Chapter 93 I have become the Great Dao Demon God!!

The Terran army was like a wave of flames, colliding with the black-pressed annihilation army.

Every second, countless lives are lost.

What a spectacular.

Soon, an even more terrifying scene appeared.

Just breath in between!

This wave of flames of the Terrans was extinguished.

In front of the black army of annihilation, it was extinguished in just a moment!

This scene…

Scare stupid the Terran legions of the second echelon in the rear.

Even the Ascension Legion was stunned.

The number of annihilated zergs…

How terrifying is it?

The hundreds of thousands of Terran troops were overwhelmed in just a moment.

With just one charge, it was annihilated in the black wave,… I can only see that the stars are still resisting.


With a chirp, the huge firebird soared into the air.

It flaps its wings and spews flames from its mouth.

It was the Phoenix Witch.

The next moment, countless annihilation zergs drowned the huge firebird.


The battlefield of the first echelon was silent.

“Gentlemen, I am waiting for the king’s favor, and today, I will fight with my life for the king, and a burly figure will walk out of the Ascended Legion.”

He is one of the leaders of the Ascended Legion, Punishment Heaven.


He also cut off the head of the giant god soldier.

He is an honorary warrior and one of the leaders of the Ascended Legion.

After that, the Punishment Sky and the Ascension warriors looked up at the sky, and Wang was fighting an even larger enemy.

In the sky, the enemy’s figure is like a black curtain.

“Fight for the king!”

Punishment Tian roared, and rushed towards the enemy first.

“For the!!! of the King”

The Ascended Legion shouted in unison, followed behind the Torturer, and launched a decisive charge against the dense enemy.

River Tulo Books Beyond.

Royal Palace Hall.

The crowd fell silent.

This scene seems familiar.

Once, in the face of countless dangers, the Terrans also launched a charge without hesitation.

Just because Dihao exists.

His charisma is indescribable.

He was the only one before, and there will be no such figure in the future.

King Wu sighed.

He knew that he would never be able to compare with Di Hao.

No matter how much he smears it, it can’t change a fact.

Without Di Hao, there would be no human race.

He is the ancestor of the Terrans and one of the creators.

The river map is under implementation.

On the canopy, the fierce battle continued.

Xu Hao kept wielding the golden sword, and the powerful drifting warrior was slaughtered by him like an ant.

But they are still numerous.

Too much to describe.

Suddenly, countless high-level annihilation warriors surrounded Xu Hao.

“It’s time to end.”

A moment later, the Annihilation Insect King descended.

It issued an order, and countless high-level annihilation warriors burst out with bursts of light, as if some formation had been activated.

The next moment, these rays of light formed a stream of data, imprisoning Xu Hao in this world.

He wielded his golden sword.

Cut into this prison of data.


With a loud bang, the data prison was not damaged in the slightest, but Xu Hao was shocked back.

In the next second, the Annihilation Insect King turned into a burst of data and merged into this data prison.

Between electric flint.

A chain formed by data extended from all directions, imprisoning Xu Hao to death.

He was even more surprised…

This data chain is absorbing his energy.

Xu Hao tried to resist, but to no avail.

The rear sergeant also flew over, and various attacks fell on the data prison, but it was useless.

“Is it all going to be over?”

Xu Hao could feel that this data prison was similar to humanity, and the rules of the Heavenly Dao were the same but different.

This data prison is physically offensive.

It’s like higher-dimensional data, which can imprison him, block his power, and absorb his energy.

Just like in previous lives, humans created the online world, and for the online world, human beings are higher-dimensional beings who can use data to do whatever they want in the online world.

“No, it’s not over yet.”

Houtu tried to attack, but it still had no effect.

“If we want to die, we will also die together, hundreds of millions of years, it’s hard to see you again…”

Houtu flew over and leaned into Xu Hao’s arms.

Less than a few.

Xu Hao’s brain flashed with electricity.

Since this data prison is similar to humanity and heaven, is there something in common?

Thinking of this, Xu Hao said: “Humanitarian, analyze this data prison.” ”

In the rules of humanity, Xu Hao becomes a mad scientist and constantly studies this data prison.


His will is getting weaker and weaker.

He knew that his energy had been sucked up to almost the limit.

It won’t be long before he disappears completely, just a broken fragment of memory, I don’t know how many years it will be resurrected again.

“Brother, without my help, you still can’t achieve anything.”

In a few moments, the voice of the emperor sounded.

Isn’t this guy in the core? Xu Hao frowned.

The next moment.

A stream of pure energy was injected into his body.

He knows.

It is the power of the emperor.

With this energy, Xu Hao burst into life again, and he continued to study and analyze the data network of the annihilation of the Zerg.

“Jade, this life is resisting”

“He penetrated our defenses.”

“Not good.”

“He’s into our network.”

A moment later, countless conversations sounded in Xu Hao’s ears.

He knows…

This is the communication system of the annihilation of the Zerg.

High-level annihilation warriors do not need to communicate with their mouths, their thoughts are all connected to the network of minds.

“There is hope!”

Xu Hao’s eyes lit up.

The next moment, the rules of the Heavenly Dao suddenly disappeared.

He had tried to fuse the Heavenly Dao before, but he only connected a little will, and did not completely fuse the Heavenly Dao.

Now, the Heavenly Dao is gone.

“Don’t panic, I’ve regained control of the Heavenly Dao.”

The emperor’s voice sounded.


The Great Desolate World.

Xu Hao didn’t know that he had only traveled in the rules of humanity for a while, but a hundred years had passed since the Great Famine.


The planet has changed dramatically.

Huge rifts filled the earth, and when viewed from the universe, the entire planet was shattered.

Reiki is disappearing.

Oxygen is also slowly moving away from the planet.

On the shattered earth, a huge figure appeared.

His height seems to be the diameter of the Great Desolate Planet, he is wearing strange metal armor, strictly speaking, his body is inlaid with metal armor, and in his chest, it seems to be cosmic stars.

Great Avenue Demon God!

It’s no one else, it’s the emperor.

“I have become a Dao Demon God, and from today onwards, I will be an immortal being.”

The voice of the emperor echoed between heaven and earth.

The war with the Zerg, a large number of lives were lost.

The emperor has become the Great Dao Demon God in advance!

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