"Xue'er? "Are you really my Xue'er?" Luo Xue walked with heavy steps to the main hall. Madam Situ, who had rushed out of her room, stood there dressed in her clothes, looking at Luo Xue. She was so excited that she couldn't control herself.

"What sort of monster are you? My daughter is already dead." Unexpectedly, Sir Situ suddenly spoke up.

"Dad, I really am Xue'er." Luo Xue fiercely fought in her mind. In the end, she decided to hide the fact that she wasn't Situ Luoxue.

"My daughter died of a postpartum hemorrhage last year. Everyone knows this. How could you possibly be my daughter?" Lord Situ said with a cold expression.

"Father, your daughter is unfilial. Your daughter is truly Xue'er. Last year, your daughter was saved by an expert, but her vitality was greatly damaged. She was raised for a year, and only now did she recover." Luo Xue knelt in front of Sir Situ and said.

"Master, she's really our Xue'er, really our Xue'er!" Madame Situ cried as she went forward and pulled Luo Xue to have a closer look.

"Father, what's wrong?" What happened? " Perhaps it was because they heard the butler's voice that the second and third young masters of the Situ Family came out.

"Ah Fu, go and close the door. Madam, Hong'er, all of you go back to your rooms. I know what I'm doing. Follow me." Old Master Situ pointed at the crowd one by one before finally landing his finger on Luo Xue.

"Dad, it's really Xue'er." Luo Xue emphasized once more.

"Xue'er, it's fine. We were just too surprised. Ever since your death, your father has been sighing at your portrait. Your father was just too pleasantly surprised." Madam Situ comforted Luo Xue by patting her hand.

"Mom, I know. You go back to your room and rest first, I'm not leaving tonight. Second Brother, I'll have to trouble you to inform the coachman outside that I'll be staying the night at home. I'll go back by myself another day." After seeing Sir Situ, Luo Xue knew that there were some things that couldn't be explained in a short period of time, so she asked Situ Hong to ask Red Cherry back first.

"Speak, who are you?" Lord Situ asked with his back facing Luo Xue when they arrived at the side hall.

"Dad, I really am Xue'er." Luo Xue's heart raced. She didn't know why Sir Situ was so sure that she wasn't Situ Luoxue.

I asked around, two years ago, at that palace banquet, when Yi Fei was a mischievous child, the Emperor ordered you to be sent to the clan's people's residence, and then you disappeared without a trace. This old man asked around and found no trace of you, and then our sect was expelled from the capital by His Majesty, but during that time, this old man sent people to investigate everywhere, and there was no news of you, but a year ago, you were pregnant again, so how do you explain this? Hearing Sir Situ's words, Luo Xue finally understood why Helian Yi Chen was so wary of him. It turned out that all sorts of small and large matters couldn't escape his notice.

"Father, what you said is not wrong. Two years ago, the Emperor sent me into the clan and I was rescued by my personal maid, Little Yuyin. At that time, I felt grateful and thought that if I left the capital, I wouldn't implicate my parents, but I didn't expect that this would be a scheme of the Emperor's. On one hand, he pretended to be by my side, but on the other hand, he plotted against my father …" Luo Xue cried lightly.

During this time, he skipped over some of the things he couldn't say, and only gave a brief summary of what had happened.

"So it's true that you're pregnant?" Sir Situ pondered for a long time before turning around to ask.

"Yes, but the emperor suspects this child's background, so last year, when his daughter was nine months old, he made the imperial physician give birth to medicine …" At this time, she could not reveal Han'er's existence. If not, when Lord Situ saw Han'er in the future, he would definitely have even more doubts.

"What?" The emperor is actually so sinister and ruthless? " Sir Situ's heart trembled.

"Yes, Father wants to enter the palace." She believed that Sir Situ definitely had a way.

"And the child?" Lord Situ said somewhat excitedly.

"The child, he … "He …"

"This old man will definitely enter the palace to seek justice for you." Lord Situ said angrily.

"Father, what did daughter do wrong? If he wants to cripple her, then he'll just cripple her. Why is he torturing her like this …" "Sob, sob, sob …" Luo Xue cried.

"My good daughter, this is all father's fault. All these years, father has been observing the emperor. Even when the emperor expelled me from the sect, father didn't complain at all. But how can he treat you like this? It really is …" It's really chilling. Daughter, you should stay at home and wait for daddy to come up with a good plan. Daddy will definitely ask for an explanation for Daughter. " Lord Situ slammed the table.

"But dad, you're already a commoner. How about eight palaces?" When Luo Xue heard this, she became apprehensive. From the looks of it, this time she really had come in the right way.

"Daughter, your father would like to ask you, what is the emperor's character like? Have you ever liked him? " Sir Situ pulled up Luo Xue and said with a stern expression.

"Father, the emperor treats his daughter …" It makes your daughter's heart turn cold. Ever since your daughter entered the palace, the emperor has never looked her in the eye. However, two years ago, the emperor suddenly treated his daughter well. " Luo Xue choked with sobs.

Sigh, this is all because of me. Back then, when the late emperor passed away, father fell and helped the emperor ascend to the throne, the late emperor told father a shocking secret before he passed away. Sigh, for so many years, father has always guarded this secret and only hoped that the emperor would value the people and the land. He knew that he was responsible, so he didn't dare to be negligent. He spread his eyes and ears all over the palace, afraid that the emperor would ruin the efforts of past emperors. He didn't expect that it would arouse the emperor's suspicions.

"Dad, what secret is this?" Luo Xue was greatly shocked when she suddenly heard Sir Situ talking about the secret. Normally, Helian Chen knew Mind Reading, and the officials of the court had no secrets in front of him. However, Sir Situ had kept them a secret.

"Daughter, you've been by the side of the Emperor for so many years, haven't you noticed that the Emperor is different from ordinary people?" Lord Situ said with a heavy tone.

"Dad, what do you mean by 'extraordinary'?" Luo Xue carefully asked, not sure what Sir Situ was referring to.

Helian Xi's Mind Reading? Or was it his identity as a half human half demon? Or was there something else?

"Around thirty years ago, when the late emperor was traveling, he met a peerless beauty and entered the palace. At that time, the emperor didn't know that the beauty was not human, and only until the current emperor was born did the emperor find out that the beauty was actually a Banshee. At that time, the late emperor couldn't accept this, and he didn't know how he was going to deal with them, but before he could, the Banshee took the current emperor and left the palace, all the way until ten years ago." Sir Situ heaved a long sigh. He had only heard this story from the late emperor himself, and had never personally witnessed it.

"Father, you mean to say that the Emperor is a half human half demon?" Luo Xue heaved a sigh of relief. If it was only this, it wouldn't be much.

"That was only one of them. According to Emperor Xian, the Emperor was different from the others when he was born. At that time, the midwives and midwives serving the Banshee were all executed by the Emperor after the Banshee disappeared." The more Sir Situ spoke, the lower his voice became and the heavier his mood became.

"Father, those are the lives of our enemies. How can the late emperor kill us?" Luo Xue was pained. This was the darkness of the Imperial Palace. At any moment, she could lose her little life, or even die without knowing what she had done wrong.

"You are being merciful. The prince is a member of the Empire of Yue, and sacrifices are necessary. If these news were to spread out, the country would not be able to hold on." Lord Situ reprimanded.

"But dad, if that's the case, then why did the late emperor still spread his name to the emperor? The late emperor also had other sons, and they should all be normal people, right?" These words were the doubt in Luo Xue's heart. Since the late emperor knew that his son was not a human, why didn't he pass the throne to those normal sons?

"That's because no one possessed the ability of the Emperor. According to Emperor Xian, the Emperor had the ability to spy on people's hearts, and all of them were verified, with the exception of your father, no one else in the imperial court could escape from the Emperor's prying eyes. This is also the reason why Emperor Xian told Father about such a huge matter before passing away, and even left a will for Father to keep in custody."

"What?" Father, he can't see through you? " Luo Xue cried out in surprise. She thought that Helian Yi Chen couldn't see through her, but she also didn't think that Sir Situ would suddenly understand. She finally understood why Helian Yi Chen had married Situ Luoxue and why she was only a puppet.

"At first, even Father didn't believe the late emperor's words, but after many tests, it was proven again and again that the Emperor was indeed able to pry into the hearts of the people. Of all the officials in the imperial court, as long as they had second thoughts, among the imperial family, as long as any one of them had disloyal thoughts, the Emperor would immediately deal with them. Your daughter knows about it too? " Lord Situ finally heard the inklings from Luo Xue's words.

"Yes, my daughter only found out about it a year ago, not long before the emperor forced me to drink the formula." Luo Xue lightly nodded her head. It was also a moment of carelessness that caused her to invite such a great calamity.

"Sure enough, daughter, have you ever done anything that would let the Emperor down?" Lord Situ replied after hearing this.

"Father, of course not. It's just that the emperor is very suspicious, and his daughter is in the palace all day, how could she possibly do something that would let him down? Father, was the testamentary edict left behind by the late emperor used to restrict the emperor?" Luo Xue avoided the crucial point and said lightly.

"Your daughter is indeed intelligent, yes, the late emperor once said that if the late emperor were to do anything that would harm the land of the rivers and mountains, the common people, then he must ask your father to take out the testamentary edict. Now, an official is forcing the emperor to abdicate and expel him from Reno Country." Lord Situ nodded. It was because he was shouldering such a heavy responsibility that he married his daughter to the Emperor. He didn't expect his daughter to be harmed.

"Father, then do you plan on taking out the posthumous edict?" Luo Xue was not particularly happy. Even if there was a testamentary edict, what use was it? If Helian Xi did not want to give up the throne, who could have the ability to do so? Sir Situ only knew that he had Mind Reading, but did not know that he also had a demonic technique.

Not to mention Helian Chen, a one-year-old Little Chun Han was already very powerful. It was no wonder that the late emperor would think of passing the throne to Helian Chen.

"Father wants to enter the palace and see if the Emperor is already a beast with a human face." Lord Situ said with a solemn expression.

"Father, but how can you enter the palace? Does the late emperor still have any medallions or the like that he left with Father? " When she heard Sir Situ say that he wanted to enter the palace, she made a bold guess.

"That's right, father will endure all the humiliation. I only hope that I won't be able to use it in this lifetime. Daughter, do you think that there's any possibility for the Emperor to destroy all of humanity?" Although Lord Situ was still hesitating, he was constantly pacing the hall.

"Father, your daughter doesn't know, but your father can enter the palace and see the emperor. Why not tell the emperor and see how he's going to explain himself?" Luo Xue sighed. Firstly, she didn't want to hurt Sir Situ, and secondly, this was a good opportunity for her to enter the palace.

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