"Dad, you killed Han'er, right? Han'er doesn't want to hurt Mommy …" To prevent Luo Xue from finding out, Helian Chen quickly set up a barrier.

"Han'er, tell Father what happened?" "Did you see the monster?" Helian Yi comforted her son and held him awkwardly in her arms.

No, father, there's something inside Han'er's body. He's constantly growing, wuu …" "He thought that as long as he grew a little faster, he would be able to chase away that 'thing'. But he didn't expect that he would have such a long demon in his body, especially after a few days of sleep. He was sleeping and resting, but the demon in his body was constantly growing, and he felt a little out of control.

"What did you say?" Han-Er, tell daddy, what do you mean by there's something in your body? " When Helian Xi Chen heard this, he hurriedly injected spiritual energy into his son's body while being shocked.

"No, dad, the more spiritual energy you inject, the faster he will grow." Luo Han waved his hand and pushed away Helian Xi.

"Does your mother know why there are monsters in your body?" Helian Yi looked at her son with a pained expression. She couldn't help but think of what had happened in the palace. The ghost was hidden in the palace and came out from the female corpse. But now, this demon was still in the child's body.

"I don't know. A year ago, when Mommy took her child to the Nevernever, Eldest Uncle put him into the child's body." At that time, he was still young, so aside from feeling fresh about the world, he didn't know that this thing was so evil.

"Father, I understand. Han'er, father will think of a way to force it out of your body. Eat the Blood Spirit Fruit first and recover." Helian Yi Chen had an idea.

When the child was better, he would return to a year later, when he and the little girl were having an argument. If Jiu Yu had placed the demon into Han'er's body, then the demon in the palace would definitely have come from him.

This could also explain why Jiu Yu had come to the mortal world at that time, and also explain why he had insisted on living in the Imperial Palace.

"Dad, will you still grow after eating it?" If Han looked at the Blood Spirit Fruit but did not dare to eat it, he was afraid that his recovery would also result in the growth of the demonic beasts.

"Han-Er, tell daddy. Have there been any abnormalities with the monsters in your body for the past year?" Helian looked at his son. The gap between his son and Jiuyu expanded once more.

Helian Xi had decided to do everything she could to prevent this from happening. Right now, the child's body was weak, so she had to recover as soon as possible. Only when the child recovered, would she be able to return to the place of the incident and prevent this from happening.

At the same time, he also realized that Jiu Yu definitely wanted to use his son to deal with him.

"It wasn't much in the past few days, but it felt like it was moving around. It was just like what father said. Han'er heard a voice telling me to kill father." These few days, while he was in a coma, he could feel that the legal person in his body was originally 'floating' and was about to make a move.

"Han-Er, listen to father and eat this. The reason why the monsters are active is not because they are stronger, but because you are weaker. As long as you are strong enough, you can control it." Helenen taught his son.

However, regardless of whether the monster was a threat or not, it was still a hidden danger in his son's body. He had to get rid of it.

"Father, is it true? It won't let Han'er kill him? " Luo Han held the Blood Spirit Fruit in his hand and looked at Helian Yi doubtfully.

"Han-Er, you must believe father. Father promises you that he will definitely kill this demon." Helian Chen held his son in his arms and swore in his heart that no matter what, he would let the child grow up healthy and safe. As for Jiuyu, he would never let him go.

Inside the house, Helian Chen was helping his son increase his Spiritual Qi. Outside the house, Luo Xue was worried to death. Although she didn't know Mind Reading, her son's expression when he wanted to say something was definitely hiding something from her.

She wanted to go in and take a look, but she was afraid that someone would come in later and disturb her, so she had to stay outside. It was only an hour later that the door opened.

"Mommy …" With Helian Yi Chen's help, Ruo Han looked much better after consuming the Blood Spirit Fruit, and his face was flushed red.

"Han-Er, he …" Xiao Long, is Han'er well? " When she saw that Helian Xi Chen had followed her, she wanted to call him by his full name, but she felt it was inappropriate, so she called him Xiaolong.

Helian Xi Chen's eyes bloomed with splendor. He had not heard her call out to the dragon for a long time.

Han'er is better now. I will accompany her for the next few days because the child is still young and can't eat too much at once. Every day, I will eat one pill. Helian Yi Chen replied.

Right now, he no longer wanted to find Luo Xue. He wanted to return to the time when Han'er was born. If the magic thing in Han'er's body was caused by Helian Xi Chen, then where did the harem come from?

For eight consecutive days, Helian Chen guarded the child. After eight days of continuous catalyzing, the child's spiritual force increased, and the demon that was about to move was once again suppressed and went silent.

Even so, Helian Xi Chen was still very worried. If his son was slightly relaxed, or if he was attacked, the demon would most likely take control of him, so it was necessary to drive the demon into his son's body before it grew.

"Xiaolong, is Jiuyu planning to never return to the future?" That night, after the child went to sleep, Luo Xue asked about her worries.

"Perhaps, little girl. In two days, I plan to return after a year and argue with you that day. If we hadn't argued that day, if I hadn't had the imperial physician prescribe the birth control pill, none of this would have happened." Helian Yi said in remorse.

"You want to change history?" A year ago, that was her most difficult time, but if they were to change it now, Han'er would be born in the Imperial Palace, and the women of the imperial harem would see this, what would happen? Han-Er would be treated as someone else. No, she wouldn't let her child accept such unequal treatment.

"No, just to confirm some things." Helian Yi stared at Luo Xue for a long time.

Luo Xue did not understand. She did not understand why Helian Yi Chen would need confirmation. He couldn't help but guess if he was doubting Han'er's identity.

"Helian Xi Chen, why don't we just go back two years later and change what has already happened? Why can't we do our best in the future?" Luo Xue didn't understand. There was no medicine for regret in this world. Even if their son had the ability to travel through time, they still couldn't change history like this.

"Little girl, there are some things that must be changed. Believe me, I'm just doing what I have to do." Helian Yi Chen did not tell Luo Xuehan that there was a demon lurking in her body. He did not want to worry her, it was enough for him to worry about her alone.

"What must be done must be done. All this time, you have always said that, but … What do you want to change? Leave me in the palace? Let Han-Er be born in the palace? "

Luo Xue was suspicious, was Helian Xi Chen really going to change? Was it because of her or because of the child?

"No, one day you will understand. You just need to believe in me." Helian Yi held onto Luo Xue's hand with an expression on his face. What he wanted now was her trust.

"In this world, I only believe in myself. Other than myself, no one else can help me." Luo Xue stubbornly retracted her hand and coldly said.

She could only rely on herself, only relying on herself to become strong. In fact, it would be better if Jiuyu did not return, because that way, after two years, the world would change, and as long as Helian Xi felt at ease, she and her child could live a peaceful life.

After a few days, he was sure that Luo Xue had recovered enough. Helian Yi didn't move, but he didn't call her. He didn't want her to know too much. After all, she was just a normal human.

"Little girl, I'm taking Han'er to find Jiu Yu these few days. You can stay here for now. We'll head back together in a few days." Helian Yi lied to Luo Xue to prevent her from suspecting him.

However, Luo Xue immediately shook her head and told her to give the child to Helian Xi. She would never agree to this. No matter what the reason was, she would not agree to it.

"I want to go with him. Han'er is still young, you won't take care of him."

"Little girl, Han'er is stronger than you think. Believe in me, okay? We will definitely come back and bring you away with us. " Helian Xi didn't want to let Ruoxue see too many inhuman things, especially the demon. Up until now, Luo Xue still didn't know about the existence of the demon.

Seeing Helian Chen's expression, Luo Xue guessed boldly, "Are you really going to find Jiuyu? Or are you going back to a time, a place? "

"I'll explain it to you when we get back. Anyway, you must stay here now." Helian Yi's face darkened. He had already ordered the nearest general, Murong Feng, to protect the little girl.

"Helian Xi Chen, you can't be so overbearing. Han'er was born of me, he's my son …" Losey protested loudly at Helian Tui.

"Mommy, my dad and I are going out to find uncle. We are going to the Nether Realm, and you don't know any magic. It's very dangerous together, and it's easy to be discovered." Luo Han came in from the outside.

"Won't you be discovered if you go?" Luo Xue suspiciously looked at her son. Why did it feel like her son had already bathed in Helian Chen in just a few days?

Is Dad really more important than Mom? Or did Helian Xi Chen sell his son for something?

"Daddy has a way. You have the aura of a human on you, and the moment you appear, you'll be discovered, just like last time when you went to the Illusory Realm." That little brat, Ruo Han, remembered the suspicion in Luo Xue's head and told her about it as a lie.

Luo Xue suspiciously looked at Helian Yi Chen. However, her son had said those words, so there was no reason for her to not believe it.

Han'er is right, and it is precisely because of this that we wish for you to stay. If you follow us, your goal is obvious, and we have to be distracted to take care of you, even if we run away, Han'er's spiritual energy is limited. Helian Yi Chen followed his son's words.

"But we don't need to travel through time and space. Don't you know how to move space?" When Helian Yi Chen explained it, Luo Xue became even more suspicious.

"Yes, but what if Jiu Yu doesn't want to leave? We'll definitely make our move then. When that happens …"

"That way, you won't be able to take care of Han'er. With me here, I can take care of Han'er." Luo Xue snatched Helian Xi Chen's words.

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