"Elder Li …" The more the two fought, the closer they got to the illusionary land, and Helian Xi had her back facing the door that was continuously expanding. Jiu Yu's attacks were getting fiercer, and Helian Chen was having some difficulty recovering.

"Little Snow, you two have finally come out." Jiu Yu suddenly smiled and said to the illusory door.

Helian Xi was slightly startled. She turned her head to the side and the corner of Jiu Yu's lips curled up into a cold smile. Helian Xi made a sound. She knew that she had been tricked, but it was too late.

"Second brother, you and your sister-in-law can stay inside and accompany your son. For your brother's sake, be merciful and at least let your family reunite." Seeing Helian Chen disappear through the door of nothingness, Jiu Yu said proudly.

As the king of the demon realm, he didn't know that there was a saying in the human world: mantis stalks the cicada, while the oriole follows. Just as he was feeling pleased with himself, Elder Ming suddenly made his move.

"Your Majesty, this humble servant will help you." As he spoke, he flew up into the air. The completely relaxed Jiu Yu didn't think that she would be tricked.

"Elder Ming, you …" When the other elders saw that their king had been ambushed by Elder Ming, they began to criticize him one by one.

Not to mention the outside, only Helian Yi, Jiu Yu, Elder Li, and Luo Xue, who had come in first to look for him, were in the battle between a few Great Elders and Elder Ming.

After Luo Xue came in, she did not blindly look for him, but instead looked for him. On the other hand, she also wanted to wait and see if Helian Xi would come in.

After waiting for a long time, she gave up. The last sliver of hope that Helian Chen had had in her heart was shattered. She stood up and was about to leave when someone flew in from outside.

"Xiaolong …" She cried out in surprise, but when she saw the person on the ground, she was once again disappointed.

"Princess, are you alright?" Elder Li struggled to stand up. When he saw Luo Xue, he could still smile, so he believed that nothing would happen to her.

"Mm, which elder are you?" If the person who entered was Helian Chen, she would definitely be very happy. At the very least, it showed that Helian Chen had some feelings for her and the child, but …

"I'm leaving …"

Elder Li hadn't finished speaking when another person flew in from outside. This time, Luo Xue didn't even take a glance. She originally wanted to ask how Elder Li came in, but she was interrupted by a "bang".

"Girl, are you alright?" This was the most embarrassing moment of Helian Yi's life. Fortunately, there were no outsiders present. When she landed on the ground and saw Luo Xue, she immediately said nervously.

"You … "You were called in by Jiu Yu?" Looking at Helian Yi's posture when he landed on the ground, Luo Xue guessed boldly.

He was the only one who had always schemed against others. He didn't expect that this time, he would be schemed against by Jiu Yu. "He is despicable. He actually used you and your child to deceive me."

"Jiuyu used me and Han'er to deceive you, how did you do that?" Hearing Helian Chen's angry words, Luo Xue's lost heart felt a little better. In other words, Helian Chen still cared about her and her child.

"He said you guys went out, I …"

"Bang …" Just as Helian Yi stood up, another figure came in from outside. It looked like it was hit heavily as it slid on the white ground for a long time.

"Jiuyu?" Luo Xue was shocked. Just what was going on?

"Clearly, he was also tricked. Hahaha, this is retribution." Helian Yi looked at the miserable Jiuyu.

"Shut up. After he leaves, Lonely King will definitely not let him go." Jiu Yu didn't immediately get up, but awkwardly sat on the ground. He thought about how he had been tricked by Elder Ming and was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

"You'll have to go out and talk about it." Although the process was different, the result could be considered to be the same.

As long as Jiu Yu was trapped here with him, at least the human world would temporarily be fine. Even if Elder Ming wanted to rule the Illusory Realm it wouldn't be that easy.

"It seems that this void is getting more and more lively." An ear-piercing laughter came from afar and Luo Xue covered her ears. This was simply demonic music entering her ears.

"Princess? "Princess Jin Yan?" Elder Li stared in astonishment at the Banshee floating towards him.

"She's actually still alive." Upon hearing Elder Li's voice, Jiuyu rose to his feet. The rest of them stood there, watching as the Banshee floated closer and closer.

"Are you all unhappy that I am still alive? Elder Li. " The Banshee who was addressed as Princess Jin Yan sneered. Luo Xue didn't even have the time to blink before Elder Li was covered in a cloud of snow and ice, instantly turning him into an ice cube.

"Little girl, we meet again. It seems like you've found quite a few helpers this time. Who exactly are you?" After taking care of Elder Li, the Banshee floated in front of Luo Xue. Helian Yi Chen immediately protected Luo Xue behind him.

"Princess Jin Yan, I am the Emperor of Renault. Our child has been exiled to a place of nothingness. We have no intention of bothering him. We only came to find him." Helian Yi cupped her fist and said to Princess Jin Yan.

To tell the truth, Losey had never seen Helene so polite to anyone.

"Royal brother, the princess is the lonesome king's aunt, do you think he will listen to you?" Jiuyu scoffed at Helian Xi Chen's shoulder speech.

"Aunt?" Which woman gave birth to you? " He didn't expect that when Princess Jin Yan heard Jiuyu's words, not only did she not rejoice, but instead glared angrily at him.

Helian Yi looked at him coldly from the side. Jiuyu Bai had lived for more than two hundred years, but he had no idea that there was a deep grudge between his mother and Princess Jin Yan.

"Second Prince, don't forget that you were born to a mother as well." At the same time that Jiu Yu was attacked, he had also dragged Helian Chen into the water.

"You too?" Princess Jin Yan halted her movements and pointed at Helian Chen.

"My mother is in the mortal world, in my palace." He did not want to escape, but he had never treated that woman as his mother. Apart from giving him a life, she had given it to him?

Other than her life, all she gave him was humiliation, loneliness, indifference, and cruelty. He would never admit that she was his mother.

"Princess Jin Yan, may I ask if you've seen any children here?" Luo Xue did not care about the grudges of their Illusory Realm. She only wanted to find Han'er as soon as possible and then leave this damned place.

"Bang …" With a loud noise, Elder Li broke through the ice and flew away.

"Princess, two hundred years have already passed. Are the grievances in your heart still not over? "What happened that year, you really wronged the queen, and she didn't expose you." Elder Li sighed as he came out.

"Don't try to lie on her behalf. Since you two are her sons, then you will pay the debt with your mother." As she spoke, she attacked Helian Xi and Jiuyu at the same time.

"Princess, no matter what, the king should call you aunt. Please calm down." Elder Li urged as he stood in front of Jiu Yu and Helian Xi.

"Helian Yi Chen, let's ignore them and go find Han-Er." Seeing that the Banshee and Clan Elder Li were fighting, Luo Xue immediately pulled Helian Xi and asked.

Helian Chen seemed to wake up from a dream and hugged Luo Xue's waist. The two of them quickly left the scene. When Jiu Yu saw Helian Chen leave, he also disappeared.

"Brother Wang, this void is boundless. How are you going to find your child? It would be better for us to work together to leave this place." Luo Xue continued to search for traces of her son. As she did so, she called out the child's name, but she was unable to find anything. Instead, she attracted Jiu Yu's attention.

It turned out that Jiu Yu had just tried to leave. He wanted to leave, but he couldn't find the exit. In here, it was completely different from the outside. It was simply impossible for them to leave.

After hearing Luo Xue call out Han'er's name, he, who had originally been in despair, suddenly realized that since Luo Xue was able to leave here, there must be a reason. As long as he followed her, he would definitely be able to leave, which was why he came here.

"Jiuyu, if you can't find my Han'er, then we won't leave this place. Scram, otherwise, if I see you again, I'll bite you." Seeing Jiuyu and hearing him say such heartless words, Luo Xue was so angry that she wanted to kill him.

"Jiuyu, you'd better not follow us. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to endure this for long." Helian Yi heard Jiuyu's warning and his eyes turned cold.

Here, they were nothing, all the same. If they couldn't leave this place of nothingness, then there was no difference between life and death.

"Royal brother, Little Snow, you guys also know that if that child Han was different from the rest, perhaps he had already left the Illusory Realm and went to the Mortal Realm to look for you?" Jiu Yu didn't leave. He knew that the only way to leave this' Nether Realm 'was to rely on Luo Xue.

"Different from ordinary people? "No matter how different Jiuyu is from ordinary people, he's still just a child. Yet, you're so vicious, so why don't you just return my son …" Luo Xue saw that Jiu Yu still had no sense of guilt in his heart. He angrily pounced towards him, launching a powerful attack.

She didn't use any magic, he only used the punches and kicks that he had learned in the modern world. Jiu Yu actually didn't resist and allowed Luo Xue to hit him with his fists or kick him, but he didn't even moan in pain.

"Little girl, that's enough. Right now, even if we kill him, it would be useless. We should find Han'er first." Helian Xi stepped forward and hugged Luo Xue.

"I want to kill him! I'm going to kill him! "Avenge my Han-Er!" Luo Xue, on the other hand, seemed to have lost her mind and shouted loudly.

If I kill him now, it will be an advantage for me. He won't be able to leave this place, and Heaven will punish him for his actions. Ten years, twenty years, fifty years, a hundred years, two hundred years … and even longer, he will be trapped in this land of nothingness with only one color, like Princess Jin Yan. Helian Yi sneered.

To ambitious people, this place was more terrifying than hell. He couldn't live, he couldn't die. All he had was a long emptiness, loneliness.

"Helian Xi Chen, don't even think about scaring me. The Lone King cannot leave this place, and so can you." The reason why he threw the little ghost here was because of the little ghost's hateful Mind Reading. Right now, Helian Chen was ten thousand times more annoying than the little ghost.

"That may not be so. My dear royal brother, have you never thought about how you could leave the Illusionary Land?" Helian Yi looked at Jiuyu with an evil smile.

"That's just you saying that Lonely King did not personally see her leave." Jiu Yu said angrily.

"You don't need to see it. Even if you do, you won't be able to leave. Since ancient times, this has been a place of exile for the Illusory Realm. Humans have never entered here before, and the little girl isn't a demon …"

When Jiu Yu heard Helian Chen's words, his face paled. He could hear the hidden meaning behind them. In other words, the Illusionary Land was only aimed at demons and not humans.

"Hahaha …" You are the same as the Lone King. With your good brother by your side, the Lone King won't feel lonely even if it's a thousand years or ten thousand years. " Jiuyu looked at Helian Xi Chen and suddenly burst out laughing.

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