"Helian Yi Chen, I should be the one saying these words. Don't forget, I am the Emperor now." The impostor smiled sinisterly, not putting Helian Chen in his eyes at all.

Do you think this is the Devil's realm, Nightfall?" "Since you dare to cause a ruckus in my territory, I won't forgive you." When facing enemies, he would never show mercy, not to mention, this kind of monstrous genius.

"Oh, you actually know my identity, isn't it simple? It seems that you've gained a lot during this period of time." Helian Yi Chen could call out his name, which surprised the impostor, but he was not worried, and he easily avoided it.

Fortunately, the two of them were fighting within the boundary. Otherwise, the palace would have exploded by now.

"Of course. Don't think that you can cause a ruckus in the human world. Today, I'll send you to hell." As Helian Yi Chen spoke, the attacks on his hands became even more intense. The dark night did not expect Helian Yi Chen to be so strong. After hesitating for a while, he was sent flying.

"You … Impossible, it's impossible for you to improve so quickly, how did you do it? " Annoyed, Ye Zichen's body shook a few times, then returned to his empty face.

"If you want to know, go to hell and ask." Helian Yi sneered and pulled out her weapon. This was not an ordinary sword, but a divine sword from the Illusory Realm. Let alone a demon, even a god would be injured by a sword.

The two exchanged more than a dozen blows. Because Dark Night had been underestimating his opponent, he had actually been hit by another sword and his body had gone limp.

"I can't accept this. Three thousand years … Three thousand years … I've put in a lot of effort, suffered a lot, and obtained a new life … You …" How did you do it? " Seeing that his body was about to turn into a black fog, the dark night angrily stared at Helian Chen.

"There is no impossibility in this world, only you can think of it. Dark Night, you rest in peace." Helian Yi laughed coldly, the reason why he kept him here was because he wanted to investigate his background. In addition, he also needed to find the girl Han'er, and now that all his plans had been completed, there was no need for this imposter to exist.

Seeing the dark night turning to ashes, Helian Xi Chen did not show any emotion on his face. He only removed the barrier after everything was over.

"Your majesty, the Blue Luan Palace's Empress Yi has been waiting outside the palace for a long time. Has it been transmitted to her?" When Helian Chen had just finished changing his clothes, a young eunuch came to report to him.

"Let her go back to the palace and stay there. In the future, without my order, no one is allowed to step foot in the Soaring Dragon Palace." Helian Yi walked out and warned them coldly. There was no need for the eunuchs to spread these words around, she had already heard everything clearly outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, you said you were coming to Chenqie's palace tonight. Chenqie saw that you haven't been there for quite some time, so …"

"Scram back, don't let me say it a second time." Helian Yi's face was cold. The biggest mistake she had made in these two months was the concubines in the harem. She never thought that someone would get pregnant. No matter what, these children could not be left alive.

Of course, these women also had to think of a way to get rid of her, or else they would be afraid that the little girl wouldn't come back.

Helian Yi had ordered the servants to change all the tools in the palace, and at the same time he had also ordered people to go to the West Mountain to bring back Lian Hai. Although that dog servant Lian Hai didn't know who his king was, he had gotten used to having him by his side all these years.

"Second Prince, something happened at the Demon Palace. The Demon Concubine and the little ghost both came out. I wonder what Your Highness is planning?" After Helian Xi Chen had taken care of the matters in the palace, one of the four great elders came to the palace to report on the departure of Luo Xue and Luo Han from the Demon Palace.

"The girls came out? have not returned to the Demon Palace? " Helian Xi Chen did not like the way he addressed the Infernal Queen. It was clear that she was his queen. How could she have become the Infernal King's concubine? He had formed a feud with the Infernal King, Yan Kai.

"Yes, second prince. Elder Iron has already followed them and your subordinate has come to report. I wonder what your highness is planning?" The Elders were a bit helpless, not knowing what to do. According to their thoughts, they should take him down as a hostage, but Helian Yi was Chen's master after all. There were some things that they could not decide on their own.

"Do you know where they went?" Helian Yi asked. At that moment, other than the fake name, he could not leave.

"According to the information Elder Iron sent back, they've probably gone to the Kingdom of Nanqing."

"It's Nanqing Country again. Damn it, Nangong Yu, is it not because of you?" Helian Yi was furious. He slapped his palm on the dragon table. It seemed that no matter what he did, he would have to bring the little girl and her son back.

"Second Prince, what did you say?" The elder asked in confusion.

"It's nothing much. You can go back. I'll leave the matters of the demon realm to you. I have my own plans regarding the Empress." Hearing Nan Qing Country's name, Helian Xi Chen immediately knew where Luo Xue was. Since he knew where she was, he naturally didn't need to worry.

The palace finally regained its tranquility. The pregnant women of the imperial harem, Helian Yi, issued an order, all of them had to drink the pregnancy medicine, not a single one could be left alive. It was also because of this order that at this moment, the front of the Dragon Soaring Hall was filled with women kneeling on the ground.

In order to avoid any omissions, Helian Chen ordered that all women who had been favoured within the past two months must drink a birth control drug.

When Imperial Physician Xu received the order again, he broke out in a cold sweat. He knelt in front of the dragon table and advised, "This subject humbly requests Your Majesty to reconsider. The country is now stable and the people safe. Only the imperial harem has no sons. Please reconsider, Your Majesty." All the imperial physicians asked the emperor to reconsider.

"How dare you! You dare to disobey my orders!? I repeat, everyone must take the birth control medicine and not miss a single one of them. If not, you will be the only ones asking questions." Helian Yi said angrily with a sullen face.

"Your majesty, taking an overdose of birth control medicine could very well lead to infertility. For Your majesty, as well as all the imperial concubines, this is …"

"I don't need you to tell me, all you need to do is do as I say."

"Your Majesty, chenqie humbly requests that Your Majesty spare this chenqie's child. Your Majesty …" Outside the Soaring Dragon Palace, the imperial concubines were wailing. They had originally been betting on their mothers as the nobles to give birth to their princes, but now they had someone to rely on for the rest of their lives. They never thought that the emperor would be so heartless.

Helian Xi had been pestered by the cries of these women. She walked out and sent all of her concubines into the eighteen layers of hell. "Listen well to me. In this world, other than the empress, no one has the right to give birth to my sons."

None of the imperial physicians dared to say another word of advice. They didn't understand what kind of demon possessed the emperor. Back then, the empress had been drugged for giving birth, but now the emperor was saying such words. Wasn't it obvious that no one was allowed to bear a son?

Was there really no one else in Reno? It seemed that he would have to inform all the lords in the court of this matter, and only everyone would be able to persuade him otherwise.

The imperial edict could not be disobeyed. All the imperial physicians carried it on their shoulders and dragged it on until the next morning when the civil and military officials kneeled in front of the throne room.

Your majesty, the crown prince is related to the prosperity of our dynasty. I've heard that many concubines are concubines in the imperial harem, but your majesty has decreed that they should give birth to babies. For what reason?" All the ministers were to be represented by the prime minister.

"My dear sirs, the harem is my family's business. As the head of the family, could it be that I can't even make the decision for such a small matter?" Helian Yi's face was dark. He had already expected this to happen, long before he had given the order.

"Your majesty, the imperial harem is the emperor's family matter, but the heir is related to the country, so I ask that Your majesty reconsider."

"Situ Aoyin, what do you think I should do?" Helian Yi didn't ask anyone else but the young masters of the Situ Family. After entering the palace that day, he became depressed and passed away. Only the members of the Situ Family knew that the old master had committed suicide by taking poison.

"But on the Emperor's authority." The members of the Situ Family knew that Luo Xue had given birth to a prince, so this matter was extremely beneficial to them.

Since the other concubines were not allowed to give birth to emperors, this meant that in the future, only the daughter of the Situ Family would be able to bear children for the Emperor. However, since the Emperor did not mention this, they naturally did not dare to say it.

"Lord Situ, you can't forget the roots of the kingdom just because of your personal matters. All of you feel regretful about the empress's matter, but now that the empress has passed away, how can you …"

"Enough, I have made up my mind, all the concubines in the imperial harem must take birth medicine before they leave the country to ensure that no one is pregnant. In addition, all of you do not need to worry about the issue of the crown prince." Helian Yi waved his hand to stop the dispute between the courtiers.

"This subject has the gall to ask Your Majesty, where is the son of the Emperor?" All the officials were stunned. After a long while, some of them asked.

"I know in my heart that all my loved ones love this land more than anything else in the world. Today, I shall make an exception and inform all of you. Listen carefully, I will only say this once. I do not wish anyone to question me again in the future." "A year ago, all the officials thought that the empress had died in childbirth, but that was not the case. At that time, I received news that someone wanted to harm the empress and her son, which was why I set up that trap. The real empress has already been moved out of the country by me, and has also safely given birth to her son.

"The empress has given birth?" All of the officials looked at each other, unsure if this was true or false. They shouldn't have doubted what the emperor had said, but all of them had personally witnessed the day of the empress's funeral last year.

"The various officials can ask Situ Aiqing, the Queen returned to the capital a few months ago." Helian Yi Chen immediately threw this burning sweet potato to Luo Xue's brothers. For a moment, the court officials forgot that this was the imperial court, and even forgot that they were sitting in there for the rest of their lives. They surrounded the two young masters of the Situ Family, asking about them nonstop.

"This subject has the gall to ask, when will the emperor bring the empress and her son back?" Since the emperor had already spoken, all the officials were no longer in dispute. Only a few concubines who were pregnant in the harem felt aggrieved in their hearts; it was so difficult for their daughter to be pregnant with a dragon, but they didn't expect it to end like this.

"Everyone has made their own decisions regarding this matter. As for the news from the Kingdom of Nanqing, the Emperor passed away, and the new emperor ascended the throne, I wish to personally attend the inauguration of the new emperor of the Kingdom of Nanqing and receive back the Empress and the prince. As for this matter in the imperial court, I wish to hand it over to Prince Cheng and the two prime ministers." Helian Yi found a very good excuse for him to go and fetch Luo Xue and her son. Even if he were to spend a few months outside in a year, it wouldn't affect him in any way.

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