"If you have anything to say, just say it tomorrow. It's very late, I've already gone to sleep." Hearing Helian Xi's deep voice, Nan Nan couldn't help but think about that morning, the beautiful accident.

"Xue'er, I can't wait until tomorrow. I'm leaving soon." Helian Waking Chen or Helian Waking Chen. After saying this, he walked in front of Luo Xue.

"You … Helian Xi Chen, do you know what courtesy is? Don't you hear what I'm saying? If you were to barge in like this, what if … "What if I …" Luo Xue pointed up and down. Under Helian Xi Chen's gaze, the flame of her aura slowly extinguished.

"Xue'er, I will be leaving soon. The seal of the demon realm is going to disappear soon. I need to hurry there as soon as possible. It might be some time before I can return." Helian Yi ignored Luo Xue's protest and the small struggle, and she pulled him into her embrace.

"The Demon World Seal is about to disappear!" Luo Xue was shocked.

Even though he knew it was only a matter of time, he still felt it was too sudden to hear it now.

"Yes, we always thought that one would prevail. In fact, many times, no matter how hard we try, we can't change anything." Helian Yi said bitterly.

This was because after three thousand years of battle, all of the realms had returned to their own positions. Comparatively speaking, this seal not only sealed the devil realm, but also sealed the other three realms.

The reason why the Illusory Realm and the Mortal Realm still had a connection was entirely because they had an extraordinary mother, allowing the Illusory Realm to have more contact with the Mortal Realm. It was also at this time that Helian Xi finally understood that this was probably a deliberate arrangement by his mother back then, but it was a pity that the one with the Heaven Realm's genes was rejected by the Heaven Realm before she was even born.

"Actually... "Actually, Yan Kai is very good. He is even more humane than many humans." After Luo Xue was shocked, she explained Yan Kai to Helian Chen. She hoped that he would understand more about Yan Kai. The most important thing was to not have any conflicts.

However, what Luo Xue didn't know was that this kindness of hers, when heard by Helian Xi Chen, quickly became hatred. Not mentioning revenge, this thought caused his jealousy to rise and the man's self-esteem to suffer a huge blow.

Even though the flame in his heart had quickly risen into flames, Helian Xi Chen endured it. At this moment, he would not argue with Luo Xue, but he would not let Yan Kai off. He had trapped Luo Xue and Han'er in the Demon World for two years, which was a huge insult to the man.

"Xue'er, can you agree to one of my requests?" Helian Yi Chen said with a serious expression.

He was originally a little uncertain in his heart. Now that he heard Luo Xue speak up for Yan Kai in such a manner, he was even more determined. This time, he was determined to finish Yan Kai off in the Demon Palace.

"I will not agree to any of your requests. As you have said, there are some things that cannot be changed. The revenge that Yan Kai wanted to take did not have much to do with you. There is actually no need for you to wade into this muddy water." He knew what he was going to do from the look on his face, but it seemed to him the most unwise thing to do.

She had never seen Yan Kai's strength before, but he was extremely strong. To be able to train Han'er into an expert in just two years, other than Han'er's natural talent, there was no doubt about their abilities.

"Xue'er, in the past two years, you have been in the Demon Palace and should have a certain understanding of Yan Kai. Do you think that I would lose to him?" The more he listened to Luo Xue speak on Yan Kai's behalf, the more unable Helian Ran became to keep his composure.

He could be indifferent to anything, he could even be an emperor, but he couldn't lose face in front of his own woman, especially if he had to lose his face to another man.

"Do you think it's comparable? Yan Kai is almost ten thousand years old, what about you? " Losey knew that Helian Xi Chen had his pride, but the truth was in front of him.

"This isn't a competition of age." Helian Yi said with a cold expression.

"That's right. This is not a competition of age, but your spiritual power, techniques, and skills should require time to cultivate. How is your experience of dozens of years compared to his?" Luo Xue was also a bit angry. She wanted to keep Helian Chen here. No matter what, she did not want him to die.

Yan Kai had been trapped in the Demon Palace for three thousand years. One could imagine how much anger he had accumulated. Once he left the Demon Palace, he would definitely start a massacre.

"Since ancient times, evil has never been righteous. We believe that since Yan Kai was able to be sealed three thousand years ago, then three thousand years later, he would also be able to do the same." Helian Yi heard that Luo Xue had given him a place to stay and had destroyed his prestige. He felt even more unhappy and couldn't help but regret that he shouldn't have come to bid her farewell.

"Chen, if it were you, trapped for three thousand years, what would you think? "What do we do?" At this moment, all she wished for was for Helian Xi Chen to stay and watch his relationship with Han-Er improve. If he were to face Yan Kai at this time, how would Han-Er be able to face Yan Kai? How could he bear to make Han'er lose her father again?

Such a gentle and nostalgic call, was something he didn't even dare to think about. But today, she actually called him 'Chen', reason told him that this was just a girl trying to stop him from going to the Demon World, but her heart had been melted.

Luo Xue stood on her tiptoes to pick up his face, then leaned close to his ear and blew slowly into it. "Chen, stay with me. I need you. Han-Er also needs you."

Luo Xue had decided that she would not hesitate to make him stay tonight. She did not want Helian Xi to clash with Yan Kai. She did not want him to suffer any harm.

At this moment, her actions were as gentle as a feather, but it was as if two hundred and twenty volts of electricity had passed through his entire body. Almost immediately, he had an obvious reaction that couldn't be ignored!

Luo Xue was half surprised, half pleased with his reaction, and at the same time, she was even more certain of the idea in her head. Even if she was to take the initiative to seduce him, tonight she would make him stay, and would never let him go to the Demon World.

"Xue'er, don't try to keep me here. I must go. This is not only my personal honor, it is also a matter that concerns the human world … "Ugh …"

Helian Xi wanted to pull away, but Luo Xue climbed up his body like an octopus. At some point, her feet had left the ground and encircled his waist. Her hands were holding his head.

He felt the temperature around him rising, the air thinning, the lips drying. Especially since Luo Xue's rosy lips were tempting him. Luo Xue seemed to feel the thin air and extended her tongue to lick her tongue. Those tempting eyes completely repelled the remnant rationality of Helian Chen.

As he watched her pink tongue slip out and brush across her rosy lips, the wetness of the nectar made the two petals even more alluring, he felt all the blood rush to his lower abdomen. He knew that if he didn't leave now, he would fall into her trap. He knew that this was a trap, but …

"Kiss me!" Luo Xue lifted her tender and delicate arm and hooked it around him. Her starry eyes half-opened as she softly examined his ice-cold lips.

"No …" Helian Chen's weak protest was unable to stop his body's desire. He tightly hugged Luo Xue, and quickly walked to the large bed behind him. He bent down, firmly grabbed her waist, and fiercely kissed those alluring red lips.

Go to his Devil's Palace, go to his Yan Kai. Tonight, he was going to stay. He was going to ruthlessly take over his Queen, taking over her beauty and gentleness. The overbearing kiss seemed to take all the air out of her lungs. She felt dizzy, her red lips parted in helplessness, his impudent tongue taking over her mouth.

Helian Chen's arm was wrapped around her body. His hand moved along her back, tightly locking her soft and delicate body, allowing her to stick close to him.

Every inch of her skin had been seduced by his intimacy and his wild kisses, and his eager caresses had left her no room to think. They had been meant to tempt him, but now, it seemed, their roles had been reversed.

At some point, his jacket had been opened, and even the straps of his undergarment had been loosened. He gasped, and his eyes darkened.

"Darling, you've succeeded. I'm not going there tonight either." The low, rich, magnetic voice corroded her blurry thoughts. It moved along her earlobes, the side of her neck, and the bones of her shoulders, imprinting a kiss that was so wet and hot that it was like a magma flowing through every part of her body.

Helian Yi lowered his head.

As Luo Xue moaned, she felt his incomprehensible desire burn her body, causing her to become weak. She gasped in shock.

His large hands quickly removed the barriers between their skin. Helian's hot breath pressed down on her, alternating with his wet mouth to heat up and cool down her entire body's pores …

She felt her fingers caressing his hair, making his heart beat faster, her lust coursing through him, her every touch burning him. He could only hug her tightly. With one hand, he quickly took off his clothes, and a kiss fell like rain on every corner of her face.

Helian Chen was like a wild horse that had been freed from its restraints. He no longer restrained his lust, letting it pour out like a dam that had its gates opened!

He made himself completely lose in this body that made him nearly crazy …

After the excitement had passed, Helian Zhi tightly hugged her to her chest, feeling her gentleness and smoothness. "Darling, can you tell me how you came to the Demon Palace?"

Helian Yi was a bit reserved. If she were to ask how Luo Xue became Yan Kai's wangfei at this moment, she would definitely destroy such a beautiful atmosphere.

"Actually, even now, I still don't know the reason. That day, I was still sleeping when Han'er suddenly came back and dragged me away, as if we had suffered some sort of provocation. We rested for a while on the road, and before I could ask you and your father what happened, we arrived at the Demon World." This time, Luo Xue didn't resist and said slowly with a sigh.

"At that time, Han'er brought me back to the time when he was born. When he saw how heartless I was to you two, he was unable to accept it for a moment and left angrily." Helian Chen recalled the past and hugged her even more tightly, as if he was afraid of losing her again.

"When Han'er was born?" Aren't you going to look for Jiuyu? " Although it had been two years, she clearly remembered that Helian Xi said that she was going to find Jiu Yu. Why did she go to the time Han'er was born?

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