She didn't know why, but when Yan Kai mentioned the name Helian Xi, a stabbing pain appeared in her chest. Could it really be that the person called Helian Yi had injured her?

Even though Yan Kai treated her very well, Luo Xue still felt unfamiliar with him. After seeing her son, she felt at ease. This time, if she slept for less than last time, she would wake up on the fifth day.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Luo Xue froze when Ruo Han called her mother.

Yan Kai, who was at the side, was relieved. He remembered that this little ghost didn't seem to be calling 'Mother' before. Did calling 'Mother' now mean that his memories were sealed?

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Luo Han's words caused Yan Kai to be stunned. He didn't say anything. What was this brat saying?

"Father didn't say anything?" Han'er, are you still feeling unwell? " Yan Kai gathered his thoughts, walked forward and began to caress Ruoxue.

"No? Han'er just heard father say that Mother isn't called Mother, then what is it? "

Ruo Han's words frightened Yan Kai. He hurriedly retracted his hand and began to recuperate.

"Of course you can't call me mother, little fool. Mother is your mother, not father's mother. Tell me, is there anything wrong with me?" "Father will let Uncle Qi come and take a look for you." Yan Kai said with a smile.

"I'm just so hungry." Luo Han's shiny eyes stared at Yan Kai.

"Alright, then you get up and wash up first. Father will have someone prepare something to eat right now." As Yan Kai spoke, he took the opportunity to leave. If he stayed any longer, he was afraid that that boy would see through his plans.

While Luo Xue and her son were eating, Yan Kai found Qi Lie and the three of them discussed how to hide from Luo Han's Mind Reading.

"Just now, I was truly frightened by that kid. When I first heard him call 'Father', I thought that it was fine. I didn't expect that kid's Mind Reading to be so powerful. In the future, wouldn't we be unable to hide anything from him?" Yan Kai felt a headache coming on.

If he couldn't hide it from the kid, his plan wouldn't go smoothly.

"Wang, is his Discipline really that strong?" Lie seemed to not dare to believe it.

"Really, This King only sealed and modified their memories. I originally wanted to seal his superpower, but there is a force in his body that is resisting, so This King gave up." Yan Kai was truly regretful. If he had known that this would happen, he would have sealed off all of his abilities.

"Then what do we do now? It would be easy for him to find out. " Qi was very nervous. If this little rascal's Discipline was that strong, he would have been able to detect any thoughts in his head.

"This is what This King is worried about. The little ghost's body hasn't completely recovered yet. This King is thinking, should I negotiate with the little ghost?" Yan Kai said after thinking for a moment.

"Absolutely not. Up until now, we still do not know if this little demon has any other abilities besides these two. If we tell him that he is the son of the Mortal Emperor, it will only be a loss to our Demon World." Qi immediately stopped him.

Lie also nodded in agreement, looking at Yan Kai strangely. "We can pretend to do it, and treat him as our king's son, a prince of the demon realm. If he sees through our naivety, then we can think of a way to deal with it."

"For now, that's it. As long as his mother believes, he naturally won't doubt that I will hand the brat over to you. I'll test that woman and see if she has any superpowers." Yan Kai said after thinking for a moment.

Right now, that little brat was not a big threat. Moreover, he was a rare genius. It was fine if he was destroyed, but if he could be used now, it would be for the best.

"Fine, Lie. Are you sure you can deceive that kid?" If even Wang felt that this little kid was troublesome, then that would be the real trouble.

"This isn't difficult at all. As long as we remember that he is the son of the King, everything will be fine." Lie rolled his eyes and said. With such a small matter, it wouldn't be difficult for him.

"That's right, let's give it a try for now. King, you have to be more careful. Just leave the brat to us for the time being."

"Alright, I hope that kid isn't as difficult to deal with as I thought." After discussing it with his two good brothers, Yan Kai decided to proceed with the original plan.

He had to treat that woman as his own. Only by doing this could he avoid being seen through by the little ghost.

Meanwhile, in Yan Kai's chamber, Luo Xue and her son were currently eating. Luo Xue had been looking at her son, feeling that something was missing in her mind.

"Han-Er, do you feel that there's something wrong with your father?" Luo Xue asked her son first.

"Mother, isn't father fine? "Han'er can see that father treats mother very well and treats Han'er quite well." Ruo Han smiled.

In fact, when the Infernal King left, he remembered that the Infernal King was not his father. His father was the scoundrel, Helian Xi. He also remembered how he came to the Infernal Realm.

However, he didn't regret it. It was good to be here. At least he didn't have to worry about being controlled by monsters anymore.

That devil seemed to have done something to his mother, as if his mother had forgotten her true father. However, this was good as well, since that father was so bad and only knew how to bully his mother.

"My beloved concubine, Han'er, are you two better now?" Yan Kai returned with a joyous mood.

"It's much better now. Dad, Mom's body is a bit weak. You can ask the doctor to help Mom take a look. Your son is worried about Mom." The moment little Ruo Han saw the Infernal King, she immediately offered him a smile.

Han'er, father and your Uncle Qi and Uncle Lie have discussed this with each other. You're not young anymore, from tomorrow onwards, you'll learn from Uncle Qi and Uncle Lie to prevent yourself from being bullied by others outside the city. Yan Kai said to Ruo Han.

As soon as he thought of what he was thinking, this brat knew all about it. He felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

"Alright, Mother. If you feel uncomfortable then tell Father that Father will take good care of you. He won't let you be bullied." Ruo Han said to Yan Kai with a smile.

"Of course, A Xue. We are husband and wife. You can tell me anything you want. Don't hold it in your heart. If you do, you will get sick." Yan Kai was startled when he heard the little ghost call him 'Father'.

"I know, Han-er, you have to learn diligently. Only if you become stronger will you not be bullied by others." Although Luo Xue's memories were sealed, there was one belief that remained in her mind. That was to become stronger. Only if she became stronger would she not be harmed by others.

"Han'er, did you hear what your mother said?" "You have to learn well. Although you are a Prince of the Demon Realm, you can only get the recognition of others when you become stronger yourself." Yan Kai said in a serious manner, imitating his father's style.

"Your son understands, Father. Your son will go find Uncle Qi and Uncle Lie. You have to stay with your mother." Ruo Han giggled and ran away.

"Yan Kai, how did Han'er and I get injured? How come I can't remember?" As Luo Xue looked at Yan Kai, she had an indescribable feeling. However, she felt that Yan Kai's touch was very strange.

"Sigh, since the Great War of Gods and Devils three thousand years ago, our Demon World has been sealed. We were unable to leave the Demon World, and now that the seal is about to be broken, Han-Er took advantage of the weakened seal to bring you to the Mortal Realm. I didn't think that …"

"What about me? Am I a demon too? " Luo Xue suddenly interrupted the Infernal King's words.

Yan Kai was stunned. How could he have forgotten this important point?

"Of course not, you are a human. Two years ago, you fell from the human world to the Demon Palace. Although This King saved you, you refused to say anything. This time, when you left with Han-Er, this king is still guessing if it has something to do with your past." When Yan Kai saw Luo Xue's confused expression, he could only quickly make up a story.

"Didn't I tell you anything?" Luo Xue's face was somewhat pale. A person who lost his memory meant that everything had to start over. It would be very painful.

"This King has asked many times, but you refused to say anything. A Xue, it's This King's fault. I didn't protect you well." Yan Kai tenderly hugged Luo Xue.

Seeing Yan Kai blame himself, Luo Xue squeezed out a smile and said, "Don't say that, I am already very grateful for you saving me. Moreover, I went out with Han'er this time, it has nothing to do with you.

It would be best if you could think like that. In this place, you don't have to worry. Yan Kai coaxed gently. In fact, he was constantly cursing in his heart.

In his generation, only women would please him. But now, he had to endure it and coax a woman. He had brought this upon himself. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have had so much trouble killing the two of them.

"Yan Kai, there's something... "I want to ask you to …" Luo Xue awkwardly pushed Yan Kai away and said uncomfortably, "Before I recover my memories, we … Can we... "Can you …"

"A Xue, just say whatever you want. You are This King's beloved concubine. No matter what you say, This King will not blame you." Yan Kai didn't know what she was going to say when he heard his words.

"I want to say, before I fully recover my memories, we … Can we not do this... Can we keep our distance? " The more worried Yan Kai was, the more Luo Xue couldn't say.

Yan Kai was stunned for a moment. It was with great difficulty that he understood what Luo Xue meant. His face immediately twitched.

Who would have thought that a female from the Mortal Realm would despise him, the king of the Demon Realm? Could it be that he was ugly?

"This King will not make things difficult for you." It was only after a long time that Yan Kai finally spoke those words.

Hearing Yan Kai's words, which seemed to be filled with anger, Luo Xue had a very bad feeling in her heart. She just didn't want to be touched by him, and she was also a little unfamiliar with him. She wanted to see if she could remember, and whether this man was his husband or not … When the last sentence resounded in Luo Xue's mind, she was shocked herself.

Was Yan Kai her husband? Why did she have such a terrible thought? If Yan Kai was not her husband, then who was? Whose child is Han-Er?

"I'm sorry, I just feel very chaotic. Everything here is very unfamiliar, I don't know …" Luo Xue held her head. She hated this feeling of powerlessness, but right now, she could do nothing.

"A Xue, don't be sad. This King will wait for you. Your body just happens to be a bit stronger, so don't think too much." Seeing Luo Xue act like this, Yan Kai actually felt a bit uncomfortable. He was the Demon King, how could she feel uncomfortable all over because of such a small matter?

He had sealed this woman's memories for her own good. Otherwise, if she appeared in the demon realm, it would only be 'death'.

"I know. Can I go for a walk?" Luo Xue lightly nodded her head. She wanted to recover her memories as soon as possible, wanted to see more familiar places, and touch more familiar things. She should be able to recover a bit faster.

"Alright, I'll accompany you." Yan Kai nodded. There was nothing else he could do.

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