In the blink of an eye, a year passed. The crevice in the seal of the demon realm did not expand, and all the ethereal creatures lurking in the human world were found and exterminated. On the surface, the human world returned to tranquility.

But at this time, in the Illusory Realm, Luo Xue had not made much progress. The demon-like techniques of the Demon World were simply not suitable for humans to train in, and when Little Han would use some simple spells, Luo Xue would completely give up. At this time, Luo Xue was already like a three-four year old child in the human world.

"Xue'er, maybe you really aren't suitable to learn the spells of our Illusory Realm. Maybe we can use another method, I think Ruo Han is more suitable than you." Jiu Yu was also disappointed in Luo Xue. He decided to change the plan and let Ruo Han carry out her revenge.

"Jiu Yu, you're not allowed to have any ideas about my son. I've said it before, Helian Xi can be cold-blooded and merciless, but my son can't be unfaithful or unfilial. He definitely can't do something like murdering his father." Luo Xue immediately protected her son in his arms.

No matter how much she hated Helian Chen, that was a matter for the two of them, and she would never implicate the child.

The Nether Realm was not suitable for a child, at least, it would not allow him to grow up healthy. She decided to bring the child back to the Mortal Realm, and even after so long, she still hadn't found him. Perhaps he had already given up.

All men were like this, and the women in his harem were enough to make him forget her, the queen who was always against him. As for the child, perhaps he did not know that the child had been born, or that some of the harem concubines had already given birth to a prince or were carrying a child. During this year, she tried really hard not to think about it, but in her dreams, Helian Chen would always appear.

"But with your current ability, it's impossible to kill him." Jiu Yu impolitely pointed out.

"Actually, a person doesn't necessarily need to take revenge to live. I'm doing very well right now. Killing him might not result in a better life for me. Why must I disrupt the peaceful life of everyone?" Luo Xue intentionally said this even though she knew what Jiu Yu wanted.

"What?" You intend to give up on revenge? " Jiu Yu's expression changed drastically as he angrily asked.

"I just feel that it's good to be like this. Although Helian Xi Chen once hurt me, I am still alive and well. Furthermore, I am still considered happy. Why do I have to take revenge and break my hard-earned peace?" Luo Xue looked off into the distance. In this past year, she had been forced by Jiu Yu to learn spells every day. She had already grown tired of it, and she also understood what was going on.

There was an old saying, "How long has it been since we've reported our grievances to each other?" This was exactly the kind of calmness that she'd thought of before. Why did he have to destroy him now that he had finally lived such a life?

"Rest, have you forgotten who gave you this peace? Did you forget that you and your son almost died at his hands? " At this moment, he truly did look like he was about to be struck by lightning.

"I have not forgotten. It is precisely because I have not forgotten that I do not wish to seek my own demise. You also know very well that if I go and seek revenge against him, it would simply be a joke. Why must you force me to do something that I am not willing to do? "I know that it was you who saved Han'er and I. If you really need to repay our kindness, we can do it in a different way, and it won't necessarily …"

"Mommy, it's not sad. Let's not kill daddy. Let's go home." Little Ruo Han suddenly hugged Luo Xue tightly and comforted her with his childish voice.

"Ruo Han, what are you talking about?" Jiu Yu looked at Ruo Han with fear in his eyes as he retreated a few steps. He seemed to have experienced this kind of situation before, his memories were still fresh in his mind.

"Uncle, you can't bully my mother. If you want to kill my father, go by yourself. Why are you forcing my mother?" Seeing Jiu Yu speak to her, little Ru Han pouted his small mouth and said disdainfully.

"Han'er, let's go first." Luo Xue could clearly feel that Jiu Yu was devouring his aura. He wanted to escape with his son, but the spell was too smelly. Before he could even lift his foot, he was trapped by Jiu Yu.

"Mommy, we can't go. Uncle is scared of Daddy, and he's scared too … Afraid I 'hear' his words. " Xiao Ruo Han wasn't afraid, but raised her little face and looked at Jiu Yu.

"What?" Han'er, you … "You are just like your father, you …" Hearing his son's words, Luo Xue was so shocked that she retreated.

It had been a year, why hadn't he heard Han'er speak of it before?

"Mommy, don't you like Han-Er? "You're afraid of Han'er too?" Little Ruo Han immediately heard the thoughts in Luo Xue's heart and nervously hugged Luo Xue's leg.

"No, Mommy is not afraid. You are Mommy's good child, Mommy is not afraid." Looking at her son's wounded eyes, Luo Xue realized that her actions and expression had already hurt this weak soul. She hurriedly squatted down and took her son into her embrace.

"Don't you know it's immoral to lie in front of children? "Right now, you can use him to practice. As long as you can hide your feelings from Ruo Han, you can also do so in front of him." After Jiu Yu had recovered from his shock, he had actually thought of little Ruo Han.

"Uncle, I won't hurt dad, not even my mommy. Don't kill dad!" Little Ruo Han was not afraid of Jiu Yu, but rather criticized him.

"Brat, do you know what I'm thinking?" Jiu Yu's expression changed again as she asked in a spasmodic manner.

"Uncle, why do you want to kill my father so much?" Little Ruo Han's words made Jiu Yu's face turn green. This made Luo Xue even more scared. She quickly covered his son's face with one hand.

"Mother, Eldest Uncle won't kill us. He even wants to use us to hit father." Little Ruo Han said again.

Just as he closed his mouth, Jiu Yu rushed over. However, little Ruo Han didn't even blink as he smiled and said, "Uncle, if you kill us, my father will definitely not let you off."

"Scram, get the hell out of here." Jiu Yu bellowed.

In the beginning, he had been worried, but in the past year, this little thing had not shown any signs of this. But now, it had actually shown itself, and the concealment technique that it had learnt in order to escape from Helian Chen was actually useless to him.

"Mommy, let's go." Hearing this, little Ruo Han squinted her eyes and smiled, then whispered into Luo Xue's ear.

Luo Xue quickly adjusted her mood. She had already gotten used to it by now, and it was rare for Jiu Yu to say 'Scram'. Since she said that, then of course she would take the opportunity to leave.

The mother and son pair originally had nothing much to spend and didn't even need to pack up their bags. However, the bad news was that Luo Xue didn't know how to leave, and when they first came, Jiu Yu had brought her along. In this past year, she had been in the Illusory Realm and didn't know where to leave from.

"Mommy, I know." Even though he was young, he had learned quite a few things in the past year, just like Jiu Yu's signature smile.

"Alright, let's go." Luo Xue was overjoyed. For the first time, she realized that her son being able to read the mind wasn't a bad thing.

When Luo Xue and Luo Han had left the Illusory Realm, the elders at Illusory Realm Hall had also seen them and they were all extremely shocked.

"Your Majesty, something terrible happened. Miss Situ left with her son." Elder Ming immediately informed Jiu Yu, who was still fuming. When he heard this, he flew into a rage and shouted, "Block them for the Lone King. They cannot leave the Illusory Realm without the Lone King's order."

He didn't think that Situ Ruo Han would be so much more powerful than Helian Chen. He didn't believe that this kid would have any spirit energy, he was only born in advance, an abandoned little thing that couldn't have such a high level of spirit energy. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to feel it for the past year or so.

"Han'er, are you sure you're going this way?" Seeing the vast expanse of whiteness around her, Luo Xue was very worried.

"It shouldn't be wrong. I saw them all leaving from here." Ruo Han used his small hands to scratch his head. Not only did he see, he heard it, there was no mistake in this place.

"Then let's move forward." Luo Xue held her son's hand and continued to walk inside.

"Situ Luoxue, do you think this is a mortal world? "You can say it like it's nothing. You can say it like it's nothing." Finally, she saw a circular rainbow door. Just as she and her mother were about to pass through it, Jiuyu's voice rang out from the sky above.

Luo Xue's expression changed greatly, and she could only retreat. She knew that if she resisted Jiu Yu at this moment, she would only be seeking her own death.

"Jiu Yu, I've thought about it. We're humans after all, so we're not used to this place." Luo Xue tried to reason with Jiu Yu.

"You're right. You're a human, and this place isn't suitable for you. You can go back, but, he must stay." As Jiu Yu spoke, little Ruo Han floated into the air. Although she had already heard Jiu Yu's decision and wanted to hide behind her, Jiu Yu reached out a hand and he floated towards her.

"Han'er, Han'er …" "Jiuyu, if you let my child go, I promise you, we won't leave." Luo Xue wanted to hug her son, but jumping up was useless. The child had already landed in Jiu Yu's hands.

"Scoundrel, uncle is a scoundrel …" From birth, he could already hear the hearts of the people around him, and this year, in the Nevernever, he heard even more, especially Jiu Yu. He knew that he wasn't really being nice to him, but he and Mimi had nowhere to go.

"Han'er, Jiu Yu, let my son go. I promise you, I will work hard to learn magic and find Helian Chen to seek revenge." Luo Xue was worried. Although Jiu Yu wouldn't make a move on her son, he was still young, so he might be scared out of his wits.

"Sure, after you kill Helian Xi Chen, I will personally send him to the Mortal Realm. Now, you can leave." Jiu Yu waved his hand, and Luo Xue floated towards the seven-colored door.

"No, Jiu Yu, I want my child." Luo Xue cried.

Although Ruo Han looked to be three or four years old, he was actually only a year old. In the mortal world, a one year old child was still nursing his mother, and he didn't even know how to walk.

"Mommy, I'll be fine." After hearing the voice in Mommy's heart, Ruo Han didn't cry, but hid her uneasiness and fear in her heart.

"Jiu Yu, you have to take good care of my child. I promise you, I will kill Helian Xi as soon as possible." Luo Xue tearfully left.

She hated this place to death, hated this world to death. In this world, she couldn't even be compared to ants. At all times, her life was in the hands of others.

By the time Luo Xue wiped her tears away and stepped onto the land of the mortal world, she had already arrived at the capital city of Renault.

Hatred had multiplied, and it was not only Helian Chen who was suffering. At this moment, the person she hated the most was Jiuyu, and he was even more despicable than Helian Chen.

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