoid the first divine war.”

“That’s right.”

“Di Hao is too arrogant.”

“It was obviously just a small conflict, but because of his arrogance, he caused the first divine war, which caused the demon race to be almost erased from heaven and earth, and this cause and effect, the Terran race must bear.”

The demon clans were talking about it.

The cause and effect of the ancient god war are too big, so big that no one dares to bear it.

There is some kind of grapevine :

The weakening of the luck of the Dihao race, in addition to the brutality of the late rule, is also related to the cause and effect of the divine war.

Di Hao killed too many demon races.

Too many races were killed.

It is precisely because of this that Di Hao was punished by the Heavenly Dao, entangled in cause and effect, and the luck of the human race was weakening day by day.

Now it seems.

This gossip is not unfounded.

“If it wasn’t for the demon clan to block it, how could Di Hao start the killing?”

The Terran general sneered, “Moreover, it is the demon race that claims to provoke a war between the Terran and the demon race. ”


The demon races were furious.

For a time, the smell of gunpowder on both sides was heavy.

Just a little Mars.

You can light this powder keg.

The disintegration of the two ethnic groups and the two armies seems to be in front of them.

“Everyone, be quiet.” King Wu frowned: “Di Hao is our only enemy, now that Di Hao is not completely dead, you will have internal strife, isn’t it laughing generously?” ”

“In short, the cause and effect of the divine war must be borne by the Terrans.” The demon clan said one after another.

“Don’t worry, everyone.” King Wu nodded and said, “I can make a promise to all the demon races, once I kill Di Hao and I ascend to the position of the Son of Heaven, the Terrans will compensate the demon race’s losses in the divine war, and the Terrans will make up for this cause and effect.” ”

In order to ascend to the throne of the Son of Heaven….

King Wu had to make concessions to the demon clan.

The most important thing now is to kill Di Hao and ascend to the position of the Son of Heaven by relying on the demon clan.

Many of the Terran generals were subordinates of the female marshal of the empire.

Other words.

They used to be Di Hao’s subordinates.

Moreover, the demon race helped him tremendously in the process of raising troops, and from the current situation, the importance of the demon race even exceeded that of the human army.

After all, the goals of both sides are the same.

It’s all killing the enemy Di Hao.

Conversely, the Terrans are not necessarily.

No matter what, as long as he can ascend to the throne of the Son of Heaven, he will do whatever it takes.

“It’s so good.”

The demon clans were satisfied.

The female marshal of the empire and the Terran generals were very dissatisfied, sacrificing the interests of the Terran in exchange for the support of the demon race, is this step really correct?

River Tulo book.

The battle is nearing its end

The existence of the demon king level was killed by Di Hao, almost as simple as crushing an ant.

In front of him, quantity loses its meaning.

“Killing so many demon races will not cause a war between the Terrans and the demon race?” Zhu Rong asked.

“The war has begun.” Xu Hao said in a deep voice.

“Let’s go.”

The group continued to move forward, and the length of the earth crack was very long, seemingly connecting the end of the sky.

River Tulo Books Beyond.

Watching the demon king-level existence fall, being killed by Di Hao like crushing ants, the demon camp fell into a dead silence.

“How powerful is this Di Hao?”

The big demons frowned, unable to estimate Di Hao’s strength.

They had speculated before.

Di Hao has the strength of the immortal level.

However, in ancient times, the division of cultivators’ ranks was not strict.

There is not even a hierarchy.

Use only the ancient gods as the unit of measurement.

The existence of the demon king of the demon race is also at the level of ancient gods.

But now it seems.

Di Hao’s strength far surpassed that of the ancient gods.

The existence of the demon king level was easily crushed to death by him….

It can be seen that using “ancient gods” as a unit can no longer quantify Di Hao.

“Sister Nujun, is there any record of Di Hao’s strength in the texts of your demon clan?” King Wu looked at the Qingqiu Lady.

“Of course there is.”

The Qingqiu female monarch nodded and said, “Di Hao’s strength is far beyond your imagination. ”


King Wu came interested.

As an opponent, he desperately needs to know everything about Di Hao.

Strength, weakness and so on.

The Qingqiu female monarch was silent for a while, and did not directly explain, but said from the side:

“In ancient times, you all heard of the first divine war, right?”

“Of course, the war between the Terrans and the Demon Race broke out, and I heard that countless ancient gods were involved in it.” King Wu nodded.

The Qingqiu Lady continued, “So, have you heard of the second divine battle? ”

“Second Divine War?”

Everyone was confused.

King Wu frowned: “Sister Female Jun, according to the records of your demon clan, after the outbreak of the first divine war, the demon clan was almost erased from heaven and earth by Di Hao, in that case, in this piece of heaven and earth, are there still opponents of the human race?” ”

“Of course there is.”

The corners of Qingqiu Nujun’s mouth rose, “Apart from the demon race, what powerful creatures are there in this heaven and earth?” ”

Everyone looked at each other.

As we all know, in ancient times, it was the world of the Terrans and the Demon race.

Since the demon race has been defeated, then the Terran race is undoubtedly the overlord of heaven and earth, and there are opponents, unless it is an ancient god.

King Wu was the first to react, and he asked with a look of fear

“Sister Nujun, do you mean to say that in the second divine war, the opponents of the Terrans are them?”

King Wu said as he pointed his finger to the sky.

The meaning is simple.

The opponents of the Terrans are the gods of heaven.

King Wu’s question made both sides of the coalition gasp.

In ancient times, the Terrans actually killed the gods!

In an instant, everyone looked at the female monarch of Qingqiu, eager to know whether King Wu’s speculation was correct.

If it’s true…

That Di Hao was also too terrible.

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